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  1. AUChickenGal

    Speckled Sussex Cross Chicks Showing Mottling?

    These chicks have to be split for mottling, but it’s hard to remember that when you’re looking at two of them. I’m assuming the mottling will molt out of their feathers eventually? Has anyone else experienced this before? Here are their parents: The rooster is half Ameraucana (purebred...
  2. AUChickenGal

    Rooster Only Breeding One Hen?

    Has anyone ever had this problem before and been able to resolve it? My current flock consists of 5 hens (1-3 years old) and 1 rooster (2 years old). I have been trying to hatch eggs all spring with no luck at all. One of the oldest hens, my Speckled Sussex, finally started laying again a...
  3. AUChickenGal

    White Marans Color Genetics

    Anyone here familiar with the color genetics of White Marans? I found one website that says they are recessive white, but I can't find any information about what color genes they are likely to carry under that. I'm looking for a not-black Marans variety to add to my small backyard flock and...
  4. AUChickenGal

    Mixed Age Chicks Cuteness Alert

    We’ve had a lot of “is it safe to mix chicks of various ages?” posts lately, so j thought I’d share a success story. I took this today in my brooder. The Bielefelder is 5 weeks old, and the Sapphire Gem and Easter Eggers are 2 weeks old. They have a brooder plate but prefer the “real thing”, and...
  5. AUChickenGal

    Breed Guesses?

    Any ideas on this little one? It came from McMurray yesterday and is supposed to be a Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner, but the color is wrong for that. It isn’t my “free surprise” chick, either, as that one is a very obvious Easter Egger. It appears to have a single comb and clean yellow legs.
  6. AUChickenGal

    Youngest Chick You’ve Had Start Crowing?

    I heard an awful racket coming from the brooder this morning and thought for a minute that one of my chicks must have been killing another. A few seconds later, I realized that what I was hearing was a baby attempt at a crow! These chicks are 10 DAYS old! The youngest I’ve had crow prior to this...
  7. AUChickenGal

    Riddle Me This? Olive Egger from Hoover's Hatchery Color

    Here's a fun one. I have a three-day-old Olive Egger pullet purchased from Hoover's Hatchery. The hatchery's description of their olive eggers says: My chick looks like this (ignore the caption; I labeled the photo before I realized she was definitely my Olive Egger and not my Welsummer)...
  8. AUChickenGal

    What are the Odds? (re: BBS Colors)

    Okay. Not Really the question; I can calculate the odds. But a mini vent/laugh for this Friday afternoon. I received my Hoover's order today, and it included 3 BBS Andalusian chicks. I received...2 blacks and 1 splash. They're straight run, so I REALLY hope the splash is a pullet, as I...
  9. AUChickenGal

    Umm...Where Are My Eggs?

    This isn’t quite your typical “when will my pullets start laying?” thread. I have a small mixed flock, consisting of 1 mature EE hen (18 months old), 4 pullets of about 27 weeks of age (EE, RIR, Delaware, and Salmon Faverolles), a 20 week old Wheaten Ameraucana pullet, and a 23 week old Splash...
  10. AUChickenGal

    Is This Ameraucana a Blue Wheaten Pullet or a Splash Wheaten Cockerel?

    Almost 10 weeks old. When it first started feathering in, I assumed a pullet. But the red splotches and comb development suggest cockerel to me now. Is Delilah really a Samson? I know the photos aren’t ideal, but it’s not fond of me right now, so this is the best I could do. Starting to suspect...
  11. AUChickenGal

    Easiest Integration Ever!

    I feel like all we ever talk about here are the integration horror stories, so I thought I'd share a story about the other kind. :D After repeated raccoon attacks last winter, I was down to one pullet and one cockerel, so I sent the pullet to crash with a coworker's flock and gave the cockerel...
  12. AUChickenGal

    Is It My Imagination or Is This Chick Crested?

    Yes, I realize this is a cockerel. Never have I had one be so obvious so early (5 weeks). I can’t decide if the puff of feathers I’m seeing on his head is a crest or just an awkward feathering phase. He’s supposed to be a Favaucana. Now, funny things can happen with mixed breeds, but I’m getting...
  13. AUChickenGal

    Anyone Here Have Delawares From Hoover's Hatchery?

    Just curious to see if anyone has photos of adult Delawares from Hoover's Hatchery stock. They only have one poor-quality photo on their website. I ordered two Delaware chicks from them in April. One died shortly after arriving, but the other is doing well. In fact, she's HUGE compared to her...
  14. AUChickenGal

    Variability in Chick Down of Black Chicks - Genetic Clues?

    This is purely a curiosity/academic question, as it will be months before I can begin to have solid answers, but I wondered if anyone here might have insight. I have two chicks who hatched yesterday from Favaucana (yes, I realize that’s just a fancy mixed breed) eggs ordered from My Pet...
  15. AUChickenGal

    Minor Rant/Vent: 11 Week Olds STILL Escaping Poultry Netting Fence

    Argh. I swear, this group of chicks will be the death of me. Usually, I'm able to let my young birds out into the run, which is fenced in electric poultry netting, by 7 or 8 weeks of age without worrying about them making a break for it. Not this batch, though. :he They're 11 weeks old this...
  16. AUChickenGal

    Wheaten vs. Blue Wheaten - How Soon Can You Tell?

    I just hatched my first batch of homebred chicks! :celebrate All of them were sired by my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana rooster. Four of the chicks came out of eggs from my Salmon Faverolles, and one came out of an egg from my Rhode Island Red. If I've put the correct information into the color...
  17. AUChickenGal

    Pip or Peck?

    My very first broody is sitting on her first clutch of eggs. I gave her the eggs 20 days ago. Tonight I noticed a small hole on one of the eggs. How can I tell the difference between a pip by the chick and a peck by the hen? Other than the wait and see method?
  18. AUChickenGal

    My Pet Chicken "Mad Scientist" Hatching Eggs

    Has anyone here ever had any experience with these? I have an Easter Egger pullet (only 9 months old!) who has gone so determinedly broody on me that I decided to order half a dozen fertile eggs and let her sit. The cheapest and quickest option I could find was through My Pet Chicken. I just...
  19. AUChickenGal

    Can Baby Chicks Use Horizontal Nipples?

    Minor SOS situation here... I have chicks coming from Meyer Hatchery this week (due to hatch/ship tomorrow). I was setting up the brooder this afternoon and realized that my chick waterer is leaking like crazy! I have a couple of small bottles (orange juice jugs, actually) with horizontal...
  20. AUChickenGal

    New Layer and Soft-Shelled Eggs

    I've read a few different times on here that it's not uncommon for new layers to lay the occasional soft-shelled, shell-less or otherwise odd eggs. My question is, does anyone here have an opinion/experience regarding how long it typically takes for a pullet to get the kinks worked out and...
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