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  1. lismarc


    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO EVERYONE... Hope everyone had a blessed day,
  2. lismarc


    Hahaha. Welcome to my life. I couldn't make this stuff up. He's definitely funnier than me. I think he lives just to make people laugh. Love that about him. The cleaning part is the main reason I'm on board. When I was googling "bathtub ponds" yesterday, there were TONS of ponds made from hot...
  3. lismarc

    MARYLAND THREAD! jump on board with the idea... you guys will never EVER guess what he has in store for his ducks. You know, the ones I have to replace.... a **** toilet. "Well, they need a comfy nest. Don't they?' This clown wants a toilet for a nest, a bathtub for a shower.... If he comes up with an idea...
  4. lismarc


    you are sooooo welcome. Can you believe it, hubby got to feeling some kind of way when I told him that I gave away his ducks. hahahahahahahaahahh. I mean, poor guy. I feel bad now. (NOT) Im the one who takes care of all the animals. I told him to build a make shift pond and I will get him some...
  5. lismarc


    Good to know! Thanks. I will definitely google them cuz I'm having trouble finding good quality waterfowl food.
  6. lismarc


    Is Meyers Feed the place behind the 7-11 off 301? I went into town a few weeks ago and stopped in there on my way home to get some waterfowl feed (they didn't have any). I started to check out the chicks and I was taken aback when most all of them had pasty butt. I brought it to the ladies...
  7. lismarc


    I sure am giving away some chicks. The OE's wont hatch for another week and some change. If you want one or two or five, PM me and let me know how many and when. (Don't want to hijack this thread with that) My husband still HATES the chickens. Your a lucky lady to have a husband downloading...
  8. lismarc


    Hello and WELCOME to BYC. Glad your here. I'm not terribly far from you. Im in Huntingtown, in Calvert Co. Maybe 45 minutes or so from you. First chicks is sooooooo exciting. WOOOOO HOOOOO. Let us know if you need anything. We are all here to help. I'm still learning after all these years...
  9. lismarc


    ssssshhhhhheeeeeeeewwwww... dodged that bullet. I would have wanted a boy. I guess, I should keep to the same breed anyway. Got any Lion Heads?? he he ha ha
  10. lismarc


    NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... HAHAHAHAHAHA I looked at the awesomeness of the cutie an thought hhhmmmmmm. Ok. just cuz im curious...... boy or girl??
  11. lismarc


    OK... I think its that time again for me to give away some chicks an juveniles. I normally post on CL but I thought I would wait and see if you guys want some first. I ordered some Crele Orpingtons from eBay (paid a ton of money) and they didn't hatch true. All pullets 3 of them. Free mixed...
  12. lismarc


    Thanks!! I appreciate the prayers.
  13. lismarc


    They are soooooo cute. LOVE the names. What a wonderful idea. NICE! I didn't get them. The guy selling them just seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Then today out of nowhere he contacts me and expects me to drop what im doing and go get them. uuummmmm not happening. WHAT...
  14. lismarc


    WELCOME SEATWIST!! glad your here. Post some pictures. What did ya get??
  15. lismarc


    Do you know where the Amish Market in Charlotte Hall is? I found some there last year for $11. They were about 8 weeks old for that price. If you don't see any there, ask them. Also, the amish at the library market at RT 6. Sorry, that's all I know. Good luck.
  16. lismarc


    oh no. I'm sorry. I know you were excited to get it. I use 2 HovaBator 1588's. I try to use one as a bator and one for a hatcher. Doesn't always work out that way though. Just found a local guy that is selling peafowl for $5 an egg. hhhhmmmmm never hatched that before. Not sure what I will do...
  17. lismarc


    That's interesting about the Plymouth Rock. I hatched some about 6 weeks ago. Never had them before now. The one little girl will jump up onto my arm and climb up and get on my shoulder. I can walk around and do chores or garden and she manages to hang on. Never had that happen before ever. The...
  18. lismarc


    WELCOME TO BYC. It is definitely hard to cull our chickens. Even after all these years, I want to cry if I have to do it. I googled several things to try and find someone for you. Ended up googling "chicken butcher in Baltimore" and found a really good PDF from the University of MD. For...
  19. lismarc


    WOOOOHOOOOOOOO Did ya get it?? hahaha no, nowhere near a farm. Just a little bit of everything in the garden. And believe me, I CRAM it all in there. Im able to sell most of the chicks. Honestly, my run of the mill chicks, I prefer to just give away to people who I believe will enjoy them...
  20. lismarc


    haha.. As big as I can get it without killing my body in the process. Right now, I only have some potatoes and sweet potatoes in. Hopefully, this week I can add some tomatoes, pinto beans, sweet peas, green beans, cucumbers, and lootttssss of hot peppers. Next, week a few more things. I'm...
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