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  1. Jasont

    Comment by 'Jasont' in article 'Some Pictures Of My Chickens'

    How tall is the cahin-linked fence? Do they fly out of it?
  2. Jasont

    Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

    Mice... who needs a cat when you have chickens?!
  3. Jasont

    Feather growth, good way of sexing young chicks? (Pics here!)

    ok... whats the leg trick... how do you do it and what are you looking for?
  4. Jasont

    Chickens under rabbits??

    i have two rabbits running with our chickens all the time... they seem to get along together... eggs are tasty and the rabbits are happy.
  5. Jasont

    Three hens digging holes? Whats up with that?

    weel, i guess the verdict is in... i have seen them dust bathe before but never with all the holes... yeah it looks like a lunar landscape...
  6. Jasont

    Three hens digging holes? Whats up with that?

    I have three of my hens digging holes and sitting in them. They are not laying eggs in the holes, they just sit in them. When i bend down to pick them up they do not move. They let me pick them up but seem fine when i put them back down. they start scratching around the yard and eating...
  7. Jasont

    Can I clean off a just hatched chick?

    i have heard and read that your not supposed to open the incubator until the hatch is over... why? what will happen, and what if you have a couple of chicks ready to get out of the incubator but others are still hatching? New at this...
  8. Jasont

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    i got my first from my astrolorp yesterday morning!!
  9. Jasont

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    16 out of 24 yesterday !!!!
  10. Jasont

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11 out of 20... creeping up
  11. Jasont

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 / 20 the girls are starting up again!!
  12. Jasont

    Tiny Egg

    Do the eggs have yolks? I had a hen that laid yokeless eggs. She did this her first couple of weeks of laying but I guess she just grew out if it.
  13. Jasont

    First time ever... began Tuesday Feb - 9

    They seem to be doing well so far. I took one out and candled it and I suppose it looks good, compared to pics I have seen on their progression. I do have a question. I only have one thermometer, do I need multiple ones? And what is a wiggler? May be a stupid question And you all are laughing...
  14. Jasont

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 6/20 my first blue one from my aracuana...
  15. Jasont

    what do you do with your bacon grease?

    we save it and cook with it all the time... i suppose i was raised on bacon grease... it was always added to our biscuits and butterbeans and anything in between... can't beat it.
  16. Jasont

    yokeless eggs??

    Well, she laid her first yoked egg. I have lost count now on how many yokeless eggs she has laid… We were starting to enjoy our little “odd” chicken. This morning’s egg was of course her largest ever and she is doing great. I still think it is a little strange to go on that long.
  17. Jasont

    First time ever... began Tuesday Feb - 9

    I have never done this before... I began today with 29 Pearl White Leghorns, 3 RIRs, and 1 Cuckoo Maran... The temp is a steady 100 degrees, the egg turner is on "go" and the water reservoir is filled to the desired level. I have read everything i could find so now I just sit back and wait...
  18. Jasont

    Chicken Treats!!!!!!

    I was always told too much bread will decrease their egg production. I will give a small amount every once in a while. I usually have a beef slaughtered a couple of times a year and save the beef liver for the girls. Boil it into a broth, cut it into small edible prices. Then I make a mash with...
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