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  1. BCollie

    California - Northern

    EDIT: Sorry for picture spam! Didn't realize how long the post was until after I posted. Hey everyone - I'm selling my flock. Mom told me after I got off work yesterday that my favorite hen, one of my original 6, had died. I was devastated, and to make it worse, I had to watch her get ripped...
  2. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hi! Welcome! If you think you're getting addicted now, just wait and see where you are in a few years. I started with 6 chickens...and today I just got rid of the last of my cockerels from the chicks I hatched out - don't remember how many there were, but I had set about 40 eggs in the...
  3. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hi all!! Long time no talk! Thought I'd jump back in with a chick pic and a dog pic... :) How have you all been doing? Okay, heck, I just stumbled across this picture...May as well include it, too! This was 9 weeks ago.
  4. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hey all. I had some really horrible luck with chickens and almost all of my babies died. I probably lost 10-15 or so babies over the last few months. TWO survived. The two that did survive are doing great. I sent in two chicks for necropsy and the results were pretty inconclusive, but they did...
  5. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hope you all have a great Christmas.
  6. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Thank you so much everyone. Thank you Neal. The neighbors are working to fix the fence and paid 80% of the vet bill. Curly Sue survived the night and hopefully will regain the ability to walk. Thought today would be better because Curly survived the night, but nope...girlfriend's dog was...
  7. BCollie

    California - Northern hens are stressed beyond belief, one is probably going to die, the other is hurting badly. There is a hole under my fence. The neighbors %*$(%&^ dog dug under my fence and tried to kill my girls. It came back to the fence when I was outside and I started screaming at it to come back over...
  8. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Okay, seems easy enough. How do I know if my outbreak is moderate or severe? These guys aren't showing any symptoms so I assume it's moderate.
  9. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hi guys. Sorry I haven't been keeping up here has happened. You know how it goes. I've got a lot going on. Necropsy for two chicks showed that they had cocci. Not a severe case, a mild to moderate case. There are two chicks remaining that are doing fine, but I am assuming they...
  10. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Hey guys. Since I forgot to close the coop door one night, one of my hens was taken by a raccoon. I'm asking for an automatic door for the coop/run for Christmas. What are my options? We've already looked at the Pullet-Shut Automatic Chicken Door but want to know if there's any better priced...
  11. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Ugh Never mind I guess. My parents want to wait until next week. I hate having to wait, I just want to get it over with
  12. BCollie

    California - Northern's the day. Time to process the boys. I'm really nervous.
  13. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Ugh. Didn't get to bed until 3am this morning, was too busy throwing up. I'm so hungry and want to eat plain spaghetti but don't want to upset my stomach. Ah, decisions decisions. Good thing I filled up the. Chickens food yesterday because I am not feeling well enough to go take care of them. On...
  14. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Very nice Can't wait to see the progress on it! Keep us updated!!
  15. BCollie

    California - Northern

    Thank you Nikon! Yes, it's the Savage brand 10 foot wide rolled "Seamless Background Paper". I love it! I took this self portrait on it recently with my pup. Probably my favorite picture to date of my dog and I. The darker the subject, the brighter white the background will appear. Example...
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