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  1. birdgirl408


    One of my girlies was diagnosed by a vet, some time ago now, with arthritis. She, Dusty, is now about 8 yrs old and she doesn't do much. She is happy sitting down, her legs obviously give her pain I think. However, she does have a mooch around sometimes. She eats and drinks ok. I wondered...
  2. birdgirl408

    Help!!! We've got lumps!!!!

    What can we do peoples? I am hoping to be able to upload some photos, but in the meantime; My beautiful gold and brown Orpington cross has got what look like cysts. There are multiple lumps in a sac either side of her keel bone. One sac, each side, containing different size lumps. She has...
  3. birdgirl408

    Lumps and bumps

    Hi everyone. Must really apologise for not coming on here for so long, but I suppose things must have been running quite smoothly. Going to have a catch up with the lastest threads in a bit. I need to ask you lovely people if you have experienced things like 'feather cyst' in your chickens...
  4. birdgirl408

    Sore throat????

    I have a 9 month old hen (amongst 2 oldies and 2 sisters) and she seems to have a sore throat. They are all at present confined to their run because of H5N8 virus which apparently is spreading from Europe (we live in the U.K.) The other hens are fine (at the moment!) Dusty has just started...
  5. birdgirl408

    High temperatures

    This question has probably been asked before, but living in the U.K. we are not used to the high temperatures we are getting at the moment. This week and today 35 degrees C (85 to 100F) and I am wondering if I need to take any action for my chooks. I freeze small bottles of water to put in...
  6. birdgirl408

    Broody hens.....

    I have had the experience with a recurrent broody hen, but now I think, I have another one. Is it possible that she will lay another egg after 14 hours. She laid this morning and now it's 8.00pm in the evening and she has gone into the nest box. She did try and go broody the other day, but...
  7. birdgirl408

    Hen not laying....

    One of my Buff Orpingtons hasn't laid for appx 10 days (I think). I don't always know who has laid and who hasn't, not being able to keep watch on them all day. She is my biggest hen, over 5Kg (10lb 3oz). She is about 18 mos old and has laid quite well up until recently. The other hens are all...
  8. birdgirl408

    Death from shock....

    I have a young chicken, about 16 months old, and she has died from a shock. A story to long to go into here, but the shock was not of my doing I must add. I now have my dear, dear chookie and I am wondering what course of action to take to dispose of her body. She passed late last night bless...
  9. birdgirl408

    What do you give.....

    your girlies for supper on cold winter nights. I would like to give my girls a variety without having to buy a huge sack of something that lasts forever. I only have five chooks at the moment!! I am in the UK so winter nights aren't that cold, at the moment that is. Thank you in advance for...
  10. birdgirl408

    Run-down chicken

    I was wondering what course of action to take with my girlie Bea. She went broody about 11 weeks ago and hasn't laid since. She's had a few traumas, lost her buddy chicken and then had to deal with some newbies coming into the garden. They were all kept in their separate quarters but integrated...
  11. birdgirl408

    Eating feathers

    My new to me, 14 week old Buff Orpington is eating feathers. Just the small ones, not the huge wing feathers, although she tries to!! Not just chicken feathers either, any wild bird feathers will do. Is this a problem, I feel it could be?
  12. birdgirl408

    Administering meds....

    Can anyone give me tips on how to administer meds to my very large Buff Orpington hen? I have tried all her favourite foods and am not getting anywhere fast. I even resorted to syringing the AB's directly into her beak, not sure if she got much. So much head shaking and I think I got most of...
  13. birdgirl408

    Blood on egg shell....

    Sometimes we get a little and I mean a 'little' blood on the outside of one of my hens eggs. She is quite a big bird and weighs over 10lbs (nearly 5 Kgs). I have cut out most of her treats to try and keep her weight down but wondered if being slightly overweight caused the appearance of blood...
  14. birdgirl408

    Hen not eating....

    My free range Buff Orpington went broody for about 4 days which I eventually broke her from, so she hasn't laid for 7 days. She has lost weight, 1/2 kilo in 12 days. She is not eating well at all although I have been able to tempt her with meal worms and sweet-corn, but she doesn't eat much...
  15. birdgirl408

    Broody again....

    I am new to chicken keeping and am experiencing so many different things since I got my flock of 4 nearly a year ago. I am down to 2 chooks now (no fault of my own I might add) , one of which has gone broody again. They both are free range until night time. I only have a small carry crate...
  16. birdgirl408

    Yet another problem.....

    I seem to have had nothing but problems with the four chickens I originally bought. This time, Bea had been sitting in the nest box for 36 hrs or so and not laying. She wasn't coming out to eat either. I could feel an egg present, so I did what other chookie owners do and put her in some warm...
  17. birdgirl408

    Food Supplements for my girls

    My girls were quite poorly when I first got them. I have managed to build them up and they have really come on health wise and weight wise, their feathers are thick and shiny. I did feed them a 'nutritional supplement' bought from my local Country Store. They are fed on layers pellets which...
  18. birdgirl408

    New to egg laying.....

    Hi all. I have just read through some of the posts in the thread about first egg pictures. It does answer a question I was going to ask: Do you weigh your eggs? Obviously this cant be done all the time, but as I am new to all this business I wondered if anyone else did as I do. My remaining...
  19. birdgirl408


    My hens free range most of the day but I have very little grass now because of the bad weather, so I am giving them extra greens in the form of cabbage, cauliflower, courgette etc., is this sufficient to replace their grass intake? They have other things too like carrot, apple etc. and an...
  20. birdgirl408


    How do you know if your hen has an egg waiting to come out but it doesn't? She has laid an egg, but I think I can still feel one in there. She had a prolapsed oviduct about four days ago and again a little prolapse today. I have managed to wash her butt, dry it and put antibiotic cream on both...
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