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  1. mollychick2013

    Sizzle chicks... dying like crazy! Why?!?!?!

    BIG PROBLEM... I bought five sizzle chicks from a person in town, not a very savory looking person, but hey, they are sizzles... what could go wrong? Within two days three died, the following two days another died and then there was one left. This one, "Gooey", has been doing well. Running...
  2. mollychick2013

    HELP, sizzle chicks dying off...

    We purchased 5 sizzle chicks from a somewhat local person. First day seemed fine, one was a little sluggish but only about 2 days old. Yesterday, that slow one died. Okay, not a problem, that happens. Then today, one that had been doing great earlier at the end of the day all of a sudden...
  3. mollychick2013

    Shelton, WA - Rouen Ducks (male and female)

    Two bonded, adult Rouen Ducks. One male, one female MUST go together :) Less than a year old!
  4. mollychick2013

    Rouen Ducks... male or female??

    We have two Rouen Ducks that we have raised since a week old. I think we have one male, one female... but not sure. Male or Female, or one of each?? Thanks!!!
  5. mollychick2013

    Are my eggs fertile??

  6. mollychick2013

    What gender are my chickens??

    Are the large chickens here roos or hens? They came from a black sexlink hybrid hen and brown leghorn rooster. to[/IMG]
  7. mollychick2013

    7 Week Chicken not moving much but alive --- HELP!

    My hubby went to the brooder and the heat lamp had gotten unplugged somehow, all 7 7-week chickens are all feathered, all were fine but one whom was just sitting by the door. She is chirping a big, but not moving around. We brought her inside and put her in our inside brooder with heat lamp...
  8. mollychick2013

    Day 4, little veining and dark spot twice as big... but... HELP PLEASE

    So the eggs in my incubator are almost done with day 4. Most of them are too dark or green to see inside, but the two white eggs I can. I see a little bit of veining on both white eggs and the dark spot is very obviously bigger than yesterday...(dark spot bigger on the brown and green eggs...
  9. mollychick2013

    My baby chicks going crazy over youtube video

    We turned on a video of chickens playing from youtube and our chickens went crazy! Trying to peck at the video, jumping all over one another. When I had first turned it on, they all rushed over and were watching a different one with chickens, then I turned on this one with chickens playing...
  10. mollychick2013

    HELP - day 22 - HUGE air cell and movement

    So most of the chicks hatched on day 19-21 (5:40pm on day 21 last hatch). Its day 22. One egg has a HUGE air cell (literally half the shell) and possibly deformed, chick is actively moving in it when I candle. Would this be a time intervene and create a pip? Would it be better to just...
  11. mollychick2013

    Breed and Gender please!

    Numbered the pictures to make it easier. 6 & 7 I am fairly certain are female black sex links (as the person we got the eggs from had black sex links) but would like confirmation on that... 1-4 look like chipmunks and 5 although similar doesnt have the striping that they have and even has...
  12. mollychick2013

    8 Hatched... 15 more eggs and no pips??

    Curiosity since this is our first time incubating and hatching... so far we have had 8 hatches (1 died) and still have 15 left in the incubator. Been hatching since day 19, its day 21 now and will be until 10:30am tomorrow (its 8:32pm now). No more pips yet or egg movement, a few of the eggs...
  13. mollychick2013

    What Breed & Gender is this??

    Feathers are different length, so I am assuming female? What breed to? Other hatched was a black sex-link, but already certain that one is female and such.
  14. mollychick2013

    Anywhere online that is not sold out??

    We are wanting to get some more baby chicks, I am not finding anything local and online everywhere is sold out. Is there any online baby chick hatchery that is not sold out?
  15. mollychick2013

    Lost our "Noodle" and "Empress" yesterday... :(

    We lost our wonderful RIR Noodle and RIR Empress... Not sure what killed Empress but when we brought our dogs out in the morning, they soon found the body. (As did my 10 yr old daughter ) Noodle must have been taken off somewhere and eaten, because she is nowhere to be found (and we have...
  16. mollychick2013

    Two new Laying Hens! (Our first full grown chickens)

    We bought two Golden Sexlink Hens today, about a year old. We have 3 pullets in our brooder that we bought a week ago, but these are our first adult hens! SO EXCITED FOR EGGS!!!!! Took a few minutes, but they warmed up to me too. Let me clip their feathers and then came around. They...
  17. mollychick2013

    Noodle, Empress, & Penguina - The Reds & Lorp Adventures

    Noodle Empress Penguina N,E,P. Adventures! It was a day like any other day, May 14th, 2013... only this day involved the escape. That's right. An escape from the masterminds known as... Ace Hardware. Penguina, not having met Noodle or Empress was surprised when suddenly she was...
  18. mollychick2013

    New & First Baby Chicks! Rhode Island and Australorp!

    Our coop is almost done, just getting the fencing done too as they will be somewhat free range in part of our yard as well. Also, got our brooder setup today and now we are the proud first time chicken owners of 2 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Black Australorp! NOODLE (lighter rhode island)...
  19. mollychick2013

    Chicken Coop Creation - In Progress - $0!

    DAY 1 - TODAY! :) Part of our chicken coop is done, not a whole lot, but getting there. One of the corners has a section for putting the pcv/pipe auto feeder to run down it. I have three walls now, though I dont have a picture of that yet. Making a nesting box and installing that tomorrow...
  20. mollychick2013

    Building a Coop

    We are about to embark on our first chicken(s). We've been researching and learning all we can for a little while now and now we will be building a coop. Any pointers for a coop? Not too worried about the coop as its a pretty simple build, but pointers are great. :)
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