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  1. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Hey folks - it's been some time since I've posted in here, but I'm glad to see many of the same folks are active and helping out! I have a bit of a conundrum, and I could use some advice from some of you more experienced chicken keepers. Either my luck sucks, or there is something I doing that...
  2. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Hey folks! It's been a while since I've been on here, but you guys are my go to for help with understanding chicken ailments and necropsy language. I found one of my EE dead in the run this past Friday. She didn't have any obvious signs of trauma or pests or the like, so I sent her to Davis on...
  3. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Quick question for the group: when do I switch to layer feed? I'm currently feeding Modesto Mills grower feed, and am getting low so I wasn't sure if I should continue with grower or start the switch to layer soon. I have two girls that are laying for sure, and three that are getting close...
  4. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    I wasn't sure when to start with the calcium, so I'll put some in their run right away. I'll have to find the food grade DE and vitamin D capsules, but I'll give it a shot! Thank you for the tips!!
  5. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Hey everyone! Jeez, it's been a while since I've been on here - between vacation and the inevitable playing catch up at work, I've missed almost 1000 posts! Yikes! I need your help. Two of my five hens have started laying (yay!) but I think I may have an egg eater problem. We have found...
  6. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Haha! I will let you know how it goes. I picked up a sheet of Lexan at lunch, and will install it today or tomorrow. It's fairly light - I may need to add weights if it's too light and can be easily pushed up by grubby raccoon mitts.
  7. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Ooo, shatterproof is good! Thank you!!
  8. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Quick question: would it be a poor idea to use an acrylic sheet for a chicken pop door? My current door is a bit heavy for the auto pop door opener, and I'm trying to think of solutions for lighter doors. I would think aluminum sheeting would be best, but I don't have the correct tools to cut...
  9. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    I hope for a speedy recovery, Ron! My dad used to race sport bikes, but managed to only break one bone coming off the bike: his big toe. He eventually stopped since his arthritis made it uncomfortable, but he still enjoys driving speedy things :) My girls are 14 weeks!!! I can barely believe...
  10. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    I'm a proud chicken mama! I build a roost for my girls, and after one night of me placing them on the roost, they hop up and down on their own every day. They look so cozy up on their roost!
  11. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    < HUGS > My super scaredy indoor only cat got out once (slipped through a window cracked 1.5") and something scared him when he was outside. In his scrambling, he couldn't get back in the same way he came out, so he bolted. I cried and cried, thinking a raccoon or dog or even one of the bully...
  12. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    (I posted this in Bay Area, and realized I meant to do so here) This may be a noob question, but here goes: should the pop door between my coop and secure run be opened/closed daily? Right now I'm opening it in the morning to let the girls out and closing them in at dusk. The coop and run...
  13. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    They are too cute!! I may be showing my generation here, but the Pita Pinta chicks really remind me of Chocobos...
  14. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    @ronott1 Those chicks are too cute! @BCollie You have a lovely site! As usual, your photographs are amazing. I have a lot of respect for people that foster dogs on a regular basis - I have worked with training dogs and horses over the years, and each one is their own situation, requiring a...
  15. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Thanks for the feedback! It was hard to tell for a bit, but her comb is no larger/redder than the other EE, and same leg thickness too, as far as I can tell. She has yellower legs, but that has always been the case. My phone is not posting a photo, I'll get one later.
  16. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Yesterday, as I was tending to chicken-chores, I noticed that one of the EE was jumping and rushing and generally being more pushy to the others. Is this a normal "establishing the pecking order" behavior or do I have a blossoming roo on my hands? She is about 6 weeks old, and everyone else is...
  17. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    I installed the chicken ramp today! The girls weren't so sure about it. They clustered at the top, giving me puzzled looks. Silly chickies. Everyone's babies are soooooo cute! Congratulations on your hatches!
  18. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Hey everyone, I'm working on getting a well-stocked first aid/response kit for the chickens. Seems like a good idea from what I've learned from all of you. So far, I have this list: - Blu-Kote - Vetricyn (spray or gel?) - Tylan - Other antibiotics (fishmox?) - vet wrap - sevin dust -...
  19. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    I use Modesto Mills Organic Soy-free Starter and Grower crumbles. The girls seem to like it more than the Purina feed they had at first.
  20. InWrongCentury

    California - Northern

    Yes, I'm using pine shavings. I'm thinking I'll give the deep litter method a try, and once they start roosting regularly and I can raise the roost, I'll add a droppings board. They aren't ready - I went out to check on the temp in the coop after the sun went down, and they were all piled in a...
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