California - Northern

I am FURIOUS. I went outside before taking my new foster kitty to the vet because I needed to give my hens food and water. Saw more feathers than I've ever seen before, immediately started crying. Searched for survivors, found none. Kept searching, ended up finding the entire flock hiding behind my air conditioner, with Curly Sue laying in the middle of the yard, not moving. Scooped up the two hurt chickens and brought them with me to the vet. Charlotte has several wounds and is missing half her feathers. Curly Sue can barely walk.
Vet cleaned the wounds and said it seems Curly Sue has either sprained or dislocated her hip. She is in shock, which is why she was laying on the ground not moving. She has not recovered from the shock at all. At this point, I think there is a 1% chance that she's going to survive the night.
My yard is COVERED in feathers, my hens are stressed beyond belief, one is probably going to die, the other is hurting badly. There is a hole under my fence. The neighbors %*$(%&^ dog dug under my fence and tried to kill my girls. It came back to the fence when I was outside and I started screaming at it to come back over so that I could kick the life out of it. I am absolutely livid. We are going to talk to the neighbors and ask them to pay the $150 vet bill that we now have for my chickens. If they are rude, then I will simply tell them that the next time I catch their dog trespassing on my property, it will be taken to an animal shelter VERY far away where they will never find it again. The chickens are now locked up and will stay locked up in the secure coop/run. No more free ranging in my yard until we get this situation with the neighbors figured out. I love love love Curly Sue, she is one of the best decisions I ever made when it comes to chickens! And yet here I am watching her slowly die. I don't think she's going to recover. Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever. My life is crap right now, I don't know how I'm going to handle losing a chicken that has brought me so much joy.

Here is Charlotte.

I am FURIOUS. I went outside before taking my new foster kitty to the vet because I needed to give my hens food and water. Saw more feathers than I've ever seen before, immediately started crying. Searched for survivors, found none. Kept searching, ended up finding the entire flock hiding behind my air conditioner, with Curly Sue laying in the middle of the yard, not moving. Scooped up the two hurt chickens and brought them with me to the vet. Charlotte has several wounds and is missing half her feathers. Curly Sue can barely walk.
Vet cleaned the wounds and said it seems Curly Sue has either sprained or dislocated her hip. She is in shock, which is why she was laying on the ground not moving. She has not recovered from the shock at all. At this point, I think there is a 1% chance that she's going to survive the night.
My yard is COVERED in feathers, my hens are stressed beyond belief, one is probably going to die, the other is hurting badly. There is a hole under my fence. The neighbors %*$(%&^ dog dug under my fence and tried to kill my girls. It came back to the fence when I was outside and I started screaming at it to come back over so that I could kick the life out of it. I am absolutely livid. We are going to talk to the neighbors and ask them to pay the $150 vet bill that we now have for my chickens. If they are rude, then I will simply tell them that the next time I catch their dog trespassing on my property, it will be taken to an animal shelter VERY far away where they will never find it again. The chickens are now locked up and will stay locked up in the secure coop/run. No more free ranging in my yard until we get this situation with the neighbors figured out. I love love love Curly Sue, she is one of the best decisions I ever made when it comes to chickens! And yet here I am watching her slowly die. I don't think she's going to recover. Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever. My life is crap right now, I don't know how I'm going to handle losing a chicken that has brought me so much joy.

Here is Charlotte.

That is terrible!

The neighbor needs to the a barrier in the ground to stop this.
:hugs I am sorry you lost her!

Where will you get the white rocks from?
I was thinking of My Pet Chicken but I have to buy 7. I'm not sure as she was my husbands favorite. Right now he's too upset for any more chickens. I bought her at a feed store in Placerville and was she big. Maybe I'll wait till spring and call around.
We lost our favorite chicken today due to an accident with our tractor. I cried and cried so hard. My husband buried her, he is also grieving. Things have happened to all of us here on BYC. That's having and loving our birds. I will have to have another two White Barred Rocks. My 3 black Australorp pullets are not friendly. I think it's better. I just wanted to make myself feel better and for those who have lost your chickens, my heart goes out to you today. Have a wonderful Christmas

I'm so sorry for your loss. I too have lost a favorite hen, and I cried for days.
BCollie - I'm sorry you had to deal with this. You work so hard with your dogs, only to have an issue with someone else's dog. I hope she surprises you and makes it through this. Good luck!
I was thinking of My Pet Chicken but I have to buy 7. I'm not sure as she was my husbands favorite. Right now he's too upset for any more chickens. I bought her at a feed store in Placerville and was she big. Maybe I'll wait till spring and call around.
Most feed stores will sell you less. There is one in Dixon that will order for you. I would get at least three though. TSC here has a 6 minimum. I do not know what hatchery they get them from.

