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  1. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    ...He was very sweet until day 2 and then he turned into chickenized Satan. Baby chicks are curious little creatures, I know this - but he is **horrible** It sucks, because if I had a camera (I totally need to buy another one SOON) you'd see what I mean. He's huge, and absolutely flawless...
  2. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    rofl at your daughter saying "mom holy bleep bleep" hahaha they're beautiful birds :) Our GLBs have changed drastically in their temperament. Two of them have become absolute affection addicts. They are squawking like crazy when they're not being cuddled - SO sweet. Then there's Mr...
  3. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Well, I'm happy with the turnout all things considered, as I really didn't think any would live. We have three baby chicks and the other pipped ones didn't make it. Three of them had what I can only describe as "blood bubbles" coming out of their pip holes and never hatched. I assume that...
  4. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

  5. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Beautiful birds, Sally! This thread is full of lovely Brahmas, I need to take a longer look after posting this. :) There are just so many pages I woke up at 12:15 and my husband said "honey you have a peeper in there" lol! I looked and there she (hopefully a she) is. Her peeping sounds...
  6. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    I have 6 pips on my GLBs so thanks to those who told me not to give up on them because there wasn't any signs of life after that nasty temp spike. I don't know if they will hatch out 'normal' or not though...or at all..but at least my hopes are up now with 6 ginormous pipped eggs. Thanks again.
  7. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Lockdown was yesterday on the temp-spike effected GLBs. I still don't think any of them are alive...but I'll remain hopeful after reading some posts here. Temp is steady at 100.5 (it's a still-air bator) and humidity is steady at 64% - no 'action' of any kind and my last three hatches had...
  8. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Thanks :) The eggs are still in the incubator but when I candled there was no movement. :( lockdown was scheduled for the 14th (tomorrow) so I guess I'll try to be hopeful. I'll give an update (if) anything happens in the positive.
  9. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Beautiful Brahmas everyone! Unfortunately I'm about 99% positive that I did indeed lose all of my eggs. Somehow the temp spiked to 103 for some hours (when I was sleeping) so there goes that idea. I'll be okay with my NJ and easter eggers. I might try again next year for the Brahma pullet.
  10. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    1 more week til lockdown on my GLBs! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. They are such humongous eggs - I didn't expect them to be so big when they arrived; heavy too! Goodness gracious. If I didn't know any better I would think they were sneaking out of their eggs in the middle of the night...
  11. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Hmm...interesting! Thanks =) There are times I wish I wasn't such a weirdo. Barred Rocks are really popular, but I don't like them because of their coloring. Actually, any bird that is black and white just reminds me of a spider web. Silver Laced birds, barred rocks, hamburgs, just creep...
  12. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Can someone clarify why Cochins are common in comparison to Brahmas? o.O I was thinking about having 1 of our hens be an LF Cochin, but now I'm not sure, since I have Brahmas hatching soon...? The only reason I wanted a Cochin was because I've heard they are the friendliest aside from Silkies...
  13. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    It doesn't affect hatching eggs that I'm aware of, Tim. People around here always say "must be a full moon" when something strange or apart from the norm happens.
  14. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    All 18 of my GLBs are developing...and they were all shipped. Is there a full moon coming 'round soon?
  15. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    YAY chicken dreads - I love those!
  16. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    My GLB HEs arrived today (not even sure if that is the correct acronym). 3/18 air cells were detached, which is really awesome (in my opinion) for shipped eggs. I can't wait to "batorize" them tomorrow.
  17. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    That chicken is enormous!! WOW she'd be a nice space heater to cuddle with. do you breed for size? I would assume you have to breed the largest eggs that hatch out - ? while still keeping tabs on genetic defects, vulture hocks, discoloring, and any other sub-par attributes? ...
  18. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Thank you for taking time to explain it, I greatly appreciate it. Is there some sort of blood test that could be run via a lab that would say 'yay' or 'nay' in regard to this gene by way of blood composition?
  19. CluckyCharms

    Brahma Thread

    Thank you muchly for the photos! So - for those who are diligent and determined breeders of brahmas - do they cull everything that has vulture hocks and keep the ones that do not, for their breeding program? I would think that would be the only way to avoid having them at all in a certain...
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