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  1. quack quack cluck

    Am I doing something wrong?

    If they are huddled, they are cold. Provide heat source that they can get closer to/further from as needed. Once they aren't huddled any more, and staying away from heat source, you can get rid of it. Maybe it's outside of frame, but it looks like hey dont have any shelter or bedding in wired box?
  2. quack quack cluck

    Tips for getting through first cull.

    This is one of the most thoughtful, grounded responses I've ever read. Just wanted to say thank you.
  3. quack quack cluck

    Hi, is one of my chicks dying or just sleeping? Thanks

    Chicks are fragile, and death in the first days is not uncommon (I've had very good luck, but I know many dont). Cold, disease, stress from being shipped, super doses of all sorts of meds, birth defects... All you can do is make sure there's clean water and food available, and adequate heat...
  4. quack quack cluck

    Cayenne Pepper It Really Gets Those Hens Laying

    No evidence that it does, but some herbs and spices can have health benefits, so maybe alleviating underlying issues (peppers dont "cause" birds to lay, but if they help with worms, etc they may pave way for better general health which in turn could mean better egg production).
  5. quack quack cluck

    Cayenne Pepper It Really Gets Those Hens Laying

    Hmmm... were these younger hens that hadn't starting laying yet? If so, the timing sounds like it simply coincided with them maturing and beginning to lay. There is no evidence that hot peppers activate or increase egg production (studies have been done, and none have found any connection)...
  6. quack quack cluck

    Hi, is one of my chicks dying or just sleeping? Thanks

    That is not an unusual position for chicks to sleep (I know it looks scary, but they just plop down like that). What would be of concern is the lethargy. If she's eating and drinking, she's probably fine!
  7. quack quack cluck

    How many chickens.............

    50. As hens lay no more than one egg a day, if you want between 25-50 you would at least on occasion get a full 50 eggs. But, since even the most reliable layers dont always lay every day, if you want 50 eggs consistently you would have to get 65 or so hens (depending on breed, you can estimate...
  8. quack quack cluck

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    Be clear, with yourself and your neighbor. That means recognizing that your statement that she bought the place because she liked your chickens on her property is likely a huge exaggeration. Nobody makes an investment like that for the neighbor's chickens. It also means recognizing that even of...
  9. quack quack cluck

    Winterizing coop not working out

    We are in Vermont. My guess, without specifics of your setup, is that you should take down the tarp. Ventilation is the most important winter issue. It's the moisture not the cold that causes most problems. Water in or out of the coop depends on the system: I have no-drip nipples inside, and...
  10. quack quack cluck

    Feeding my chickens I'm new to this

    DE is bad news: it is a respiratory irritant, to humans and birds, and kills insects indiscriminately (so you would be killing off beneficial insects as well as whatever it is you think you might be controlling by giving it to your chickens). The health and environmental dangers are not worth...
  11. quack quack cluck

    Help! Duck ate metal nut.

    (If you were being humorous -- and I hope you were -- I do apologize).
  12. quack quack cluck

    Help! Duck ate metal nut.

    Chelation is for heavy/toxic metals, NOT a simple metal nut. Cost aside, it is an intensive and potentially harmful process even in humans: please don't even think about putting your duck through this kind of invasive "treatment."
  13. quack quack cluck

    What are the odds?

    Considering that hatcheries are for-profit enterprises, why be surprised that they sell their unwanted males as "straight run"?
  14. quack quack cluck

    Catch 22 Composting

    As they say, "compost happens." Add what you have, when you have it. If the final product is off for any given plant (PH, nutrients), you can adjust as needed. In the meantime, don't sweat "layering" and ratios. Throw it all in and let nature take its course. While careful layering may speed up...
  15. quack quack cluck

    How much water

    Is there a puddle of water under the waterer? (More than little splashes or drips that would be expected) If not, then just continue giving the chickens as much water as they need (they aren't going to drink more tax what the weather, health, growth, etc calls for). oh- looks like I...
  16. quack quack cluck

    What do you feed your chickens?

    I attached the three bin compost system to outside end of chicken run, so they have full access to all scraps (kitchen and garden waste) and can pick and choose what they want. With or without a compost system, giving the, access to as much variety as possible is way to keep them healthy and...
  17. quack quack cluck

    Just ducky in VT

    Raised chickens (and the occasional ducks, geese, and turkeys) in downtown Atlanta, GA for 12 years or so before moving to Vermont. Just getting back into birds, and currently have 18 young chickens, and 6 ducks (3 black Swedish, and 3 blue Swedish). All the birds were delivered the day after we...
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