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  1. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    My lovely, adorable 3 year old unplugged my bator, during a game of hide and seek, with an unknowing family was not more then 2 hrs, tops. When I realized it was unplugged, i checked the temp, and it was this bad enough to kill my babies??? I am soooo trying not to freak...
  2. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Well my first hatch is complete! I had set 29 eggs, 24 made it to lockdown and I ended up with 18 chicks! Not bad for my first try!! 4 out of 5 of the silkies hatched and are doing great! I will be keeping up with this thread, and I have a few eggs set to hatch next week and then the first week...
  3. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Yay for all the new chicks in the world! go LG! ha ha ha, I have actually been totally pleased with mine! Once I covered it with a bath towel, I have had no temp fluctuations at all! out of 24 good eggs, I have 15 chicks, 2 pips and 7 eggs on day 21/22! Not bad!! Even my silkies hatched with...
  4. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Quote: Hi there! ginger is adorable!!! So far all my chicks are black! Still cute, but I love her light color! Anyway, how did you know she was shrinkwrapping? I have my suspicions, on a chick who pipped forever ago! Just thought I might get a little insight from you. Thanks!! kaitlyn
  5. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    How are everyone's hatches going??? I have 2 out, 3 pipped!!!! this is day 20 for 12 and day 19 for 12!! such fun!!!
  6. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I was nervous last night about my first chicks toes, but they straightened out overnight! thank goodness! Now the big #2 pipped, zipped and hatched in under an hour!!!! 22 left!!!
  7. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    So now that I have my beloved first chick hatched, I have a whole new slew of questions. LOL first, how long until it should dry off, and fluff up? when should she stand up and walk around? At what point do you diagnose curled toes? she still looks pretty fragile, she hatched at 830 but has a...
  8. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I am a proud new momma!!!! :jumpy:jumpy She pipped on day 18, 3 a m, and hatched at 8:20pm!!!!! still slightly attached down by the belly, but almost fully out!!!! I still think she was early! I am sooooo happy! 23 eggs left! No pips as of yet!
  9. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    :ya I HAVE MY FIRST EVER PIP!!!!:ya PLEASE hatch it pipped somewhere around 2am. It can take quite awhile right? It was barely day 18! I had just gotten them into humidity is down to 70%, i had a temp spike but all i can do now is pray for the best.... Oh i hope i have...
  10. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Quote: I had that experience and yes, I took mine out, every time I would get a chick out, I would take out another carton. I will never use them again, I ended up with all my eggs lying on the grate on their sides. Are your seperated or all one? If seperated I would wait until you HAVE to...
  11. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I need feedback from anybody who used egg cartons to hatch out in. Did your cartons absorb water/humidity and feel damp to the touch? Currently mine are wet, should I switch them out for dry ones? or just lay them on their sides? I just entered lockdown, but no pips yet, i like JUST entered...
  12. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    ...into the fact that it was off by 8%. Theremometer was a different story. When I first got everything set up, the temp was holding steady at 99.5* most of the set up time and then it would flux a bit. In the end just before lockdown my temps were between 99.5* and 102*, so that was okay for...
  13. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    so my hatcher is all set up for tomorrow night. The humidity is at 80% is that too high? I am having them hatch in egg cartons, with the bottoms cut off for air circulation. I wasnt going to separate them individually, but figured id better ask you hatching fools who are having such good...
  14. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Quote: wow!! You are doing great! How many chicks is that now?? I am so happy to read of all the success!!!! Keep the posts coming!
  15. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    This thread has gotten so exciting with all the happy hatches!!!! I am getting super excited for mine!! We go into lockdown wednesday, hoping for the best! Ive got my hatcher set up, high humidity, good temps, now i need to find that quiet place, that relaxed place inside that can let time...
  16. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I just candled my 8 last eggs I hadn't done yet, and I had 1 blood ring, 1 clear, and 4 MOVERS 2 with great veining, but not sure I could really see any movement....Its those eggs day 7. Considering this is my first time, and I am using a LG which, doesnt always get the greatest reviews, I am...
  17. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    So today is day 7, I have candled all but 6 of my 25 or so eggs...I only had 1 blood ring so far, and 1 total clear egg. I had 2 with definite MOVEMENT and the rest had veining but i had a hard time finding a moving embryo....Is that ok at this stage in the game? Or should I consider...
  18. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I just candled a few eggs, and I see definite veining in most! AND i had MOVEMENT in my EE green egg!!!!! i almost cried. She was looking right at me!!! ( i know, I can actually hear the patheticness in myself) but honestly I am so thrilled. Its amazing!!!! Now crossing my fingers nothing goes...
  19. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    okay thank u! what day are you on? would you recommend waiting until day 7 to candle? or would 4 or 5 be just as helpful?
  20. kaitlyn_rae2003

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    Quote: yes it is the still air.
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