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  1. Hillywu

    PLEASE HELP! Wry neck in my chickens?

    Thank you so much for replying! I really appreciate it! I just found this same treatment regime on another site! I also found that I have 5 mg. pred. leftover from a script for my dog. If I cut that in half and use it, will it work? She does not want to eat or drink anything right now and...
  2. Hillywu

    PLEASE HELP! Wry neck in my chickens?

    Oh please help! We just started raising chickens last year and all of it went really well except for one Ameraucana hen who injured herself. This summer has not been good. Every couple of weeks we have been having a new hen show up with a wry neck. This is the 3rd one, and she's one of my...
  3. Hillywu

    Twisted neck, no other symptoms

    Help! One of my Ameraucana hens came out of the coop yesterday with her neck all twisted up. I'm seeing no other symptoms. No discharge, eating drinking and pooping okay. She is separated from all the other birds. I got some Vitamin B liquid yesterday and have been giving her that. I don't...
  4. Hillywu


    Here's the link
  5. Hillywu


    I just wanted to say that I just finished giving two of my hens an injection. It was honestly very easy. I found a video on-line of a guy demonstrating how to do it. So simple. They didn't squawk or anything. Now I will say that I have no problems with needles or anything like that, so that...
  6. Hillywu

    26 weeks and still no eggs? What am i doing wrong?

    LOL! I just got on here to look at this exact topic! We have 6 red sex links that are 22 weeks old. One of them started laying about a week and a half ago. Her comb got very red, grew, and she started squawking and making a lot of "chatter". Before that I had been very concerned because...
  7. Hillywu

    What is going on?

    Thank you so much. We do have pine shavings in the coop. They are the flakes, but they can be dusty. I did wonder if that might be the problem. They are on straw in the "chicken hospital". I may try cleaning out the coop and switching them to that to see if it helps. Thanks again! I...
  8. Hillywu

    What is going on?

    Thank you for responding! Their eyes are fine. There is absolutely nothing else going on. Breathing is good. I watched for open mouth breathing, gasping, rattling, wheezing, coughing, etc. (I think my kids think I'm nuts just standing there watching the two chickens in the "chicken...
  9. Hillywu

    What is going on?

    So, I have several chickens who are having a watery discharge from their nose. It's not constant. Just occasional. Nothing else is going on. No swollen face, wheezing, coughing, still eating and drinking with great enthusiasm and showing a normal energy level. I first noticed this last week...
  10. Hillywu

    Need help fast!

    I'm sorry for the dramatic title. I live out in the boonies and there is an outage right now in our area with the internet. Had to come to town to access and post and research. I recently purchased two chickens at a swap. All seemed quite healthy. I noticed a couple of days ago that the...
  11. Hillywu

    chicken bullying

    I'm not really a big help either, with advice, but I can tell you we've got a barred rock roo who's a real bully to the other chickens. He's around 18 weeks and there are 8 other chickens that age. The rest are around 14 weeks. He will stand in the door of the coop at night and let the other...
  12. Hillywu

    Hello from PA

    Welcome! You'll love your chickens and you'll find this site really helpful!
  13. Hillywu

    We're roosters, aren't we?

    Nope, no barring on them. They are actually more yellow looking than in the photos. I've been surprised at how yellow they've stayed. We're new to chickens this year (and loving it!). I have some Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers that I got and it's easier to hazard a guess with their sex because...
  14. Hillywu

    We're roosters, aren't we?

    I guess age would help, wouldn't it? They should be about 12 -13 weeks old.
  15. Hillywu

    We're roosters, aren't we?

    These are my two lovely Lemon Orpingtons. They are so sweet. I've been hoping that they would turn out to be pullets, but I'm thinking cockerels. What do you think?
  16. Hillywu

    Hen with chipped beak - need separated?

    My 8 year old discovered one of our hens had chipped the top of her beak. Looks like the tip is gone and half the top just kind of looks peeled off. She had a little bit of blood in her mouth, so I tried to clean her up and put her in a dog crate in the coop tonight. Does she need to stay...
  17. Hillywu

    HELP! Is this an impacted crop?

    I have a blue maran cockerel (pretty sure it's a cockerel) that's maybe 4 or 5 weeks old. I went to get him out this morning to put him in the dog crate we keep in our yard for the smaller chicks to be in. His chest looks like it's large and more over to one side. I felt it and it's hard. He...
  18. Hillywu

    Anhydrous Ammonia Injected into the fields - issue or not?

    I just found out that the person who leases the land our farm is on is having anhydrous ammonia injected into the corn fields around our house. The one field is fairly close to our chicken coop. The weather has been VERY hot here (well, VERY hot for Western PA :o) I have been allowing our...
  19. Hillywu

    What are they? New and clueless :o)

    Thanks. The pictures are horrible, I know :) This was the first day we were able to let them out in our fence for a little bit. They were too excited to stay still for very long, lol.
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