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  1. Parrmom


    Hello everyone, I have not been able to get on in a while. Such is LIFE! I want to pick the minds of some of you. We have thought of becoming NPIP for a while now, so that we could ship and sell which I thought was required for our state. I emailed the ISPA to learn a bit more for NPIP and...
  2. Parrmom


    Good Morning Fellow Hoosiers, We currently have a 7 hen laying flock and one rooster, 6 various bantam chicks, 3 meat birds and 3 ducks. We are looking into quail and guineas right now. Mother2Hens made my avatar when I added to the Indiana members' list for the person who asked a...
  3. Parrmom

    Chicks from Mt Healthy...

    We are in Northwest Indiana and our chicks came from Mt. Healthy. It is kinda of weird as Townline hatchery in MI is not that far away. We have chicks from Mt. Healthy via TSC and they are doing good at 7 weeks of age. Sorry we did not get the breeds you mentioned, but though I would...
  4. Parrmom


    WOW!!!! Miss 2 weeks and I come back to 100 new pages! OY! I read the first 30 and skipped to the end. Super excited that our little OEG Bantam is sitting on a clutch of LF eggs for the last 12 days. These chicks will be an interesting mix of PR, BR and EE hens over a Bantam Blue Cochin...
  5. Parrmom

    What are these two?

    They look like our Easter Eggs chicks from last year but really need some clearer pictures to be sure!
  6. Parrmom


    Hello, Hello fellow Hoosiers, I am not new to BYC, but just found this thread. I hail from the booming town of Parr ( pop. 200 and that includes cats and chickens), just north of Rensselaer! I am the wife to my saint of a husband who deals with my ideas, mom to 3 active boys ( ages 8, 3...
  7. Parrmom

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    I agree with the dispatching. Right now in my area, a full grown rooster goes for a buck at the local sale barn and they have a 25% commision. You can't give away a hatchery rooster if your life depended on it. These birds are useless for just about everything. The rate of gain is so low it...
  8. Parrmom

    Chickens still afraid of me.

    We have a older blue cochin rooster who will just about let my kids doing anything to him. He approaches too. My boys know if the chickens walk away, you let them go. Ours are handled for about 3 weeks while they are in an inside brooder and that is only to clean it out. After 3 weeks, they...
  9. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Thank you all for the replies!!! I have some good ideas now! Off to the drawing board to plan and show the husband what he has to build. LOL!!!! I just thank God every day that he has a sense of humor!!
  10. Parrmom

    Chickens still afraid of me.

    Well said!!! We do not handle our chickens unless it is totally needed and only at night! I do not even let my kids handle them. I let the kids have one chicken to handle and that is the only chicken that they are allowed to hold and if it dies, no more chicken until we get new and the cycle...
  11. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    What do the OT's think about housing chickens and rabbits together? I am not talking letting the rabbits run loose with the chickens, but having indoor hutches raised up off the floor a ways with connecting raised hutches to the outside. The chickens and rabbits would not be able to get to...
  12. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Well put and to the point. Thank you for the advice
  13. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    I guess I should not tell them that I dyed a friend's pure white steer green with koolaid one year when they were not home. It was payback for something stupid they did to me at my farm. So, I am wondering if a recycled pallet coop would be considered drafty or well- vented???
  14. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    I did not reply either, but that is what I sooo want to type. If I typed half of what I really want to said, I would be having to find a new chicken forum.
  15. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    And that ice has to be specially filtered spring water with a touch of lemon so the birds get some aromatheraphy during this stressful time!
  16. Parrmom

    I need a processor in Indiana is in Colfax Indiana. I believe it is south of Lafeyette.
  17. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Oh crap, I just spit Pepsi on my computer. Thanks for the laugh. I was just reading the Emergernces, Illness, and medical thread and someone was actually talking about spaying a hen and giving one hormone replacement. I had to come back to the land of common sense before I puked. That laugh...
  18. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Ok, a question about the above mentioned thread. Would the chicken actually die from the maggots or from the other chickens pecking it trying to get the maggots? I would think the latter would cause the chicken to die from infection due to the pecking!
  19. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Thank you very much for the advice. I was just curious if there was a rough age that they started getting tough! The whole egg on the counter was just more of a curiousity question. It does not shock me that you can eat an egg that has been on the counter. I am the a farm raised girl...
  20. Parrmom

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    First of all , Blessings and Prayers for all who need them. I had to play catch up to make sure any questions I had were not asked or answered. 1. What is a good age to butcher DP roosters? I have extra from a county 4H hatch and do not want to just feed them for the heck of it. they...
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