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  1. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    The grief just doesn't lend itself to words. So sorry. We will all miss the famous Barbara; she was a chicken diva for sure.
  2. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    MSU didn't get whomped by Alabama; they were slaughtered, plucked, and put to brine. I tuned in for the last quarter and didn't even have the heart to watch it until the oh, so bitter end. And it was such a good season up until today.... Disappointed MSU grad
  3. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Nice to know that hostas can be used as auxiliary chicken feed... I'll have to plant some for the chooks. The deer already got theirs!
  4. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Love the picture of Bob and Marian with their matching puffy faces. Tell Barbara her new feathers look very chic!
  5. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    I had a black sex-link go through a very hard molt this fall. Tell Barbara we love her and that she will have even more beautiful stripes when her new feathers come in.
  6. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Every time I lose a pet, I feel like a piece of my heart is gone (I just lost one of my cats, a 20 pound teddy bear of a cat). But then I think about the unconditional love we receive from these animals, and how they enlarge our hearts because of that. Then I know that my heart is large...
  7. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Good idea, to groom LeRoy also. You gotta stand by your man!
  8. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    I went to freezer camp in Michigan for four years. We called it MSU. Barbara and Leroy are right; when your feet are cold, you're cold all over.
  9. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    That Wendy is a pushy broad, isn't she? there were plenty of other perfectly nice clean nest boxes for her to lay her egg in! I'll bet if she were a human, she'd cut in line at Wal-Mart, or park in the fire lanes.
  10. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Or you could name one after Sarah Palin..what is it, Wasilla Alaska? Wasilla sounds chickeny! And I had an aunt named "Willie Ann". Needless to say, my family is from the country!
  11. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Trying to work on her fat butt problem, apparently!
  12. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    Thank you... I was hoping a picture of Hot Stuff would show up soon!
  13. SallyF

    The adventures of Barbara (BR)

    I'm sure Barbara will get Leroy back into line. She strikes me as the kind of diva chicken who does not doubt herself at all. After all he's just a roo and needs more training!
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