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  1. DuckyLovin2

    My pekin is wheezy!!!

    Respiratory issue Common If not something contagious
  2. DuckyLovin2

    Duck Diapers?

    Hello Welcome to the struggle ;) They are okay in the diapers for as long as they are out and around The pads in them need to be changed every two hours or so is recommended There Are also some that say they can wear them longer even over night (yuck) Mine are only going to wear them around...
  3. DuckyLovin2

    Duck Diapers?

    @llombardo eBay bust * Walmart edition Will add Velcro adjustments tomorrow so far so good
  4. DuckyLovin2

    I ended up with a baker's dozen!

    Omg I think we have the same life How old are your two Cuz I have the same problem I have to get more to make him better so my daisy doesn't get beat up I had no idea Being told u have to have more than one doesn't mean no boys or u have to have four I mean jeeze Not that it's a horrible...
  5. DuckyLovin2

    Problem or aggression??

    Hey so daffy and Daisy right I don't wanna say mating cause the are normally flirty anyway But he has been nipping at her wing and now she's bleeding their not fighting but I dunno Do I separate them Is this a big problem Do I need more than one girl Suggestions
  6. DuckyLovin2

    Duck Diapers?

    @llombardo I just ordered mine from eBay I'll let you know how it goes love
  7. DuckyLovin2

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Wow you have a lot going on There are many forums you will find helpful on here with your variety of babies Try searching the forum or topic you are interested in and create thread
  8. DuckyLovin2

    Panting pekin???

    Daffy randomly pants I water next to him and sometimes put him in a luke warm bath I have electrolytes and vitamins and their water as well As long as the temps are stable it shouldn't happen forever Good luck with the babies
  9. DuckyLovin2

    Serious question Hope it helps
  10. DuckyLovin2

    Ducks ... what to wear

    I'm clean but Daisy just made a huge mess on daffy.... Guess it's bath time
  11. DuckyLovin2

    Ducks ... what to wear

    I was trying to tell my grandmother about my ducks all she could say was nope don't want them they squirt all over I had no idea Think if we all bought one of those suits we could get a discount
  12. DuckyLovin2

    Ducks ... what to wear

    I love that :) happy it's not just my problem
  13. DuckyLovin2

    Duck with I think a broken foot

    Np the others on here are great in a panic I'm sure they can help more later Good luck
  14. DuckyLovin2

    What Color Will This Call Duck Be???

    Idk but it's beautiful already Can't wait to find out
  15. DuckyLovin2

    Ducks ... what to wear

    It's crazy they nip at my tattoos I mean I can't win I might be eaten alive
  16. DuckyLovin2

    Duck with I think a broken foot

    Ok so a couple things Have we tried swimming How did it go Did it try to swim at all or just bob around Is it lethargic or generally a happy duck Start with the duck vitamin regime Niacin brewers yeast etc Depending on how long it's been broken or if it's already healed there's...
  17. DuckyLovin2

    Ducks ... what to wear

    Ok guys not to even sound perverse What can you wear when you hold them I mean I have had to put my wedding bands and rings on strings to keep up with them They eat my zippers They have gotten my lip ring and my nose ring My necklaces have to go They peck at the bra strap Any shirt with a...
  18. DuckyLovin2

    Sexing my 5 week old Pekins

    Which btw was adorable in your video talkin so cute Some ducks actually get a neat bond with the kids so that will be fun :)
  19. DuckyLovin2

    Sexing my 5 week old Pekins

    It's so much of a thing The girls and the boys Big thing I'm so worried about mating season Sometimes they draw blood it's a rough thing lol
  20. DuckyLovin2

    Sexing my 5 week old Pekins

    The babies noise :)
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