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  • Users: imzadi
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  1. imzadi

    Time for a new flock

    Ok...quick question. Looking to replace my flock (the fox got the last one!) We need a breed that will stay put...we want free range but not free to the neighbors range :), great egg layer, cold hardy. Thinking Austrolop (?spellings, sorry). I have heard this is a great breed and fulfills...
  2. imzadi

    What CHICKEN did this egg come from

    HI there I know I've had "where'd that egg come from" issues before. but... I KNOW I have one blue egg layer...a silkie...something cross that is an easter egger type girl. Pretty blue/green tinted eggs. Got it., yesterday I had 9 eggs (YEA!!!! finally some new layers) and...
  3. imzadi

    it's FAIR TIME...and chicken safety

    It's fair time!!! And, now that I"m a chicken mamma...I'm looking forward to going to the fair for a WHOLE different reason But, I know there are a LOT of issues with "visiting" other flocks and how you can bring diseases back to your girls. Is this also a consideration at fairs? I'm...
  4. imzadi

    ROO or PULLET?, I've asked this before and the answer is "roo"...but, I've attached a pix of this chicken's brother (same hatch, same parents), a definite roo (he crows and...well...loves the ladies in my flock)...and he/she really is very different; no crowing, clucks, looks different (waddles and...
  5. imzadi

    WATER for ducks

    Hi all I have three campbells...and live in Maine. Our location is in an area were the wind whips...and the snow really drifts. I know that ducks are cold hardy but, my concern is the water. I also have 27 chickens. I know that we need to have thawed drinking water (we will have two...
  6. imzadi

    keeping it all OUT OF THE HOUSE!

    Hi all I have a flock of 27 chickens, free ranging. We LOVE the eggs...only about 7 of my girls are laying but...within a month or so...oh boy! Anyway. With a free range flock, how the HECK do you keep all of the ...poop! out of the house? I do have "chicken shoes" that I wear whenever I...
  7. imzadi

    How to actually FIND duck eggs

    hi there New to ducks, have had chickens for about 8 months with good success so far. We have three, one male and two females. basically decided on ducks when we were told they LOVE snails...we have a severe problem with them in our yard (ALL OVER THE LAWN...gross) and garden. Also...told...
  8. imzadi

    Can we play guess the breed/gender? Would be helpful :)

    Girl...15 weeks old Olive egger, girl or boy? not a good pix...but, olive egger...girl or boy? Barred rock ? Faverole mix...girl or boy? same mix as above...girl or boy? Thanks for playing :)
  9. imzadi

    new layers and old layers

    Hi there Have a BUNCH of new girls who should be getting ready to lay soon. All my girls are free range. We also have 8 good current layers...regular, it! Anyway, i'm thinking we should be getting new eggs within the next few weeks or so...and have a question: We have one...
  10. imzadi

    Access to pool at night?

    Hi there As they say, Chickens are the gateway livestock! Just got three ducks (2 ducks and a drake)...Campbell Khakis. For the rest of this week, they are confined to a chicken they know where home is. Starting on Sat, however, we are going to let them free range and use the...
  11. imzadi

    Feeding my Corid medicated chickens their eggs

    On day 3 of corid treatment for Cocci...feel it's a real shame to just throw out the eggs. Want to know if i can scramble these "discard' eggs and feed them back to the chickens. Or Could I compost them (cooked or raw)?
  12. imzadi

    should I be concerned

    Had a pullet (12 weeks) die of what we figured was Cocci (puffed up, eyes closed, lethargic, head and tail down). We have now treated the entire flock with Corid in the water for 5 days (this is day three). It has been cold and nasty rainy for a LLOOONNGGG time (about a week now)...I was...
  13. imzadi

    what breed are these three?

    SAME bird as above...could this be an Isbar by any chance?
  14. imzadi

    7 week old OE'ers...two

    Hoping they are both female but...not thinking so...thinking one male and one female. There are larger and one smaller. I was thinking the smaller was the male... the smaller one...thinking male? The larger one...thinking female? Other views of them together...left is smaller...
  15. imzadi

    Wounded nose and noisy breathing

    Hi there Got home today and one of our red stars was breathing VERY noisily...also noted that right by her nostril was bloody...later, the blood had dried but you could see a wound (couldn't get a pix last night) and her noisy breathing was very loud. She doesn't seem to be having a hard time...
  16. imzadi

    Chicken doing a funky dance

    Yes, I searched the forum first...but, not the same type of dance. I have a bantum brahma...Gulliver is her name...she has always been shy and quite and reserved. Recently, however, she is doing this funky "dance" thing. It isn't what others have stated with her wings and "running" in place...
  17. imzadi

    Wyondotte with every changing egg color

    I have an adorable, friendly, sweet...did I say ADORABLE! Lace Wyondotte bantum...she's about 10 months or so old. She is a moderate layer, cute "small" sized eggs...starting back up to 2 - 3 per week (she slowed down quite a bit this winter). The interesting thing with "Queenie"...her eggs...
  18. imzadi

    Does it all come down to ear lobes?

    Got some "rainbow layer" mix chickies...thinking I know what all but two are... Grey, dark legs, single comb...thinking blue andalusian or blue australorp. White, yellow legs, single comb...thinking white rock or...white leghorn. For both SEEMS to me that the only difference...
  19. imzadi

    Barred rocks?

    hi there... These are three day old chicks, purchased from Weld Hatchery (by a farmer) as barred rocks. I've also looked for pix of barred rock chicks and see that they, in the pix, do seem to have the dark legs and beak. question is...barred rocks are supposed to have YELLOW legs...
  20. imzadi

    Another baby chick id requested :)

    Probably get lots of these this time of year. what do you think? These are three weeks old
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