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  1. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Congratulations on the first egg! I am excited too! I had a pair of Royal Palms and hatched out rather a lot of poults this year, all of which survived. But - they were all pretty much identical. As they grew older I could tell the hens from the toms but couldn't differentiate more than...
  2. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    What are you saying???? They don't all need to be hatched???? I confess I find it hard to do anything but hatch turkey eggs myself. After all, by the time I purchased my original breeding pair, then fed them for 8 months from time of purchase to first egg, those first few eggs were pretty...
  3. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Last year was my first with turkeys and I got juveniles so the hen didn't start laying until this Spring. She laid enough for me to incubate some for CdM, then laid a clutch for herself, that all went bad. After I kicked her off that nest, she resumed laying but only laid enough for another...
  4. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I wish I hadn't just seen that picture of the blacks. I've just realized I need some of those.... That's what is so great about the EcoGlow - without light for their heat source, they respect the day/night cycle and SLEEP at night.
  5. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Puffed up could be coccidiosis. Is the chick starter you are feeding medicated? If not, I would get them on some Corid ASAP.
  6. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    So sorry for your loss. I don't know if the feed would make a difference of this magnitude but poults do need gamebird feed. My friend kept losing poults when she had them in a brooder with a bunch of chicks - she thinks they were intimidated by that number of chicks. She switched to keeping...
  7. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    x2. Exactly what I was thinking and was about to say. TV and movies make it out to be a big drama and it drives me nuts because what they show on TV is so not what my experience was. I would recommend avoiding epidurals and happy gas and all of the other things they offer you - the pain just...
  8. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    It doesn't look bad to me but it can't hurt to splint, right? I had a turkey poult hatch that had one leg out front and one in back, like it was doing the splits. It couldn't walk AT ALL. So my teenage DD splinted it with a bandaid and it fixed it right up. We took the bandaid off last night...
  9. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I was surprised to find one of the 3 remaining eggs pipped when I woke up this morning. The other two have since pipped and one of them rolled so vigorously it rolled clear from one side of the incubator to the other! They still seem very active. Still can't figure out why these guys are...
  10. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Wow, thanks all for the advice. I'm so glad I asked as I was picturing going down to Walmart and looking at the available offerings . My last machine I bought at a yard sale for $25 and used it for years without any issues and made so many things with it. If only it didn't get damaged in a...
  11. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    ...The broody duck's hatch appeared to be a no-go so I briefly considered letting her hatch and raise the poults. Then, a week after her eggs *should* have hatched, a lone duckling appeared, two days before the poults were due to hatch. So I hurriedly retrieved the turkey eggs and moved them...
  12. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I don't know what kind of incubator you have, or your level of hatching experience, but my first thought on this is ventilation. If you don't have enough ventilation, they will suffocate, sometimes after pipping internally. Hatching is hard work and takes a lot of effort and therefore they...
  13. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I have 1 turkey hatched yesterday afternoon from the CdM hatch. A second had pipped by the time I went to bed last night and has enlarged the pip by this morning but isn't zipping yet. Several other eggs are rocking but haven't pipped yet. They sure are taking their sweet time! These eggs...
  14. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Nice to hear about things going well against all odds!!!
  15. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Oh, so sorry. I did wonder if she would stay put long enough as my experience with broodies is they'll continue to sit for 24-36 hours after hatch but they suddenly reach a point they think its time to get the chicks up and moving and they'll just suddenly abandon the nest. I hope you found...
  16. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I find they can't really do that much damage so I just take the pecks and get in and out as fast as possible. You probably won't need to put the new eggs all the way under her. Just lay them near her and as soon as you leave, she'll tuck them under her. I've done that numerous times and while...
  17. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    Wow - congrats on them hatching under those circumstances especially! All 5 of them are developing. Gulp. And all of the ones I set from my hen are developing too. Gulp, gulp. So far I haven't tossed a single turkey egg.... I just pulled up all the eggs that were under the duck, and got...
  18. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    I don't believe it, I don't believe it A duckling hatched!!! Okay, so the condensed version of this is that I had a duck go broody and start sitting 5 weeks ago last weekend. Muscovies take 5 weeks so I had it marked on my calendar when they were due. Unfortunately I only gave her 4 eggs...
  19. HEChicken

    **~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

    The only thing I can suggest is candle them a little less often. It sounds like you are candling daily? I do like to take a look around 7 days to see if anything is developing, and then candle again before going into hatch, so I can pull any I know won't hatch, but I don't do any more than...
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