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  1. HenOnAJuneBug

    Sharing what I've learned about Covid-19

    ...This is all CDC data. See Table 1; Infection Fatality Ratio; Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate in link below. A 0.00003 IFR is 99.997% (100 - 100 * 0.00003) This doesn't mean that I have no concerns; I have grave concern...
  2. HenOnAJuneBug

    How long to imprint new coop and location?

    I moved my 24 free ranging chickens to a new coop and left them locked up for 2 days and 3 nights. I figured that would be long enough for them to know that was their new home, but no. I let them out today, and towards evening they all headed to the old coop about 100 yds away. I removed the...
  3. HenOnAJuneBug

    Rooster and hen taking a bath together

    Caught them having fun together
  4. HenOnAJuneBug

    China's going nuts

    Gazillion eggs going to waste because the country is shut down
  5. HenOnAJuneBug

    Duck grower frees "dozens of thousands" of his ducks

    Here's a short video of a farmer in China releasing "dozens of thousands" of his ducks into the wild, supposedly because there is no food to feed them from much of China being shut down now because of hysteria over the coronavirus.
  6. HenOnAJuneBug

    How cold is too cold? Check this out...

    Temp hit below -50C (-58F) and the chickens survived. Link > Extreme Cold “bottomed out the mercury” at -50C (or more) in Chilcotin, B.C.
  7. HenOnAJuneBug

    Free beautiful Welsummer rooster - WNC, upstate SC, NE TN

    Anyone in Western NC, upstate SC or NE TN need a beautiful Welsummer rooster? He's about 2 years old and looks like this.
  8. HenOnAJuneBug

    Duck Water Slide

    I don't have ducks, but I saw this and thought duck folks might like to see this. Pretty clever.
  9. HenOnAJuneBug

    How many are aware...

    ... that unless water hoses are labeled as being for potable water they contain lead in the inner PVC linning. Garden hoses in the US come with this warning. Lead is used to make the plastic flexible. I've picked up potable water hoses at Lowes and at RV supply stores.
  10. HenOnAJuneBug

    Strange behavior

    One of my hens was deathly sick about a weak ago. I carried her up to the house and held her in my arms, expecting her to pass away at any time. Her eyes were closed, she was barely breathing. Then she pooped runny stuff on me, so I carried her out onto the porch, when I suddenly heard a plop...
  11. HenOnAJuneBug

    Damascus, Syria installs feeders/waterers for street cats

    I've never seen anything like this: (click link for more pictures)
  12. HenOnAJuneBug

    Chicken wandering around the yard in the rain

    One of my chickens is wandering around the yard in the rain. There must be some kind of bug or worm that comes to the surface when the ground gets wet. She's really into it. All other chickens hightail it to cover when it rains. It's really fascinating to watch all of the different personality...
  13. HenOnAJuneBug

    Chickens are little demons

    I'm about to lose my mind. These little monsters are driving me crazy. I leave the house door cracked so the cats can get in and out, but they sometimes make it wider, and then my house gets invaded with chickens. I found one - twice - trying to nest on my kitchen counter. That's probably...
  14. HenOnAJuneBug

    Roosters crowing ALL DAY LONG

    I'm ready to kill them. Must be something about the spring. I've never heard this before. They won't stop.
  15. HenOnAJuneBug

    Snack tip

    I carry in my pocket at all times a small vitamin bottle filled with scratch to give to the crew sometimes. That's not the tip. Putting stink bugs that invade my house into the bottle is the tip. They're easy to catch, and do the girls ever love them. I actually look forward to their invasions...
  16. HenOnAJuneBug

    Cat hunter; chicken thief

    I've seen this more than once. Cat catches a mouse and starts playing with it. A hen runs up faster than a hen on a june bug, snatches it and runs away making that "Look what I got you can't have it" sound. I wish I could get a video of it. The look of bewilderment on the cat's face is so pitiful.
  17. HenOnAJuneBug

    Oops... erred on head count

    I'm going to have to go back to the touch method when head counting. I found a hen waiting for me outside the coop this morning. When it gets cold they all pile on top of each other, so it's hard sometimes to get a visual count right. Thank God not every mistake results in something bad.
  18. HenOnAJuneBug

    Anyone have theory why roosters respond to hen's egg song?

    Whenever my hens are in the coop laying eggs and squawking, some of my roosters many times will start sounding back and rush towards the coop as if they're very concerned, even when they're a hundred and more feet away. Sometimes they don't do it at all. Anyone have a theory as to why they do that?
  19. HenOnAJuneBug

    A rooster friendship that will warm your heart

    Not mine, but quite dear.
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