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  1. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Oh, the "strange poo" turned out to be one of our dogs' puke. He was sick all day. =/ He's all better now, though.
  2. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    One of my ducks just pooped a very strange looking poo. I didn't see who it was, but it's fresh. It's mostly clear, with white foamy stuff. There's also undigested plant matter in it. Here's a photo.
  3. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Well, I actually wasn't aware that there was a law against owning wild Mallards. Funny, considering my next door neighbor is a cop. Even when I went on here asking how to care for her, nobody told me that it was illegal. x: Welp, I guess it's a moot point anyways, considering I don't even have...
  4. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Oh man. He chased it? Sheesh. =/ I actually did find a baby Mallard, and I know exactly who her mom was. We helped her last year go through our backyard into the field behind our house last year. But when we found the duckling(about two or three hours after we helped her mom), we looked for over...
  5. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Lol he was definitely eating and drinking. He would eat about half of what I put in the bowl, and when I changed his water (once a day to once every other day) I always saw food and stuff in there. On the morning of his week-old birthday, I gave him very mashed up broccoli in water. I was...
  6. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Miss Lydia, I didn't think so. I kept the water in my ff jar at least one inch above the food. I drained it (kinda; I would strain out most of the water, but there was always water) and still changed it out and washed it everyday. I think he died of loneliness.
  7. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Zeus died. Could it have been the fermented feed?
  8. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    I didn't mean right now, Miss Lydia. I just meant as soon as he was able.
  9. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Hephaestus died last night. I woke up around 5 or 5:30 in the morning, and Zeus was screaming. I went in, and she was already stiff. Zeus is a lone duckling, and I have no money for another two weeks. I've already looked, anyway, and can't find any ducklings other than Muscovies and Pekins, and...
  10. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Yes, she can flatten her toes. Is Poultrydrench at TSC?
  11. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Okay, so no Niacin either for now? I also called an avian vet, but everybody's closed today, and probably will be tomorrow, too. I left a voicemail. According to Google reviews, the vet is very knowledgeable, gentle, and friendly. Hopefully they aren't closed tomorrow and I can get an...
  12. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Miss Lydia, I got B12 last night, but I just noticed that it says with Folic Acid and natural cherry flavor. Is this okay to give? I also got Polyvisol(without iron) and Niacin. I already had Vitamin E and Selenium. I crushed up one Selenium pill and sprinkled it over their food, but neither is...
  13. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    I did massage it a little while my grandmother and I were trying to gently put it back in place(when I thought it was a slipped tendon). How often should I massage the leg? Right now, I think she's pretty stressed. The brooder is nice and warm, but she starts to shiver when I try to look at the...
  14. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Zeus is on the left, Heph is on the right. The top picture is of Heph's leg.
  15. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Well, she finally came out of her shell overnight. But I figured out why it was so difficult for her. Her left leg is deformed. She can move it, but not all the way down. It's like it's stuck sort of sticking up/off to the side. So.... I was sort of a wreck this morning while I was at work. I...
  16. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

  17. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Yes, I often read her posts on other threads. I hope I didn't sound like I was disregarding what she said. I was just making the comment that I had read other advice, and had already followed said other advice before Miss Lydia posted. No worries, I'm being extra extra careful. I haven't seen...
  18. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    Well, now I'm utterly stumped, unless I've mis-read something. In the assisted hatch post, I remember reading that you should gently pick off the shell where the air sac is. I had already zipped around that and the shell on the top is already almost off. But I did manage to get a better look...
  19. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    ...outside was as warm as his brooder is now. I guess it got cooler in my backyard on my way home from work, because I assure you, it was at least 100*F when I left work. I definitely want these ducklings to live. If I didn't, would I really be wasting my time here asking for help? It was the...
  20. Zombified

    The Duck Thread

    This is Hephaestus! Do you see what I mean about her being too big? Also, that dark part in the lower right "corner" of the egg, is that blood vessels, or the placenta? And is that yolk I see? This is why I've been hesitating to help her too much, because I can't tell what that is. And Zeus...
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