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  1. SteffyJ

    Canadians check in here....

    Hello from Southern Ontario, Canada
  2. SteffyJ

    Chick from a Light Rock hen and a barred rock rooster

    OH GEEZE, I hope that's not the case... but I will love the little fuzzy no matter what. The rooster that fathered this little cutie is a big mouth. he crows constantly, hopefully its not a trait that's passed on.
  3. SteffyJ

    Chick from a Light Rock hen and a barred rock rooster

    thanks for the info. I figured that it was too early to tell however; I read somewhere that some people can tell by the spot on the head and the leg wash... I'm not a patient girl!! praying for a female lol
  4. SteffyJ

    Chick from a Light Rock hen and a barred rock rooster

    is it possible to tell if this chick is male of female?
  5. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Congrats Annie!!!! they are beautiful
  6. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Thank you ! That's exactly how this little ones membrane was
  7. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Annie, can you tell me when I need to start feeding the new chick starter feed. And water. It hatched about an hour or so ago
  8. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Oh my!!!! Adorable!!! Congrats!!!!
  9. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

  10. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Chick hatched.
  11. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Oh that's great news, I'm glad to hear your chick was healthy. I will certainly take your advice
  12. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Have given lol
  13. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    I have gave it a hole to breath, the membrane seemed pretty tough and rubbery. Is that normal?
  14. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Makes sense. When I dampen the membrane with a q tip I can see the chicks beak trying to get at it.
  15. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Thank you both, I'm worried that the membrane will dry out too much being exposed like that
  16. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Thank you so much, it's so hard to just sit and watch. . The chick is chirping and moving around, so... Wait it is
  17. SteffyJ

    Peep! Peep!

    Hi there, sorry to bump in on your thread but I am looking for some advice... I have an egg that has pipped but not through the membrane. Do I leave it or make a hole in the membrane. It's been a few hours
  18. SteffyJ

    Light Sussex mix????

    Thank you!!!! Here is another pic... yes she does have yellow legs
  19. SteffyJ

    Light Sussex mix????

    Hi there, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what breed my "Penny" is? I believe her to be light Sussex mix with ???... Got her from a farm that had many mixed breed hens. I currently have her eggs fertilized with a Barred Rock roo, and curious to know what the chicks will look like. Eggs...
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