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  • Users: MiaS
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  1. MiaS

    Doughy Crop Question

    Hi all. I have read many articles and forums to help me deal with what I think is doughy crop in one of my ladies. I have tried what feels like everything to clear it. I've tried the yeast buster recipe, monistat and also flucanozole. The crop remains fuller than it should be and still doughy...
  2. MiaS

    Help! Sudden onset of runny poops.

    Hi all. I've got an 18 month old Ameraucana hen who has been laying super thin shelled eggs for several weeks now. She is about molting age from what I'm understanding but has not yet entered a molt that I would recognize. She has a bare bottom but has for quite some time now - not sure what...
  3. MiaS

    Integrating 2 with 1

    Hi all, Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mammas! I have only one of my original flock left, an Ameraucana who was bottom of the pecking order, and have purchased two RTL pullets. I have a Woods coop so I've fenced off the front of the coop and the new girls are in that section so they...
  4. MiaS

    Socializing a new puppy to chickens, any successful strategies?

    I am looking at purchasing a new puppy to fill the terrible void in my life that my very old dog has left upon her recent departure. She was really too old to be bothered with the chickens but I rather doubt that will be the case with a new puppy! Does anyone have positive experiences to share...
  5. MiaS

    Can I use up my grower feed or do I need to switch?

    My girls are finally beginning to lay a bit now that the light is creeping the other direction (no supplemental light). With a tiny (micro) flock I don't go through feed very quickly and I have most of a bag of grower feed left. Do I absolutely need to go get some layer feed or can I finish up...
  6. MiaS

    B12 vs B Complex? Please help me to understand

    Can anybody tell me where and how each of these two, B12 or B Complex, should be used? I've got a 28 week old pullet who is having trouble walking. (I've been trying to get a video but it's frickin' cold here right now!!!) As a new chicken owner I failed to recognize her clumsiness as a...
  7. MiaS

    How do I know if my pullets are the correct weight?

    Just curious to know how one tells if their birds are the correct weight? I have a very small flock of three. One Barred Rock, an Ameraucana, and a Russian Orloff. They are all totally different birds with different body shapes. How do I determine if they are a proper weight for their breed? I...
  8. MiaS

    IKEA fodder hack :)

    So far this fall I've been doing some sprouting as well as a bit of fermented feed, which naturally led to thinking about growing fodder since green foods will be scarce here in Alberta for the winter months. Though I can definitely have an 'all in' approach to something I'm not sure a full...
  9. MiaS

    What might this face/eye irritation be?

    I'm worried about my pullet Dixie, an Ameracauna. She did not appear to be feeling well yesterday and I've noticed that her cheek feathers, especially on one side, were looking a bit ratty. I thought perhaps she was being picked at but today she seems to be scratching it herself and it is...
  10. MiaS

    Grower or Layer Feed, what say ye?

    My pullets are between lets say 16 and 21 weeks old (seller said 8-10 weeks for 3 and 13 weeks for one at the time I got them 8 weeks ago so there is a bit of a range) and nobody is laying yet. I have just a few more days worth of grower feed to use up and then I'm going to have to buy a new bag...
  11. MiaS

    Should I be concerned about nitrogen near my run?

    I've situated my coop and run at one end of my garden, near a shelterbelt of lilacs. The run base is wood chips and I've been adding a flake or two of nice hay and a few grass clippings just for them to scratch around in. I rake every few days just to mix and turn in any manure. I plan on...
  12. MiaS

    Grit size question - and a little cross-border rant

    I'm at my B&SIL's house in the South Okanagan for a few days, dealing with the grief of losing my nearly 18 year canine sidekick last week. While we are here we took a quick drive across the border so that I could pick up some Sweet PDZ, which I cannot get in Canada, along with a few other...
  13. MiaS

    New pullets, night lights advice?

    I have just about ready to lay pullets and I'm wondering if I must have additional light in the coop for their first winter? I don't care so much about getting maximum egg production for their first winter and can't help but wonder if it is just better to let them have a natural low light...
  14. MiaS

    Any guesses? Pullet or Roo?

    I lucked out and found a breeder who was willing to sell me some juvenile chickens. She was about 90% sure that the Russian Orloff and Ameraucana were pullets but they may still turn out to be roos. Any guesses about my Ameraucana? She/he would be about 14 weeks old. I really am hoping she's a...
  15. MiaS

    Biggish coop, few birds, will it stay warm enough?

    I'm beginning to think about winter, as here in Southern Alberta, Canada it is already beginning to get pretty chilly in the mornings. Though I'm guided by those who have already experimented with open air (Woods) coops in cold climates I can't help but worry that with only 4 chickens, they may...
  16. MiaS

    Garden chicken tractor ideas?

    ...from folks who are using their tractor as I intend to and find that it works, or are able to point out reasons why it may not. Desired features: * decent sized for around 6 birds * light enough to move on my own * easy enough to catch birds to move to secure housing at night * attractive...
  17. MiaS

    Newbie with problems already!!

    I've been a chicken owner for all of 4 days and I suspect I've already got a problem. My 4 girls, a barred rock, ameraucana, russian orloff and a mix (rock/orpington) are roughly 11 weeks old. Second day in I had a seriously bloody poop - nice start! Uggh. I managed to get someone local to...
  18. MiaS

    Best nest box location?

    Okay BYCers, I need some help as I seem incapable of making this decision, partly due to my inexperience in knowing how my coop is going to work and what chickens do. I have two possible locations for my rollaway nest box. Position #1 at the front of the coop, can be mounted higher for extra...
  19. MiaS

    Predator proofing my windows - suggestions welcomed!

    I've used some inexpensive shed windows in my coop and for the price they seem great. However as they are not designed for chicken keeping they come with just regular home type screening. Obviously NOT predator proof. I'm looking for ideas to secure them with hardware cloth, from the inside...
  20. MiaS

    Roosts (and such) design help!

    If I have a 6' wide Wood's coop and intend to have 6 hens is a roughly 64" roost long enough? I'm planning on a 24" x 64" poop board but at 24" deep I'm not sure that is enough depth for more than one roost bar. I've seen some that are two level, like a ladder but can't see how the upper...
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