California - Northern

I know! That is almost unhead of! I was shocked earlier when I checked in and I was the only one logged on. Thanks for reviving it.

My question EXACTLY!!!
Pictures were posted in post 52477

I will get more tomorrow!
@ronott1 & @caychris
Those are THE most adorable chicks!! Pita Pentas? Salt and Pepper is soo perfect!!
I can never keep up with the thread - I want to reply to so many things, but by the time I read thru to the end, things have already been replied to and the topics speed along. Not that I'm complaining, just explaining what feels like lurking! ;-)
@ronott1 Those chicks are too cute!

@BCollie You have a lovely site! As usual, your photographs are amazing. I have a lot of respect for people that foster dogs on a regular basis - I have worked with training dogs and horses over the years, and each one is their own situation, requiring a unique set of skills and approach. It's definitely a labor of love!

I feel very accomplished today - I installed the nipple waterer in the run, affixed eyes and chains to the locking carabiners for the coop's latches, and actually worked on a part of the yard that wasn't related to the chickens for the first time in 6 weeks! Woo!

...And then I found a step stool that I could fit through the door of the run and sat and watched chicken tv...

Oh, a question for the group: the girls go back in the coop at sun down without me prodding, but they all pile up in a corner on the floor to sleep still. They have a roost about 6" high, but don't seem to use it for sleeping. Do I need to do anything or will they migrate to it on their own?
I've been putting my 2 on the roost bar since this is the first week in the coop. It is a little higher than six inches but I have a board roost too, that is at 6" and within jumping distance of the roost bar. Maybe it is too high, so I'm looking forward to hearing what others think, too.
My EE figured it out after being shown once, but my LB is still confused, he isn't the brightest. The only time he agrees to "up" now, is at night so I will put him on the roost. He didn't want the lower, easier board option that I put in because I read somewhere that chicken feet aren't designed to clutch a stick all night. Does anyone have opinions about that? What kind of roost do you have?
I would try putting them on the roost one night when they go in and see what happens. Or put a couple on and see if the others follow suit. I guess that would only work if they are cool with being picked up and placed.
Oh, a question for the group: the girls go back in the coop at sun down without me prodding, but they all pile up in a corner on the floor to sleep still. They have a roost about 6" high, but don't seem to use it for sleeping. Do I need to do anything or will they migrate to it on their own?
6 inches will be a little low when they are older. My bottom roost is 12 inches, then 18, then 24. Nobody sleeps on the 12 inch board.(it's where I sit and watch my flock)

They will migrate to the roost on their own when they feel secure. Right now, they are scared of their new housing, and so they will huddle in a pile on the floor.

Momma got off her egg's yesterday so I took a photo ...

Day 20 first chick hatched ....

And day 21 and we are up to 5 chicks ,,, Momma is a 23 week
old pullet and already a momma

Congrats! 23 weeks, wow! I've had a 7 month old pullet go broody, but yours is really young!
@Hangtown Farms , Jason, you have two chicks out so far. An OE hatched last night and a BP sometime during the night. Another black nearly finished zipping and five more eggs pipped so far.

Get that brooder ready! Most likely tomorrow?
@Hangtown Farms , Jason, you have two chicks out so far. An OE hatched last night and a BP sometime during the night. Another black nearly finished zipping and five more eggs pipped so far.

Get that brooder ready! Most likely tomorrow?
sounds good. there going in the big fish tank in the house then after a few days will go with the ones that hatched Monday

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