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  1. Christine21656

    Giardia treatment

    My sister's dog (who lives with us) has been diagnosed with giardia. I'l like to treat the chickens, just in case. Is this a good idea? If so, what should I give them? If it's not a good idea, what can I do to prevent it?
  2. Christine21656

    feather picking in 1 month olds

    I have 1 month old chicks, and one is picking the feathers on the others. I seperated her, and haven't noticed any of the others doing it. I also sprayed them all with blu-kote. Is there anything else I can do? Will I be able to re-introduce the bully after a few days? The others seem a lot...
  3. Christine21656

    covering a large run

    DBF and I are planning on building a new coop. We now have 17 chickies, and 7 adults, and he thinks our first coop is ugly We have a huge garden, I haven't measured it yet, but it's somewhere around 100' x 100'. It was way too much for me to keep up with last year, and while I was cleaning...
  4. Christine21656

    Guinea coops

    Since keeping them with the chickens is out of the question, would sectioning off part of the barn be ok? They could roost in the rafters, they are at least 10 feet tall, maybe 15?? For a pop door, should it be ground level or up higher? Could I leave it open if I have it up 5-6 feet so they...
  5. Christine21656

    Do guineas need a coop?

    We are planning on building a new chicken coop for our 26 chickens (they don't free range). This summer, or next summer, I am hoping to get some guinea eggs and have one of the broody's hatch them... but my question is.. Do Guineas need a coop? We are in WI, and I plan to let them free range...
  6. Christine21656

    Does anyone sell eggs to a grocery store?

    If so, how did you get into it? Is it profitable? I don't have nearly enough chickens to do anything like that, but if I were to try it someday, I was just wondering if it's something I could do.
  7. Christine21656

    Just got my chickies!

    I ordered 16, but 2 of the cuckoo marans were DOA all the others were fine! I have to make a little boot or something for one of the marans, though, all of the toes on one of her feet are broken Otherwise, they are all peeping and hopping around! ETA: I ordered 6 cuckoo marans (2 DOA, 1...
  8. Christine21656

    They're hatching!!

    I wasn't sure my eggs would hatch, since they were refrigerated, put in the carton however they happened to be, and the hens had just started laying a month ago. Silkies, at that BUT 6 out of 11 made it to lockdown, 1 hatched (an hour from pip to hatch too!!!) and 1 just pipped!! On day 19...
  9. Christine21656

    Started my coop today!

    I actually, started it yesterday, but only got 2 screws halfway in. since my drill is NOT made for... anything Today, I went out and bought a new drill, and got a little more done.. only to find out it's HARD to drill sideways!!! (Well, for me, anyway) So, I am sticking to nails I have the...
  10. Christine21656

    ~Graphic pictures~ What did I do wrong???

    ...and the humidity at 60-65% the whole time, since that is mostly what I read... What went wrong? I opened the eggs, and this is what I found... * * * * * * GRAPHIC PICTURES * * * * * * * * * Egg #1.. It looks like it never pipped, but it was moving when I candled on day 17. It looked like...
  11. Christine21656

    Which bator should I get?

    I have been looking at the Brinsea's... but I'm not sure. I don't want a styrofoam one... I want it to have enough windows that I can see them easily, easy to add water and keep the temp and humidity stable. I just hatched some chicks in a homemade bator, and now I am addicted But only 2...
  12. Christine21656

    It's day 25 :(

    I had one chick hatch on day 20 and one on day 22 (1am, so almost still day 21) and no more! I know 1 is infertile, and one stopped developing pretty early, but that leaves 3 that were FULL when I candled on day 17, and still no pipping One of those I even saw moving! I am waiting until...
  13. Christine21656

    What's wrong with this chick?

    I just hatched some eggs.. The first chick is 3 days old, and the second is 2 days old. The 2 day old was fine... now it keeps peeping (the super loud peep it does when it is looking for me) and it won't stop unless I go sit by the brooder. It has been doing that for 2.5 hours! STRAIGHT! The...
  14. Christine21656

    Why aren't they hatching?

    This is my first time incubating. Our first chick hatched yesterday. It pipped about 10am, and hatched at 10:45pm... Now there are no more pips or anything! The other eggs were peeping at her when she was hatching, and I haven't heard anything. Today is day 21, but don't they usually hatch...
  15. Christine21656

    Please help! Rooster attacking hens

    They are all the same age - we have 1 orpington roo with an orpington hen and a brahma hen... there is also a silkie roo and 4 silkie hens, but they pretty much ignore each other. The rooster just started attacking both hens today. He has pulled all of the feathers out of both big hens, so...
  16. Christine21656

    We got our first pip!

    On my son's 6th birthday!!!! He's at school, but he will be so excited when he gets home!!! Come on out little chickie!!!! My two year old was talking to it, saying "come on! chop chop!" "come out little baby" LOL!!
  17. Christine21656

    One of them moved!!!

    Today is day 16 for me... I made a bator out of a 10 gallon aquarium, and this is my first time, so I really wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I candled once before, but they are brown eggs, and I really didn't see much. This time, I moved it around more, and held it upside down, and one...
  18. Christine21656

    My brooder, in progress

    I have been itching to build something, and since my bf won't be bringing his saw for a week or so, I built this! Now, if only my chicks would hurry up! It's not done, I still need more screws/washers, trim the vinyl, attach the top, and I might add another piece in the middle of the top, to...
  19. Christine21656

    coop insulation

    If I got that tyvek insulation, that wraps around the outside of the coop, and put siding on top, would that be enough insulation? I am in MN, and planned on using the regular stuff, but this would save me on some cutting if I just have it that way. I am planning on making it with 2x4's and...
  20. Christine21656

    I started my first eggs today!!!

    I made my own incubator with a 10 gallon aquarium And have 7 eggs in there! I have been checking on it all day, and it is staying where it needs to be, temp and humidity wise!!! And...umm.. I'm already thinking about getting more eggs! HAHAHAHAH I'd love to get some that lay dark brown...
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