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  1. Bantamlover124

    Speckled Sussex Eggs 12+ NPIP $25

    I'll probably email you soon-
  2. Bantamlover124

    Salmon Faverolle bantam hatching eggs

    I'm in Wisconsin- does the shipping price vary on the distance between you and the buyer?
  3. Bantamlover124

    Salmon Faverolle bantam hatching eggs

    Ok- I'll consider them!!! :) I just need to make up my mind and stuff- first time with hatching eggs!!! Where are you located? (The state)
  4. Bantamlover124

    Salmon Faverolle bantam hatching eggs

    Will you sell a half a dozen???
  5. Bantamlover124

    Hatching Eggs and Day old chicks for sale!

    Do you sell the leghorn eggs at half a dozen?
  6. Bantamlover124

    Hatching Eggs and Day old chicks for sale!

    I am interested in these as well- perhaps in a month or two (depending on how hatching eggs goes for me) I may consider getting some eggs of White Leghorns- all depends on the turn out :)
  7. Bantamlover124

    Speckled Sussex Eggs 12+ NPIP $25

    I have a few questions but I'm interested :) 1: What is the shipping cost? 2: Any sicknesses in the past? ( I'm new to baying Hatching eggs- sorry)
  8. Bantamlover124

    12+ BLue Laced Red Wyandotte Hatching Eggs NPIP ~ LF

    Oh my goodness!!! That's awesome!!!! Oh no! I hope all will be ok!!!!
  9. Bantamlover124

    Portage-a WI show

    I am sure you will find some. :)
  10. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    Yeah! I hope it is!!!! I will take a picture from front tommarow!!!
  11. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    No!!! So sad :( I had a broody taking care of her chick, found the chick dead one day- whole body their. I am assuming it was from the hot day. :( Wait-so you can't figure it out after 3 days. Awww..crap. I have a little Easter Wyandotte chick- [/IMG]. It is a week or two old, it is a very...
  12. Bantamlover124

    D'uccle Thread

    Lol, I love cute names like that, names that are short and "Spicey".... LOL :)
  13. Bantamlover124

    D'uccle Thread

    Like I said, I have not seen a Golden neck and I would say she is a young bird-she needs more time. d'UCCLES take a long time to develop feather patterns.
  14. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    Awwww... So adorable! :)
  15. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

  16. Bantamlover124

    September Hatch-A-Long!

    Ooh... Bad luck :( You have to admit though, Shipped Eggs are unpredictable; like the ones that explode or just the whole batch isn't fertile... Unpredictable. That is ok, I always look at the eggs during Lockdown- it is fun to watch them move, but when they "Bite the dust" , it is hard...
  17. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    I had a broody that sat on eggs, she was in a box high above the ground. BIG mistake. When a chick would fall down, she would go down there, off her eggs and protect it. Therefore, all the other embryos died :( So she hatched 2 chicks, one died early, a day after hatching. The other was about...
  18. Bantamlover124

    August Hatch-A-Long!

    Nice deal!!! Hope they all hatch!!!
  19. Bantamlover124

    September Hatch-A-Long!

    Ooh...not fun huh? Shipping eggs are unpredictable.
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