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  1. Quella

    Moving outside?

    High temperatures are in the seventies, the lows are at 40-50's. Can I move them out at 10 weeks?
  2. Quella

    Losing feathers at nine weeks?

    Except for occasional sneezing, yes. I didn't think it was molting because it's springtime and they get plenty of time outside so it's not like they're deprived of light or anything, plus, I'm not too sure how fast chickens molt but they don't look especially raggedy even though I've found lots...
  3. Quella

    Losing feathers at nine weeks?

    Bumping my own topic... Any help, or is this normal and that's why no one's replying? Because I did know that I put on a topic about a dust bath
  4. Quella

    how many chickens do u have

    I have . . . *drumroll* . . . two. I may have the potential if I convince my mom to get up to twelve, hopefully.
  5. Quella

    Is this a roo?

    Definitely a roo, unless he/she's a black sex link, the coloring looks an awful lot like mine.
  6. Quella

    Losing feathers at nine weeks?

    I'm pretty sure only one of them are losing the feathers she only just recently grew in. Feathers are being lost from almost every part of the body, but mostly from the feathers between legs and around that area. I don't think they're picking at each other because the feathers lost aren't...
  7. Quella

    Sparring Chicks.....What does it mean?

    Mine do it as well, and they're five weeks old, and definitely not roos. Black sex link.
  8. Quella

    can i trim their nails?

    I vote for the long-sleeve shirt. As careful as you could be, you could cut some of the muscle/tissue underneath. Second, I don't think it would help to trim the nails, they would still scratch you a bit unless you're very, very, very precise while trimming. Third, they could flap around like...
  9. Quella

    shaggy chick story

    Adorable! :love:love Maybe the neighbor's rooster hopped over for a visit? I vote for Puff.
  10. Quella

    Dominique chicks- Pics of my new babies!!

    My friend has two chickys that were two weeks old when he brought home two more. I thought they (the older ones) would pick on the babies, but they did the same thing as yours. Ahh... i love chickens...
  11. Quella

    Irregularities of my Chickies? Plus Questions :D

    1. Zeal and Meep are five weeks old, and we've just switched over to another feed. They have officially rejected it. Is it really reasonable to buy another bagful of the old kind? I did gradually switch over but they were smart enough just eat the old kind, there's a visual difference. 2. I know...
  12. Quella

    Permanent Coop or Tractor?

    Which one do you prefer more- a permanent coop or a chicken tractor? I have no idea, because with a tractor you'd get plenty of fresh grass for them but then again, less predator safety. Which one would you do/have done?
  13. Quella

    Few questions about chicks ...

    1. How hard/soft should a crop be? I let them out today, don't think they're swallowing tiny rocks as grit, because their crop seems pretty hard today. 2. One of the chicks is sneezing madness. It also has raspy breathing and occasionally, raspy chirping. She's a lot smaller than the other one...
  14. Quella

    Three adjectives to describe your breed of bird

    Black SexLinks Inquisitive Adventurous Protective
  15. Quella

    My chicken barks

    One of my chicks do that, but it's more like a raspy chirp. Probably not sneezing since it's high pitched. Or maybe the egg song... it's like a rooster beginning to crow...maybe..
  16. Quella

    Guard Chick??

    I only have two, but they almost never sleep at the same time. One keeps watch while the other one sleeps.
  17. Quella

    Why are most commercial eggs white?

    Quote: Really? I think my black-sex links are so pretty, with the black and the speckled brown. Adds a nice little flair, although I admit others are definitely more intricate in looks.
  18. Quella

    Silkie laying on it's back?!?

    Dustbathing, maybe? Mine do it all the time, and I thought they went insane or something until I took them out and they took immediately to kicking bark in my face until I went . . . ohhh, they're dustbathing!! Is your silkie kicking stuff around?
  19. Quella

    Do chicks ever sleep in weird positions? and chick age question

    Quote: Haha! First time I let them out it was really sunny and it definitely looked like they were "catching some rays"! It freaked me out at first I thought they were overheating or something ...
  20. Quella

    3 week old chick won't feather?

    Quote: Maybe he's a late bloomer.
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