California - Northern

This morning I put my two Serama roosters in separate dog carriers in the garage to allow my boyfriend to sleep since he's working graveyard this weekend, it's amazing how much quieter it is with them not crowing their heads off! They were none to happy with me however lol.
Second night with Buffs sleeping in the big coop and things look good this morning. I think the fosters even though they are separate have drawn the attention away from the Buffs. Even the older buffs were picking on them when they were in the run for a while. I added a second roost for the dels and we will start locking off the nest box soon. Both roosts are well above the level of the nest box.

I had to put the buffs on the roost last night as well as they were reluctant to go into the coop on their own and Im not sure they can exactly reach the high one on their own.

Now that there are staggered roosts and the little coop is locked off (and occupied) I hope things will go well. Not really sure how integrating the next batch is going to go. Wasn't planning on having to add so many. But should still be ok. Depends on if I have boys in the pitas and delaware.

Ive asked before about this product and Im not sure what to think.

Seems a number of people on the CPP FB page have used them and like them.

I also never got an answer on Forced Molting. Is this something that is done and is it more of a last resort thing?

All I have heard about the collars is that they MAY reduce the noise but not eliminate it. I have never forced a molt.
Yeah thats what they claim the volume is cut by 50+% and the duration and frequency also is reduced (likely due to the less than satisfied rooster)
Second night with Buffs sleeping in the big coop and things look good this morning. I think the fosters even though they are separate have drawn the attention away from the Buffs. Even the older buffs were picking on them when they were in the run for a while. I added a second roost for the dels and we will start locking off the nest box soon. Both roosts are well above the level of the nest box.

I had to put the buffs on the roost last night as well as they were reluctant to go into the coop on their own and Im not sure they can exactly reach the high one on their own.

Now that there are staggered roosts and the little coop is locked off (and occupied) I hope things will go well. Not really sure how integrating the next batch is going to go. Wasn't planning on having to add so many. But should still be ok. Depends on if I have boys in the pitas and delaware.

Ive asked before about this product and Im not sure what to think.

Seems a number of people on the CPP FB page have used them and like them.

I also never got an answer on Forced Molting. Is this something that is done and is it more of a last resort thing?
Rooster collars will make them quieter. some will still crow loudly though.

The only place I know of the routinely force molts are the egg Battery places. Many consider it cruel since force molting involves things like starving the chickens.
Rooster collars will make them quieter. some will still crow loudly though.

The only place I know of the routinely force molts are the egg Battery places. Many consider it cruel since force molting involves things like starving the chickens.
I kind of thought that. I was thinking some show breeders might do it to time plumage issues but I tend to agree starving the chicken seems cruel.
I kind of thought that. I was thinking some show breeders might do it to time plumage issues but I tend to agree starving the chicken seems cruel.
Most breeders time their hatching to match the show season. Many that do this do not know about the other trick of timing your hatches so that the pullets come into lay in late sept. so that they will continue laying through the winter without light.

Also, a lot of Breeds do not look good after the first molt.

Great discussion!
OK @HappyChooks here are close ups of the chick I assumed was splash. @ronott1 and anyone else what do you think?

The chick below is the last one that hatched and it has something funky going on with its eyes. at first they were both closed like in the pics but then it opened them and they were dull and flat; not at all like the little bright beads it should have had. It was having coordination issues but it was less than 12 hours old so I gave it a pass for awhile and that did improve over the day. It could clearly see somewhat but lags behind the others. I gave it NutriDrench in the am and in the pm.

This morning one of its eyes is a bright little bead...not as open as is normal and the other eye is still flat. Giving more ND in a bit. Mama is super solicitious of it. This is her 3rd clutch and she is a force of broody nature. I hope it pulls through and normalizes. It is way better than it was yesterday.

Has anyone seen this before?
Looks like it could be a splash. As for the 2nd one, I have not seen that before.

Interesting week so far. I have been sick since Sunday night after our Father's Day BBQ. Got the chills right after everyone went home. Fever and nausea the next day, things emanating from various body parts ever since along with feeling like I was being stabbed in the belly. I have RA and have been on many different meds over the last 6-7 years since my diagnosis. They had to take take me off the most recent one due to increasing liver enzymes, but instead of going back down, they have continued to go up even 6 weeks after the drug was discontinued. I get to go in for a hepatitis test and liver untrasound first thing in the morning. . I thought people who don't drink or indulge in other vices were not supposed to have liver problems,

Anyway...on the 3rd day of being sick I went out and fed the girls and turned them out into the bigger pen we recently constructed so we could have a backyard back. Everything was fine. About 30 minutes later I am hearing a lot of very loud peeping from a small chick. I go out to see what the ruckus is and one of the two BLRW chicks is fine but the other is not to be seen. I notice Mom is scratching and clucking near a low spot along the back fence and there is a hole under it big enough for chicks. I get a chair and stand up on it to look over the fence. There is the chick standing on the gravel road that runs behind the house peeping it's head of. I try to attract it's attention with some scratch, but it does not see it., Sooooo.... as sick as I am...I get dressed, get in the car, drive around to the end of the dirt road (which is the equivalent of about 5 standard lots) and park. I walked downs the road with my trusty jar of mealworms. I get near the chick and toss a few to it. It sees them and comes over to eat them. I get close and make my move....and miss. There is no way that chicks is trusting me up close again. So I start walking toward it trying to get it cornered. It goes into the Vinca. I spend about 15 minutes following the movement of the plants and peeping an almost have it about 3 times. Meanwhile we are moving close to my backyard. movement in the Vinca and the peeping had stopped. I stood for about 3 minutes waiting and then gave up. I was feeling awful and at that was on it's own. I just couldn't pursue it any further. I get back in the car and come home. Go out in the back yard and there is the little troublemaker pecking away at the ground with Mom and sibling like nothing even happened!!!! It had no appreciation of what I had just put myself Thur to try to rescue it!.

I decide now would be a good time to secure the wholes though so they can't get out again. I go into the pen with some concrete border stones and cover the holes. There are some other questionable spots too so, I head for the gate to go out and get some more stones. Guess what??? I locked myself in the stupid pen!! And guess what one is home to let me out!!. So I tried various places to climb, but just don't have the strength to do that, The pen is only deer netting for now until we get more chicken wire, so I managed to tear a spot looking for a way out. We made the latch too far away from where you can reach thru the net. I finally had to break a small branch off one of the lilacs in the pen and stick it thru the netting and was able to release the latch. We had bought a special safety pull a couple of days before but I didn't get it installed because I got sick. Well....I was still sick but I went out and install it immediately after that!
I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope your tests go okay and they figure out what is going on. At least you were able to get yourself out of the run!

Please tell me this is jidt something normal And not cocci.

Looks like cecal poop to me. How old is the bird? Also, what you feed them will impact their poop too. The first time I fed beet greens to my birds, I freaked out the next day when I saw red poop EVERYWHERE. Then I remembered the beets.
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Looks like it could be a splash. As for the 2nd one, I have not seen that before.
It's weird isn't it.

Thanks for your input. How soon before I will be able to tell for sure? I will be very happy with two shades of blue as long as they are both pullets hahaha
Yesterday, as I was tending to chicken-chores, I noticed that one of the EE was jumping and rushing and generally being more pushy to the others. Is this a normal "establishing the pecking order" behavior or do I have a blossoming roo on my hands?

She is about 6 weeks old, and everyone else is either 6 or 7 weeks. In this picture, she's the one in the center.


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