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  1. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Has anyone else seen this? Looks like something my girls would do.
  2. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    So our birds are either crazy, or we're not going to have as bad of a winter as I thought. One, or both, of the Call hens have begun laying (8 eggs found today), the mallard hen has another nest going, the pekins or scovies (I haven't caught who is laying in that nest) have begun laying (12...
  3. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I agree. I'll add put roofing paper over the nest boxes too, making sure there's no way for water or ice to get in where the hinges and joints (where the box meets the coop) are.
  4. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    ...being opened and will peck at the door if they hear it. It does...I only added to the batch once, NEVER again. I'll mix it right before feeding, or just dump in a dish. ***Sharron, he reminds me everyday. I really got lucky with him, he has a good heart and it's always in the right place.
  5. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day. We had so much "fun" yesterday. Gavin's sick (going on day 2 today of fever and vomiting), I was stuck at the ER for 4 hours myself for...uh...abnormal bleeding (no I wasn't/am not pregnant). Then I get home to find the runt chick missing and a message from a...
  6. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yeah I'm normally a liquor drinker, but once in a while I do like a beer. Normally it's Jack, Jim, Morgan or gin for me, although I do like apple pie, and the other varieties of the "pie" drinks. Gonna try to get the recipe offa someone I know and try making a batch next year. He uses everclear...
  7. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Samuel Adams has a variety pack for each season. There are a few I like in the spring and summer ones (namely the Cherry Wheat), but I prefer the fall and winter offerings. I like dark beer. Hopefully your tooth pain lessens through the day, and you can get in to see someone soon. I like...
  8. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Ahhh one of my favorite things about this time of year. Samuel Adams Winter Favorites. The Cherry Chocolate Bock is AMAZING!!! Gotta say, I have some awesome friends. I walked into the one beer store to get smokes and my one friend who works there says "I read about the wedding being canceled...
  9. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    YAY! Look over the coop designs under coops on here, and ask lots of questions. Pay special attention to the "would have done differently" that some people put. Check prices in your work area too, some of the Amish have decent prices on coops. Shop around before hand, worst that can happen is...
  10. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    In the spirit of Samhain, or Halloween, I thought I'd share this now that I'm done tailing the candy magnet.
  11. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    HAHA I had to share this here
  12. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Weis has it on their website, here's the link: You create an account and then click on e-coupons and pick the ones you want. Sometimes they double them at the register Here's the one for Savingstar:
  13. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    LOL I went on a few of those while I was pregnant...
  14. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Could you please inbox me some of your cleaning "recipes," I'm trying to cut where we can without losing effectiveness.
  15. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank goodness! I'll keep ya'll in my prayers, and keep my fingers crossed.
  16. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I do a major trip once a month, and pick up milk and fresh fruits and veg about every two weeks. I prefer to go very late at night/early in the morning since I hate crowds and can take my time looking over prices/quantity without feeling rushed. Since it's just Gavin and I, I can usually get...
  17. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yikes...I wouldn't want them to have animals either...
  18. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Our new scovy mom Coco The Chicken mom's took the kids out for a field trip today The one up front is the one that was in my bra...the one right behind it is the one that got CPR And the rest of the new scovy family Dad-Jack Skellington, Coco and the dark duckling is Spook. Any...
  19. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Gavin yells at the TV every time it's on, "What is wrong with them?!?! Chickens love bugs and meat!" I get a kick outta it every time Too cute!! If I didn't know better I'd have thought that was Sophie in the pic. She seems to be doing a tad better, they're going back on the 31st to recheck her...
  20. BirdbyGavin1103

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Gavin at his school's Halloween parade yesterday, first year he's been a ninja and he goes for the gold one from Lego Ninjago... And to keep it chicken related, got our first Serama egg yesterday. The one on the right is from our OEGB Stitch.
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