I am on a heritage thread with people that have Bob Blosl's old flock. They are a very good line. Do you hatch?
I am FURIOUS. I went outside before taking my new foster kitty to the vet because I needed to give my hens food and water. Saw more feathers than I've ever seen before, immediately started crying. Searched for survivors, found none. Kept searching, ended up finding the entire flock hiding behind my air conditioner, with Curly Sue laying in the middle of the yard, not moving. Scooped up the two hurt chickens and brought them with me to the vet. Charlotte has several wounds and is missing half her feathers. Curly Sue can barely walk. Vet cleaned the wounds and said it seems Curly Sue has either sprained or dislocated her hip. She is in shock, which is why she was laying on the ground not moving. She has not recovered from the shock at all. At this point, I think there is a 1% chance that she's going to survive the night. My yard is COVERED in feathers, my hens are stressed beyond belief, one is probably going to die, the other is hurting badly. There is a hole under my fence. The neighbors %*$(%&^ dog dug under my fence and tried to kill my girls. It came back to the fence when I was outside and I started screaming at it to come back over so that I could kick the life out of it. I am absolutely livid. We are going to talk to the neighbors and ask them to pay the $150 vet bill that we now have for my chickens. If they are rude, then I will simply tell them that the next time I catch their dog trespassing on my property, it will be taken to an animal shelter VERY far away where they will never find it again. The chickens are now locked up and will stay locked up in the secure coop/run. No more free ranging in my yard until we get this situation with the neighbors figured out. I love love love Curly Sue, she is one of the best decisions I ever made when it comes to chickens! And yet here I am watching her slowly die. I don't think she's going to recover. Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever. My life is crap right now, I don't know how I'm going to handle losing a chicken that has brought me so much joy. Here is Charlotte.
I am so sorry for you. I understand your loss. You cry and cry. And that neighbor needs to pay you.
Most feed stores will sell you less. There is one in Dixon that will order for you. I would get at least three though. TSC here has a 6 minimum. I do not know what hatchery they get them from.

I am on a heritage thread with people that have Bob Blosl's old flock. They are a very good line. Do you hatch?
No. They are special pets. Even my brother in law will drive 4 hours to care for them if we go somewhere. He loves our chickens too. If you could tell me the name of the Dixon feed store I will try them in the spring. I would like RIR's also. Thank you for your help.
Well with all the wet weather I've had a devil of a time with the dry feeders so I've recently started giving them a mash concoction which they seem to like quite a bit.

Approx 4 cups of King GMO Corn free layer pellets with bout a 1/3 -1/2 gallon of water which I let soak overnight
(takes a while for pellets to dissolve)
I add in a heaping 1/2 tsp of DE
A table spoon of Kelp additive
3 table spoons of Apple Cider vinegar

I have 8 birds which seem to eat about half in the morning and clean up before going to bed.

About 3 times a week I sprinkle some scratch grains on the top of each bowl and occasionally add some meal worms.

I'm wondering if I'm feeding them enough during  this winter weather and if I should add anything to the mix. (My Delawares went in to molt here in late November even though they are not even a year old yet)

I've been adding probiotics to their water for the past few days too.

I'm trying to get some sprouted seed things going but i haven't found a good setup for my space yet.

I was going to sprinkle a bit of Chicken Grit with Oyster shell in about once a week.

They are sure missing the summer delights of melon and tomatoes  
Great ideas! I have been fermenting food but it's pretty sloppy and your idea sounds much easier!
Charlotte has several wounds and is missing half her feathers. Curly Sue can barely walk. Vet cleaned the wounds and said it seems Curly Sue has either sprained or dislocated her hip. She is in shock, which is why she was laying on the ground not moving. She has not recovered from the shock at all. At this point, I think there is a 1% chance that she's going to survive the night. My yard is COVERED in feathers, my hens are stressed beyond belief, one is probably going to die, the other is hurting badly. Here is Charlotte.
Please don't loose heart or hope. I've had chickens much worse pull through. A small hospital cage with heat & dark will do a world of good. Keep talking sweet positive words to them. See them in your mind happy healthy & whole. We're here for you to vent so can speak to your neighbors with calm, cool, & collected confidence.

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