California - Northern

So that would be for completely detached air cells? I guess it would be good for jiggly ones as well?

Yes, the time twisting and sitting upright is based on the condition of the air cells. The Freedom Ranger eggs from Renee were perfect, so they went right in to the incubator and started turning.
Oh...and one more question. Now that the meaties are over thier bout with Cocci (today is the 5th day of treatment...everyone else looks good) Is it OK to put them in a bigger pen in with the rest of the flock? They are really getting too big for the brooder now. I need to put some other chick in there too. Any special tips on cleaning that out?

Any input on this question?
Awww, this is my Riley.

The handsomest dog that ever lived! I'm not prejudiced at all! He's always had more tongue than mouth, LOL, it hangs out in most of his photos.

I can do a dead ringer imitation of zebra finches!

I am married. Have 4 kids 46,43, 34, and 23. 2 girls and 2 boys. We have 40 chickens, but are only getting about 18 eggs a day. We live in Montague,Ca. 30 miles from the Oregon border.
Welcome.............. you will get lots of help here.

They chirp, eat and poop, lol.


What a good Mama you are being Kathy.

Yes, very much we don't know about so many things.
Any input on this question?
Sorry Vicki, I can't help. I only had one grow out pen with Cocci once some years back & they are were the same age & finished growing out alone in their own pen.
Any input on this question?

Clean like you normally would. It is nearly impossible to get rid of the cycsts once they are there.

Activated oxine or lysol all purpose cleaner.

Often the next group will be fine. Each group is different with resistance and hopefully over time you won't the problem any more.
I may have candled today, on day 5--only from the top and I was very gentle...I may have see veins in 3 of 5 Pita Pinta eggs. There may have been something going on in some Freedom Ranger eggs too. Those are a bit darker so I did not see veins but I did see that look they get before you see the veins.

It should be a great hatch!

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