should I be concerned


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
Had a pullet (12 weeks) die of what we figured was Cocci (puffed up, eyes closed, lethargic, head and tail down). We have now treated the entire flock with Corid in the water for 5 days (this is day three).

It has been cold and nasty rainy for a LLOOONNGGG time (about a week now)...I was working in the coop today trying to keep it clean and noted that two other pullets were sitting on the roost, eyes closed. Looked like they were napping...If I touched them or a noise, their eyes would open and they would act more normal. Now, they had been out and about with the rest of the flock all day and acting fine but...having them sit on the roost with eyes closed even a little bit is scary at this point.

Do pullets NAP? is it the weather? is it the beginning of cocci?

thanks for the help.
you can still have coccidosis WITH OUT having bloody stool it just depends on the strain of cocci and the area in the intestine. so yes I would consider cocci. you can treat with corid. bloody stool is NOT always present with cocci.

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