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  • Users: Reurra
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  1. Reurra

    Average Age For Laying?

    Whats the average age most heritage large breed birds start laying? I have 10 blue australorps and Im looking to build in nest boxes. Four were hatched around May 5th, with a few about two weeks later. I thought I read about 8 months before they start laying, but Ive read some start around...
  2. Reurra

    12 Weeks Old Australorps, Sex?

    Ok Ive posted in the past about these guys, I am very suspicious of these 2. They look SO girl, but boy too! Their brother is no question a boy, but these 2 I just can't figure out, any help would be awesome! The White/Splash was the biggest in the beginning, grew the comb first too, but...
  3. Reurra

    Boys or Girls? (Pic Heavy) UPDATED PICS!

    Original thread link: I could not figure out how to edit my old thread, so I started another! Hope thats ok! :oops: Here they are again! Im just trying to get an idea who is who with the Australorps. This First image...
  4. Reurra

    Cochin Wing Sexing? True or False or what?

    So i read that fast growing wing feathers mean girls and slow growing wing feathers are boys. Is this true or does it vary by genetic lines? I picked up 5 and 3 have longer wings, while 2 still havent feathered. Just curious as this is my first experience with Cochins!:love
  5. Reurra

    Boys or Girls? (Pic Heavy)

    These are 7 week old Australorps. The splash one is being really hard to figure out. The first image is of One Spot, the only one that I am 100% sure is a boy. The next 3 images are of the splash that I cant tell is a girl or boy. The next 4 are of a blue I THINK is a boy, but again hard...
  6. Reurra

    4 Weeks Old...Coop Time??

    Ive got several chicks between 3 weeks and 4 weeks old. They are mostly feathered, but their heads are still a little fuzzy. :hmm They have outgrown the brooder! There are about 16 of them and I clean twice a day! Each time I open the brooker, they come flying out like moths from a closet...
  7. Reurra

    WTH? Sneezing, hunched up, but....

    Ok I dont know what is going on with my chicks. Over the past week they have been hunched up while standing and sneezing once in a while too. My pretty white splash australorp has had a raspy voice and for 1 day didnt want to eat, not even a meal worm! I took her out and held her for about 3...
  8. Reurra

    Anyone have Pic of 3 Wk Old Australorps?

    Ive got 8 blues and I cant tell the genders to be sure. All 5 of the older ones have big legs, but no real wattle/comb growth, though there is some minor pinking on the combs. I would like some images of some similar aged chicks to get an idea. They were hatched on May 5th. Thanks! :bow
  9. Reurra

    5 Day Old Chicks With Injury To Eye

    So I removed all the chciks from my mamma hen except 2 thinking she would like to raise a couple on her own. Shes confined to her own pen with visual access to the flock. This morning i went out to check on everyone and found one of the baby chicks has a huge injury just behind the back...
  10. Reurra

    Savage Chick Battles

    Im not sure whats going on. Ive never dealt with this issue before. I hope someone here can help! Chicks hatched out Friday afternoon. Last night its like battle royal. 3 chicks are doing it. If we put them in a dark warm box they are fine together. But the moment we put them in the...
  11. Reurra

    Scaly skinned newly hatched chick???

    What is wrong with this chick???? It got stuck unzipping so after 24 hours I checked it and it was alive but dried in place. I went ahead and assisted a little. What hatched isnt lie anything Ive ever seen! Its skin has some feathers but is mostly knobbly. Like feathers tried to grow but...
  12. Reurra

    Molting? Or Something Else?

    Shes been losing feathers for a few days now. Her nest box is full of them but shes shown no signs of wanting to brood. I inspected her and I dont see any signs of mites at my guess is that shes moulting?
  13. Reurra

    Spooky Broody!

    Hi Everyone! I just had one of my Olive Eggers went broody. Its a first time for me to have a broody hen! Ive used incubators before, but I reaaaaallly wanted to let my girls have a go this time. Im so excited (Possible pun there!) I want to make sure I dont spook her off the nest, she and her...
  14. Reurra

    What the HECK is THIS?!?!

    Ive seen about everything, but I found this today. It stinks too, and is soft and spongy. All my girls are pullets and are about ready to lay in about 3-4 weeks Im hoping. Its about 3 inches long.
  15. Reurra

    Color Question

    I have a "blue" australorp boy I want to breed over my Wellsummer x blue wheaton EE hens. What colors might I get? The boy is super dark blue, dark head and dark shoulders with lighter blue chest and bum. He is pure bred but of all the blue roosters I bought, he has the best temperment and...
  16. Reurra

    Droopy Pullets, Tails, Heads Down

    Ive got wellsummer 3 pullets, about 3 months old, maybe a little less. I picked them up sunday. All they have done since sunday is hide in a corner, heads and tails down. Today the eyes were closed. Faces look very pale. One does walk around, but is pretty wobbly when she walks. They do...
  17. Reurra

    Australorp Mystery Chicks

    Ive got a batch of chicks from my friend Im helping to take care of. Several of them I am SURE are boys, thats why I took them, but there are 2 that might be girls and I want to confirm because they will go back to her if they are. Its been a while since I raised chicks, so Im asking for a...
  18. Reurra

    I just got 3 new quail!! (First ever!)

    ...drop to -25C here in winter. It was very hard to keep chickens because of the freezing temperatures, thats why I opted for quail.....just 3.......*ahem* Im very concerned about chicken math haha Can they be tamed like a normal bird or will they always be spooky? They are very tolerant of...
  19. Reurra

    Merry Christmas! (Video)

  20. Reurra

    Is he Roo or isnt he Roo? (Pics)

    My Langshan "rooster" is about 6 months old now. He doesnt crow, he doesn't mount the girls, and doesnt have a big pretty tail. Is he really a rooster? Hes bigger, has huge feet, has saddle feathers and a somewhat larger redder comb than the girls. His sister is for sure a girl, no doubt...
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