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  1. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Hey y'all! I haven't been on here in years. We live in town and have had backyard chickens for years. We got some pekin ducks in the spring, 2 hens and a drake, as ducklings. They have access to grass and clean water all day long and we feed DuMor layer pellets twice a day. It is costing a...
  2. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    It's deeper than I thought at first she's alert but very stressed
  3. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I think a hawk just grabbed one of my chickens. We were outside and heard a commotion, but never saw the bird. They're fenced in and we're in the city there wasn't a dog, opossum, raccoon, etc so it had to come from the air. There were feathers everywhere, but she got away and ran into the coop...
  4. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I haven't been on here in a long time. I'm in Fayetteville, and we're leaving in October. It's killing me, but I've got to get rid of all my chickens, I can't take any with me :( $10-$15 each, all laying 5 months up to 2 1/2 years old (who are super sweet pet chickens) All very healthy (I'm...
  5. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I think there's some confusion as to what I'm asking, if I had a rooster it wouldn't be with my ducks anyway, it would be with my chickens. My question is can a goose be kept with a duck (like do they have similar internal anatomy) that it would be fine for a duck to be in there or does a goose...
  6. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I don't have roosters, only male I have is 1 drake, trying to figure out if it's safe to have a female goose in with him and the other female duck?
  7. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    A male duck could potentially really harm one of your hens if he's mating with them. Not to be crude, but drakes have a 9" corkscrew shaped barbed penis and a hen is not meant to take that on as roosters don't. I wasn't sure if female geese were more like the ducks or the chickens?
  8. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Hey strangers! How has everyone been? I'm loving this weather. Overseas PCS fell through so it looks like we're staying in Fayetteville awhile. This is the first Spring I'm not incubating, some people get baby fever I have chicken fever, I have banned myself from going to TSC during chick...
  9. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Sooo overseas PCS fell through so it looks like we're in Fayetteville for a few more years. I've got a lot of catching up to do on this thread. Question: anyone local know where I can buy bees? I tried to pre-order for next Spring from Jim's Bees but I've never heard back from him. I really...
  10. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    This was posted on the Bragg Wives recipe page, but it intrigued me so thought I'd ask on here. This is from a supermarket egg. She thought it was a double yolker, but the white "yolk" wasn't liquidy it was more hard. Is it an egg within an egg? Or just some anomaly from the gmo feed and...
  11. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Hey guys! I have a chicken meat question. We processed some birds and immediately deboned and froze in portions. I pulled several out a couple days ago to defrost in the fridge to use this week. We are unexpectedly going out of town until Sunday. Should I leave it in the fridge or should I...
  12. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Okay, that's what I thought. Thank you all so much for the help!!!
  13. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    So this may be a stupid question, but there aren't orpingtons that don't have single combs right??? I only recently found out leghorns can have rose combs, but I've only ever seen Orpingtons with single combs. They're telling me it's an orpington, I thought it was a blue Wyandotte...
  14. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I have a question: This isn't my bird, a friend of mine posted these pics of her 4 month old chicken on facebook and asked if it was a hen or rooster. Like 30 people said hen, I am the only one who thinks this is a rooster. I know I'm far from an expert, but I'm curious for those I know...
  15. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    ...out there have a great Father's day! Edit: Forgot I have some free chicks as well-- Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers. These are ones I *think* are more likely to be cockerels. My plan was to grow them out for meat before we were moving. I've been wrong before so you may get lucky...
  16. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone! What I thought was a quick fix on our A/C has turned into the entire unit needing to be replaced so I'm grateful that's it's not as hot as it usually is yet!!! Question on splay leg as I've never dealt with it-- I had a chick hatch with one leg sticking like way out to...
  17. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    My Easter Egger hen is gone and I'm completely baffled. There's no feathers, sign of predator, anything. She's just not here. I checked all the adjacent neighbors' yards and no sign of her there either. They all have dogs but there should at least be feathers or something if they got ahold of...
  18. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Most of it will depend on an HOA, make sure where you buy you don't have one. Also if you're renting not buying it has to go through your rental company. The people I know in Sanford have chickens and goats as do their neighbors.
  19. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    I'm still holding out hope it could miraculously be a girl, but I don't this so. The feathering doesn't look like a cockerel to me, but there's a lot of red and a big comb for 10 weeks. Fingers crossed, it's the only baby I've hatched from one of my favorite hens. The Brahma pullet (though...
  20. dutchbunny83

    North Carolina

    Oh no I'm so sorry! Do you have a trap set up? I didn't think we had foxes over where I am, I've never seen one just oppossums, then a few weeks ago that kid got bit by a rabid fox at the elementary school down the road from my house.
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