EE hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Winston Salem, NC
This is my EE Boss, while Boss has not crowed yet there also have been no eggs. Boss is the largest of our EE and I am just unsure as to whether we have a hen or a roo on our hands. Just yesterday Boss did assume the mating position while being pet, squatted down wings slightly out. Boss is the most skittish of our flock but the sheer size of her/him has got me wondering. Boss was born Nov 21st of 2011. Thanks, Jen

Pullet. I have an EE that acts like a bully and bossy. As soon as the dog kennel is free, she is going into time out.
Thanks everybody! I have been sweating it for about four months, the kids even changed her name from Ester to Boss because of her size and rapid maturity! Cant wait to see the color of her eggs.
That color is all girl. She should be laying soon from that comb. Keep in mind, ees can lay shades of brown or pinkish, not just blue or green.

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