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  • Users: texasgal
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  1. texasgal

    What do you get ......

    .... when you cross Mille Fleur D'uccle with a Birchen Cochin Bantam ?? EXTREME CUTENESS. I had 4 under a broody last night .. can't wait to see what is there today. This one looks like a splash ..
  2. texasgal

    A confrontation with a masked bandit....

    .. O. M. G. So, the raccoons have decided that my chickens are completely safe after dark in their coop. What do they do? They start coming out before dark ... I've lost two pullets this week just before dusk, as the chickens are beginning to roost. Last night, I started 'up the hill' a...
  3. texasgal

    **Casey Anthony Verdict In ..**

    Wow .. Not even 11 hours .. will be read at 2:15 Eastern time.. What do ya'll think?
  4. texasgal

    Dead Possum ..

    ... just braggin'
  5. texasgal

    Anyone use snares?

    I set 4 Monday night .. snared my first possum last night. Okay, okay, I would have been happier with a coon ... but, DANG, those simple little snares WORK! I.WANT.MORE.SNARES!
  6. texasgal

    Fighting back -- with humour.

    Ever heard of tree peeple? Well, we have VERY nosy neighbors in our neighborhood.. a couple in particular. When we built, we left 50-60 ft in the front untouched .. which provides us with a pretty good barrier from looky-loos .. except for a couple places where the woods are a little thin...
  7. texasgal

    WTB: DEXTER seasons 2,3,4

    I've just watched season 1 .. hooked.
  8. texasgal

    There's NO fool like an APRIL fool!

    Or, there is No f.ool like and APRIL f.ool. In case you haven't noticed, the mods have replaced the word F.O.O.L with the word MEMBER. I thought it would be fun to type as many things (titles, sayings, song lyric, song titles) that have the word f.ool in them .. !! So: Happy Fool's Day...
  9. texasgal

    Dirt bathing with Dad .. (pic heavy)

    Hi, I'm Shiner Bock .. and I'm thoroughly enjoying my dirt bath: _____________________ It not only feels LOVELY .. it shines my spurs .. see my spurs?? _______________________ Did I mention that I'm enjoying myself??? ______________________ "Hey, DAD, whatcha doin??"...
  10. texasgal

    Nest box design/plans

    I want to build 4 nest boxes. Two sets of two boxes .. one on top of the other .. with a slanted "roof" ... Any pics, plans, ideas would be great! Show me your nest boxes! ~dw
  11. texasgal

    Who's a smart lil D'uccle ??

    Sparkle is! I don't know if it's the cooler weather, or the age of my LF pullets, but this week they have been terrorizing my bantams when they are all out free ranging. Yesterday Sparkle figured out that she could hop to the top of the bantam coop and then to the LF window. So while all her...
  12. texasgal

    Uno has a mommy! (Or d'Oprah has a chick?)

    Condensed version. Hatched ONE Salmon Fav chick - don't ask, bator issues. 2 weeks old Acquired ONE retarded (I'm almost positive .. hehe) silkie hen. Hen can't live with my flock - they try to kill her. Chick not thriving (being alone? or bator temp issues?) Anyway over the last couple of...
  13. texasgal

    What are we??

    I ordered 6 pullet surprise from Ideal .. 3 were this. I'm not sure they are what I originally thought they were .. ?? What are we? :
  14. texasgal

    Almost 31 weeks and FINALLY ... (UPDATE #6)

    ... she squats You thought I was going to say I had an egg, din't ya! I've got one holdout EE hen .. her sisters started laying at about week 22-23 .. but not Hershey .. Nope.. and not only that she seemed EMBARRASSED by all the hoopla over egg laying .. humpft! So this weekend I...
  15. texasgal

    I'm a black Ameraucana and I'm a rooster, aren't I?

    You see, mom isn't keeping any extra roosters so I've tried to hide it as long as I can.. this week, the man in me has come out .. I'm a rooster, right??
  16. texasgal

    Roosters .. how long are they fertile .. how old is too old?

    I have the opportunity to replace my deceased roo with an older roo that is currently a flock sire at a friends place. I wasn't expecting an older roo, so I was just asking opinions on how old is too old, and how long do roos stay fertile? I like the idea of having an experience flock manager...
  17. texasgal

    D'uccle cockerals

    These babies are 4 weeks old. I've got Mille Fleur, Blue Mille Fleur, and Gold Neck(?).. They are sweet and have been handled since birth.. Pick up only. Free to BYC member .. do not bid .. PM me .. Thank you!
  18. texasgal

    Ideal Pullet Surprise chicks .. **pics** what are they??

    I ordered 6 "pullet surprise" chicks from ideal last week .. here's what I got: 1. One of these She is BLACK .. I know the pic makes her look dark brown .. Astrolorp maybe? 2. Two of these 3. And three of these Any help would be appreciated! ~tg
  19. texasgal

    "We don't do that here.." .. OH YES THEY DID! Post # 33

    So I called my PO just now to let them know I'm looking for live chicks tomorrow and they can call me when they get there ... The lady that answered the phone says "We don't do that here .. mail will be up by 1100 and you can come check your box for notification." WHAT?!?! I said, "Um, yes...
  20. texasgal

    Gooooood girllllll - Cocoa the Olive-Egger

    I was up taking pictures of my new "uglies" (3 black pullets I picked up Saturday) .. and Cocoa marched right in and did her thing. Iwasn't completely certain she was the one laying the green egg .. but now I am!
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