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  1. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    I don't thiink it will make him look ugly. He is too handsome for that. After a while you probably won't even notice it. Don't feel bad. It happens to the best of us. My Delaware had the same thing happen to him but the New Hampshire that was in the same coop but a different side did not have...
  2. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Fiddlehead, your roosters comb will heal but probably loose the tips of his pionts. He should be fine though. I have had that happen a time or two even though I did use the vaseline.
  3. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    I am in Michigan and it does get plenty cold here usually. It has been a bit milder here this year. My BA roo seems fine so far.
  4. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    huppfarm, so sorry for the losses
  5. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Welcome hgre! I hope you find out what is wrong with your birds and that they will be ok
  6. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    tigercreek, nice looking chickens and congrats on the eggs. My BA's and Delawares are the only ones that have been laying well over the winter.
  7. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Quote: Handsome!
  8. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Ugh..went from 9 Aussies to 1 Aussie cockerel.... ~Aspen Oh no! What happened?
  9. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Thanks Ink! henrietta, I don't know how good they are with children [mine are grown & gone] but they are very sweet tempered. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy, good luck with the hatch. My DH loved the temperment of the two girls we got a year ago and he wanted me to get more and he also wanted a rooster so...
  10. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy, so sorry for your loss.
  11. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    I took another pic of Black Jack today, he does like to pose for me
  12. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Congrats aveca!
  13. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Black Jack wanted to have his picture taken today
  14. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Quote: Very pretty!
  15. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Quote: Ohhh, good ones. Don't forget, Emmylou [Harris]
  16. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Quote: Sure! I have a Mlly, Tilly and Myrtle
  17. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hi Tigercreek That is so funny about the names. I just thought that Jack sounded good with Black but since I like whiskey we will say it's for that Trying to come up with names for the two girls now. He came from Rebel Roosters stock and is 19 weeks old here. Your boy looks good too. How old...
  18. Hillbilly Hen

    Australorps breed Thread

    Thanks1 I love them too. I got two girls last year and DH loved them so much he wanted to get a roo this year and some more girls to breed. I am not going to say no to more chickens. I ended up with 6 boys and 2 girls This boy was the best looking one overall so far. I have two younger ones...
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