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  1. Magpie-ah

    Deformed chick, two bottoms??

    Hey, does anyone know anything about chick deformities, because yesterday we hatched an extremely unusual chick? At a first glance, she appears to be a perfectly ordinary chick, except for the fact that she is now two days old and she still can't stand up completely on her legs. She can move...
  2. Magpie-ah

    To the pig keepers... Advice please :)

    I wouldn't and couldn't eat my pet pig, if I got some, but, maybe in a few years, I would breed them and sell the piglets for meat :) I could never kill a pet to eat... I am currently a vegetarian, and will stay one for as long as I need to, but that doesn't mean I can't breed meat pigs for...
  3. Magpie-ah

    Silkies on the way.. I hope!

    Hello, congratulations on the new baby's, (hopefully:fl :D) I think that they should be alright in the coop. We currently have a silkie with two chicks in a flock of about 12 chickens. They all get on fine. Some of our hens are really aggressive, yet they still leave the chicks alone. Also...
  4. Magpie-ah

    To the pig keepers... Advice please :)

    Are pigs lots of work? I am wondering If it would be practical to get two kunekune pigs to keep as pets. I love pigs, and would love to experience keeping my own, and perhaps even rearing them for meat one day. I just need to know, are they hard work on a daily basis? I already know some...
  5. Magpie-ah


    Hello, welcome to BYC :D
  6. Magpie-ah

    Wild bird egg!!! Need help ASAP!!

    Hello, We just took the dog for a walk and we noticed that there was a wild birds egg lying on the ground. It was still slightly warm. It was covered in small cracks so I am guessing that it fell from a tree. I know that it is illegal to steal wild bird eggs, but I think that an attempt to save...
  7. Magpie-ah

    Buying incubator

    I haven't used many incubators, but I abolutly love my brinsea incubator. It is amazing! I would definatly recommend it to anyone. The brinsea octagon 20 advance might be helpful to you. :)
  8. Magpie-ah

    chicks haven't hatched in the incubator

    Oh that's great news! I am so happy for you!:D good luck with the others :) :D
  9. Magpie-ah

    chicks haven't hatched in the incubator

    Don't worry, your chicks are probably alright, some just hatch alittle later, that's all. We have had chicks that didn't hatch until day 24-25. Are they still moving when you candle them?(although it is probably hard to tell as they would have grown so large) just keep on waiting... As long as...
  10. Magpie-ah

    I want chickens

    Hello, welcome to BackYardChickens! :) Chickens should be alright on pebbles, I have never tried it myself, but I don't think it will hurt their feet. They might miss out on pecking and scratching in the grass, but I don't think it would be a problem. Do provide them with a dust bath though...
  11. Magpie-ah

    broody hen

    i am sure that it isn't anything to be worried about. your hen was probably just having a quick stretch and quick break from sitting on her eggs. as long she doesn't leave the nest for more than an half an hour to an hour then the eggs should be fine. my hens would all ways get up each day for...
  12. Magpie-ah


    Definitely get more than one goat, get at least two as they need each others company. i have heard of goats starving themselves because they were lonely. they make amazing pets! they have such big characters and are great fun, especially when you also get milk from them! they wont ruin the lawn...
  13. Magpie-ah

    High Humidity First week of Incubation

    best of luck, i hope all goes well. i think that your chicks still have a chance, just keep it at what you think is best. 30% should be fine. its up to mother nature now to decide the fate of your eggs (if you keep the humidity right until lock down). Again, best of luck. let us know how they...
  14. Magpie-ah

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    Thank you :D
  15. Magpie-ah

    What is the fate of your ducks?

    Definately pets. :)
  16. Magpie-ah

    Rooster or hen?

    Yep, he's a boy :)
  17. Magpie-ah

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    Here are some pictures....
  18. Magpie-ah

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    Yes!!:D We just got back from work, with my hen! I am sooo pleased. It took a lot of persuasion but my boss knew that she would be a lot happier here. As for her bumble foot, it has almost healed completely. :D:D:D
  19. Magpie-ah

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    I am just about to go back and get her, I'll tell you what happens when we get home... Fingers crossed :fl
  20. Magpie-ah

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    Thanks for all the advice and support :) I WILL get my girl back!
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