OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Lucky you. I am glad that you got so many Hens the first time around. My buck a duck was no big deal since I hopefully have a home for them and it was fun watching them get so big already.
I am quickly trying to get their coop and run setup, since I lost one Rouen and one Pekin from my last batch. They looked sickly when I first got them, but didn't want to leave them behind. Even though they were just a buck a piece, it always weighs heavy on my heart at losing one.
Update: I have decided I am going to buy the hatching eggs for Ursula.

Will anyone take some free chicks in about a month? I'm trying to decide whether to get a half dozen or full dozen eggs.
It was great to finally meet you and get the 2 chicks. I will post updates on their progress and introduce them to our existing flock. Have a great time on your vacation! Please let me know if/when Ursula decides to go broody again and we can work something out.
It was great to finally meet you and get the 2 chicks. I will post updates on their progress and introduce them to our existing flock. Have a great time on your vacation! Please let me know if/when Ursula decides to go broody again and we can work something out.
Thanks! It was nice meeting you. Enjoy the chicks. :)

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