Well I took the eggs out of the incubator that hadn't hatched. There were several. Of course I opened them up to see what was going on with them. I had 2 eggs stop about day 16 or so and 2 that had didn't hatch for whatever reason. The yolk was gone in them but not even so much as a pip. I ended...
Last night I went to check on the newest arrivals. I noticed that one egg had pipped. I left it alone and came back over an hour later and noticed no progress was made. So I helped a little bit and broke a small piece off the opening. I then went to bed. this morning I woke up and checked...
That's great. I had already marked the calendar because that's when I start camp and I would really like to have eggs hatch on that Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I am so excited!!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone!! I got home from town and found a new fuzzy butt in the incubator. It is from some eggs I got from ebay. Not sure what kind. It is black.
It's been a non hatching day here. No more babies...yet.. I still have a few more days until the next batch is due. They are on lock down also. My friend called me tonight and said that the eggs she got off of me hatched. She wasn't sure how many. She was so excited!!! I'm excited for her!!
I have 2 EE/brahma, 1 brahma, and 1 barred plymouth rock/ brahma. These were from my own eggs. I have one more from my own and then there are several that I purchased from ebay. they are a variety of eggs. We will see what I get.
Well I have been in town for a while. I came home to find 2 chicks 3 pipping and one that had pipped and died. We are a day early hatching. I hope to get a lot more pipping going on.
I have 14 turkey eggs. I really can't tell much about them. I have tried to candle them but I don't see really anything.. yet. I thought I saw a blob or something. I hope to get 100% hatch. I'm waiting on my lock down now and then in about 10 days I will have another lock down. The poults are...
I just started lock down. I posted earlier that I had a few eggs stuck to the turner. Well I was finally able to get them off. Of course they were either not fertile or rotten. I hope to have better luck with the other ones.
I will have to get a picture of my son with the hen. I go on lock down tomorrow evening for the first group of eggs. It's going to be a crazy weekend here with all the new babies I hope to get from the next 2 hatches. I still have some time to go on the next 3.
I enjoy looking at all the pictures. My son is 24yo and has autism. He doesn't get outside much. Since I have gotten the chickens he seems to like going out and seeing what they are doing. I have a hen that likes to roost on my front porch. My son likes going out in the evening and hold her. She...
Well it is with 5 hatch dates just this month alone I am very busy. I get woke up last night to my son telling me that I had a cat deliver 5 kittens. So this is definitely a month for babies here for us. I hope to get some pictures here soon. Also I have come up with a way to set the bator...
AmyLou- I love the polish baby. His hair-do is great.
Buff01- I am so sorry that she killed it. It would break my heart.
I have 5 hatching dates for this month now. What in the world was I thinking? Oh I know.. I love my fuzzy butts! I am trying to avoid candling again until next week right...