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  1. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    So, got a notice from Facebook today that my HONEST review of my Faverolles from Valley Hatchery had been removed... That's the last nail in the coffin for me!!! UGHH! DO NOT BUY FAVS FROM VALLEY!
  2. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Valley Hatchery out of Ohio. I don't recommend them for Salmon Favs (obviously!) but I ordered my mom some light Brahmas at the same time, and they are very nice looking birds! Still, I will not be doing business with them again.
  3. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Been MIA for a little while, but my pullets have been a'growing! Though I do love them, they are a far cry from 'the best of the best exhibition quality' that the hatchery claimed their stock to be. Oh well... vivre et apprendre I guess! Here are some recent pics: This one is Chouette...
  4. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Thanks a bunch elizmartin! That make me feel a whole lot better! :D I had a whole gob of broody Silkies, so I thought I'd take advantage of the situation and let them hatch me some more Faverolles! The ones that the hen left were exposed for less than 24 hours, and it's been in the 90's here all...
  5. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    So frustrated! I bought some Salmon Fav hatching eggs from Coastline Poultry (which were wonderfully packaged and arrived very quickly!) and placed them under my broody Silkies. Well, someone broke two of the Fav eggs, and one Favaucana (I got 4 as a bonus!) egg within the first couple of days...
  6. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    ...than they were a few weeks ago though... I'm hoping that when we finish up the new tractor and get them separated from the Silkies they'll mellow back out. *Edit* I think I may call her Suie... French for 'soot'. Oh, and Gossie has gone broody! How I wish I had some eggs for her to incubate...
  7. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    I think there are a few people who are hatching chicks around here now, but I'm not sure. (I'd like to eventually get to that point, but it'll be a while yet lol!) Maybe try the North Carolina thread in the "Where Am I? Where Are You?" Forums? Good luck! ^_^
  8. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    ...some of my other birds up for sale on Craigslist to go towards materials for a new coop just for them! Who knows though... they might end up evicting my Silkies and staying in the big coop instead lol! *Edit* Oh... and pardon the messy run... I haven't had a chance to clean it out recently...
  9. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    My Fav chicks are so darling! Tiny little sweethearts already! They don't run away from me... they actually come up and circle my hand and rub across my palm! It looks like at least three of them have good color. One has a touch of breast ticking, and one... well... This is the one Mom...
  10. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Thanks elizmartin! I was hoping she'd be a good breeding candidate whenever I can get started up. I'm not too bothered by her lack of a tail now... it'll come back in eventually. :) Someone suggested Nutrena Feather Fixer for her a page or so back. I've used it before with great results, but...
  11. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    My remaining five look to be all pullets... which is good, but I will still have to find myself a cock eventually. Wish you were closer lol! I'd gladly relieve you of one of your boys! :P Miss Gossie looks silly with her tail feathers all gone! I dunno what happened to them... unless they...
  12. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Doing better... no more chick losses so far! They'll be a week old tomorrow!! My Fav hen, Gossie, has lost all of her long tail feathers... Not sure why, no fights/injuries or any weird behavior, but she's been getting lots of black oil sunflower seeds to help them grow on out! She looks so...
  13. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Thank you, ellizmartin! I'll keep an eye on them for dehydration. They are 4 days old, and all of them seemed plenty vigorous when they arrived. I watched them for a good hour after putting them in the brooder and initially they were all huddled under the light, but they started venturing out...
  14. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Yeah... on Thursday. (The cockerels were marked so no problem identifying them) They may have just gotten too cold. I hope not, but seems like the most likely cause... I bought one of those halogen replacement bulbs and it was only 60 watt. I was afraid since it was halogen that it would be...
  15. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Soo... lost 3 of my 8 Valley Hatchery chicks so far... two of which were my cockerels! No pasty butt or anything obvious... maybe just not very hardy? *sigh* It's gonna be hard to breed them without a roo... Maybe one of the pullets will turn out male?
  16. Falena

    Faverolles Thread The shipping is also included in the price of the chicks, which I really liked! Minimum order is 15 chicks (25 bantams), at least 5 of a breed. *They just changed their policy where chicks can only be ordered in multiples of 5 unless you are ordering extra cockerels* Anyway, their website...
  17. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Next week is my HATCH DAYYYY!!! My Favvie babies should be here by the end of the week!!! So excite! In the meantime, here is some Faverolles cuteness that I can't get over!
  18. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    This guy is a Silkie/Cochin cross (pure Silkie over Silkie/Cochin) that I'm thinking of putting with my adult Fav hen just to experiment. I had intentions to sell him because he and my older Silkie roo don't gee-haw anymore, but he's just so sweet (and handsome!) that I don't wanna let him go! I...
  19. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    Squee! So excited! Ordered some SF pullets and a couple cockerels from Valley Hatchery this week! Crossing my fingers that they turn out to have good type, or at least be breeding quality. Miss Gossie needs a handsome man in her life!
  20. Falena

    Faverolles Thread

    I hope I can come across a couple more Favs this year when the local Flock Swap starts back up. I'm thinking about focusing on them more than my Silkies if so.
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