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  1. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    These 2 are this years Easter chicks. I thought they where pullets but im thinking they are cockereals. What do yall think? They needs baths but other than that boys or girls?
  2. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    This one has horns. lol I can't wait for it to feather out. It also has a few other white spots
  3. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Here is one of my favorite frizzled silkie pics. I got this color from a frizzled partridge silkie hen and a white silkie roo. I just love the white beard. The one below came from another frizzled partridge silkie hen and a porcelain silkie roo. I couldn't get a side shot because she refused...
  4. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Thanks. He is in a breeding pen now but still has an eye watering problem. I have to clean the area around his eye about once a week now. I plan to show him at the end of this month. Maybe I can get that watering issue under control or stopped. He's real easy to handle since he's been getting...
  5. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I have a chick that got a piece of pine shavings in her eye and by the time I realized anyting was wrong It was really bad. She was with her mother and 3 other siblings when it happened. I now have her in a brooder alone with just paper towel instead of the shavings I normally use. This is what...
  6. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I got this guy one year. He started out looking like the one chicknmomma posted when he was a chick and this is him at 4 months old. He came from my sizzle pen and I'm pretty sure his mother was a blue sizzle that was frizzled, he is smooth. The roo that was in the pen was a calico. This is...
  7. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I totally agree. Missing a show to save others birds is no sacrifice compared to everybody else loosing their birds because they got sick from being close to your birds. Although they may not seem sick at the time it's still taking a huge risk at the expense of others.
  8. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I"m so sorry. The birds that I've had that had gotten sick once they stop letting you help them they died shortly after. It's like they know or have given up. Poor girl.
  9. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    My splash ladies normally look alot better than they do right now but they have been breeding all summer then they went broody and molted. They look pretty ragged right now but they would be all nice and fluffy like they are suppose to be if I would pull them out of production for a while...
  10. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    My sizzles are all mixed colors but........... when I hatch eggs from my black sizzle hen and she's with a white silkie roo that has a few small black spots on him I get alot of either black, silver and grey babies. My white sizzle hen paired also with the white silkie roo she always puts out...
  11. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    There is a poultry sal this weekend. If he don't do his job by then he's going with me.
  12. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I never heard that but I will have to share it for sure. lol
  13. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    When I got him he was 4 months old and I had put him in quarantine with another roo and 3 hens that I had also gotten from the same person. They where actually in that pen for about 3 months. The hens where laying and where fertile so I know he saw what was going on and normally at 4 months...
  14. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    I like the fluffy silkies but not so much like you said they can't even find their own food. Mine are able to find food. I did have one that I hatched from somebody else's eggs that couldn't find her food. I started trimming her crest. I do have to trim their backsides though. I don't pluck I...
  15. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Does anybody know why a roo wouldn't have any interest in breeding? I have one that was not interested in all with a hen. I put him in a pen by himself thru the summer. Maybe he's changed his mind, IDK. I need to put a hen with him to see if he has changed his mind but if not the question still...
  16. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Congratulations. She is beautiful
  17. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    When I saw this post my thught was the same. Can she see? If you don't plan to show her or they don't you can trim the feathers by her eyes till you can see them. I had this happen to one of my pullets. She wouldn't even walk around much. I finally figured out she was blinded by her crest...
  18. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    It could be anything. Are they shipped eggs? I'm guessing not. If it's just the splash maybe they where too weak to finish the job. It can take up to 24 hours once they pip for them to hatch but to die in the middle of it. IDK. Your temps and humidity is ok so it shouldn't be that. Have you...
  19. emvickrey

    Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

    Did you take the dead chicks out of the shell to inspect them? Possibly bad toes or legs not in the right position to grasp shell edge to pull it's self out maybe. Maybe zip was too high and they couldn't reach the edge? Maybe stuck and couldn't get out. Thats happened many times here. I've had...
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