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  1. ChicMommy

    EE hen or Roo?

    Thanks everybody! I have been sweating it for about four months, the kids even changed her name from Ester to Boss because of her size and rapid maturity! Cant wait to see the color of her eggs.
  2. ChicMommy

    North Carolina

    I'm in Winston Salem.
  3. ChicMommy

    EE hen or Roo?

    This is my EE Boss, while Boss has not crowed yet there also have been no eggs. Boss is the largest of our EE and I am just unsure as to whether we have a hen or a roo on our hands. Just yesterday Boss did assume the mating position while being pet, squatted down wings slightly out. Boss is...
  4. ChicMommy

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Question, I have an EE that has not layer and has not crowed. We can our chicken Boss, Boss is much bigger than our other EE but just yesterday, Boss did the mating stance while being pet. I still am not sure and hoped that someone out there in BYC land could give me some insight. THanks, Jen
  5. ChicMommy

    New Chick Mamma!

    Welcome and enjoy!
  6. ChicMommy

    Just getting started!

  7. ChicMommy

    Greeting from Winston Salem

    Thanks everyone!
  8. ChicMommy

    Weird stance when I get near

    Thanks very much.
  9. ChicMommy

    Weird stance when I get near

    Question, Is this stance typical only to hens? I have a "hen in question" it is an Ameraucana, that is the biggest of all my chickens, we have named "her" Boss and today was the first day I have seen this behavior from Boss. All my other girls have been doing it for about a week and we got our...
  10. ChicMommy

    Greeting from Winston Salem

    Hello all, I am so thrilled to be a part of this wonderful movement of responsible backyard chicken cultivating. After much prodding my husband and 6 and 8 year old sons took up the task of building my chicken tractor. Their team building project took form and upon its completion, which was...
  11. Default


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