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  1. Chook-A-Holic

    40 Years Ago Today

    It's hard to believe that it's been 40yrs today(05/03/1971) since I got my first chickens. I was only 9yrs old but after visits to my uncles on weekends I knew that I wanted some terribly bad. The desire was deeper than just wanting a certain toy or whatever the fad item was at the time. I was...
  2. Chook-A-Holic

    Roo Pad Pics...

    What started out it's life in 1969 as a U-Haul van body, converted to a goat trailer in 1993, has finally become the housing for the Roo Pad. I still have some finishing touches such as painting the outside rear wall and finishing the forced ventilation system for nighttime. I will be making...
  3. Chook-A-Holic

    Inspect Those pull ropes!!!

    Just a reminder for those of us who have pull ropes for our pop doors. I got a call from a friend tonight who lost his friendliest hen this morning. He went to open the pop door and when it was halfway up the pull rope snapped and the door came down on the hens neck. The hen was killed...
  4. Chook-A-Holic

    Welcome Home My Friend!!! Warning Snake Pics...

    After a post in Steve_of_Sandspoultry's thread the other day about my missing blacksnakes, one of them decided to come home. This is a welcomed sight after seeing 4 Copperheads(and dispatching)so far this year. He was in the process of swallowing a small Copperhead when I happened to cross his...
  5. Chook-A-Holic

    My Heritage RIR's Are Here!!!

    I got a call from Pine Grove(william) on Tuesday night letting me know my chicks were pipping. He put them in the mail yesterday afternoon after they were finished hatching. I got a call from the PO this morning to come pick them up if I wanted, or they could be delivered. I went and got them...
  6. Chook-A-Holic

    Guess The Spot

    I got 6 out of 16 lol...No cheatin' now!
  7. Chook-A-Holic

    Google Images/Hoop Coop

    I just got a call from a friend. He told me to go to google, type in "hoop coop". then click on images. I couldn't believe what I saw. My hoop coop is on the first page(2nd row 1st & 2nd pics). That makes me feel kinda good that out of all of the ones out there, mine made it to the first page so...
  8. Chook-A-Holic

    I Remanaged My Flock

    I have always tried to never interfere with the pecking order of the flock, but this time I had to intervene. A couple of weeks ago the roo and the alpha hen decided that they were going to continually terrorize the rest of the flock. After attempts of chicken time out I decided that for the...
  9. Chook-A-Holic

    Who Needs A Feeder Anyway?

    This is what I was thinking when I went out yesterday morning. After filling the feeder the night before I forgot to put the lid on the can where I store the feed. The girls took advantage of this and were taking turns getting into the can and eating instead of eating out of their feeder. I...
  10. Chook-A-Holic

    Permanent Hoop Coop In Progress_Update!!! See Post #34!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got started on the Hoop_De'_Coop this weekend. Its going to be 8'6" by 16'. I'm building it permanent with a girder down the center to support the occasional snow/ice load. I've ordered some Loxit rings to attach the hardware cloth to the cattle panels. Now that is pouring down raining, I...
  11. Chook-A-Holic

    6 Weeks Today ... Pics Included

    Well 21 of my 22 chicks made it to 6 weeks today(one flew into the wall and broke its neck last week). It's hard to believe how time has flown by. Just wanted to share!!! From this... To this... Marty
  12. Chook-A-Holic

    Lost a 5wk. Old Today

    Today after dinner, I decided to take the 22 5wk. old chicks out of the brooder for awhile and put them on the floor of the coop. They were playing and having a good time. I carried on with the chores in the yard in an around the coop and run. I thought I heard a thud against the wall of the...
  13. Chook-A-Holic

    How Much Brooder Space For 6 week Old Chicks

    I've hatched and brooded chicks before, however this is the first time that I've done it in the fall. I am brooding them in the house due the weather this time of year. My question is, how much room would you recommend for 22 6 to 8 week old chicks? I just don't want any problems such as...
  14. Chook-A-Holic

    GQC Cabinet Incubator on Raleigh, N.C. Craigslist

    Saw this in the Farm/Garden section this morning, just in case anyone is interested.
  15. Chook-A-Holic

    Alternative Red Light Source

    Just an Idea for anyone interested in using it. I've always liked playing with theatrical and stage lighting. A while back I started using what is call a Gel Sheet or Par Gel. It amounts to a filter the light passing through changes color while allowing the heat to pass through. Stage lighting...
  16. Chook-A-Holic

    I Will Not Set Eggs! I Will Not Set Eggs!

    Well I get a knock on the door this morning, and it was the UPS man. After unloading 6 boxes and a little tinkering, this is what it was. Now I'm in the middle of remodeling the big girls coop, in fact they are sleeping in their run with a tarp over it. I have 22 4 day old chicks that are in...
  17. Chook-A-Holic

    Shavings In Brooder

    I've always put towels in the brooder for a good footing surface and easier cleanup. I've been reading about others who are using shavings in their brooders. My question is how old do you recommend the chicks be before switching over to the shavings? I just don't want problems with them...
  18. Chook-A-Holic

    Welcome To The World, Little Ones

    Just hatched these 3 days ago in my wine cooler converted incubator. Every time I see these chicks, I just wanna hatch more. The wife was so impressed, she thought I should give it to my daughter who will start teaching 1st grade next year. So I figured it was time to discuss a new Dickey...
  19. Chook-A-Holic

    Hello From North Carolina

    Hello, My name is Marty. I have been a Chicken Nut all of my 47 years. Since 92' I've had anywhere from a dozen chickens to over a thousand at one time. It's a wonder I'm still Married. I've been lurking around this site for about a month now and decided to be with others that share my...
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