
  1. Chickabee22484

    Lingering half closed eye (one side only)

    My flock got decimated a few weeks back (60 days-ish) by what I suspect was a racoon. I lost 21 birds and had 2 healthy ones and 3 in shock birds left. I brought back all 3 in shock birds but one of them still has an eye that is half shut. It's opened up about 50% since the attack so she is...
  2. |Aphrodite|

    ‘Leading’ rooster died, everyone is out of control

    My ‘leading’ rooster attacked a four year old boy while trying to get his sister, Aphrodite, back to the flock. His parents were furious and pretty much forced me to kill him. He was an amazing rooster who kept everything going good, other than him being overprotective of his chickens. I thought...
  3. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    Two cockerels attacking each other. Covered in blood and mud. Missing feathers.

    These guys grew up together. They have together survived 2 fox attacks. They have been fighting each other for a while. They are half soaked and covered in mud, which makes me think they fell into the dam? They have this mad look in their eyes, and they had blood all over them. They were both...
  4. nightowl223

    Drowned goose heartbreak

    Last year I had to admit defeat and agree I had 2 ganders. This spring I got 2 African goslings, and raised them with love. They were Messy ( originally named Mesi, an African name meaning Water Woman, but she was a he), a gander, and Bem (unisex African name meaning Peace), who developed into a...
  5. DuckMochi

    Chicken suddenly attacked my duck???

    Hey there everyone so for the past 3-4 weeks we've been introducing a new pekin duckling to our flock. She was close to 3 weeks when we bought her so she's been a pretty decent size the entire time. We also own a mallard female and right now the pekin is currently larger than the mallard...
  6. Mary's Backyard Chickens


    PLEASE HELP! Okay. So I went out to check on my chickens and check eggs this morning, and brought food scraps to give them. At first, I didn't notice anything. But when I poured food out, and Tiny (our chicken that is gone now) didn't come running to get some, I knew something was wrong. I...
  7. majortaylor

    Opossum wound, which antibiotics?

    my favorite hen got attacked by a opossum 2 nights ago. It got her by the wing and body and the bone on the wing is exposed. We got her right away and flushed the wounds with peroxide, irrigated them to get the debris out, rubbed betadine on them and finished off with triple antibiotic cream...
  8. PaddyFarms

    Chicken Murder Mystery?

    So I have a bit of an issue here. Thursday night/Friday morning at about 3am, I heard my 4 chickens squawking and screaming. I ran outside to find one of them dead in front of the coop (not a lot of blood, maybe her neck was broken? Wasn't able to stop and find out), one totally missing, one...
  9. Mary's Backyard Chickens

    What ate my chickens??

    Help! I recently had 3 chickens killed and eaten. When I went outside, I saw only one of them laying there. It had no head, no feathers, no meat. All it had was rib bones and chicken legs laying there and a little blood. But, I want to know what type of animal most likely did that...
  10. mesafox101

    HELP! silkie rooster attack

    i went out to check on my chickens when i tried to grab my hen my rooster came and jumped at me i didnt get hurt but when i tried to grab him he jumped at me again! is this normal!?!?!
  11. Teepea

    Help Needed

    Hi, I have a male peafowl who was hand raised named Sausage. he is very friendly towards me and my sister, but has recently been attacking my mum and my neighbors. And he has also been calling for a mate at 4am in the morning (he is only 2 years old and has no tail). They have complained about...
  12. Reiki Rooster

    5yr old Rooster attacking hens...Help!

    Hello, my rooster, LJ, is 5 years old and about a month ago he was attacked by something. No idea what, but I found a trail of his feathers through my yard and he came to "dinner" late that night. His tail and some back feathers were missing, but thankfully very minor flesh injuries. He refused...
  13. AbbysSilkies


    Please help!! There were rats in the barn where our chicks were so about three weeks ago we moved them to a coop behind the barn. It’s raised 3 feet and has relatively tight wire, but I was mortified to go out this morning to find a giant rat snake had eaten my three favorites! I was devastated...
  14. Sarah Leighty

    help- Injured hen, eating but wont drink, wounds healing

    Hello all- One of our girls got attacked by the neighbors 2 little dogs, and they pulled her skin off pretty good from neck down between wings, and on one side. She also got a bite on her chest. This was Tuesday 9/26. We cleaned with betadine solution/warm water spray, and have treated for...
  15. ShrekDawg

    HELP! Fighting Hens!

    Soooo... I have 8 chickens, all hens. 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. 2 of them are broody right now and have been for about a month because I haven't had a chance to break them yet. One, an Orpington named Penny, has been broody 3 times since April...
  16. L

    HELP! My chicken won't stop attacking the new chickens!

    Hi! I am new to raising chickens; we got our first girls (plus a duck!) in April of this year. They have been doing well and have been in an outside coop since around June. We got another set of babies in August of this year. They were ready to go outside this month, so we got another coop that...
  17. N

    Plymouth Rock Chook attacked an maimed

    So last night i had a horrid experience. Luckily I was awake until about 2:30am when I heard a horrifying cry from my chook. I quickly ran downstairs and outside only to find 3 rackoons attacking my chooks. One of them had my alpha female by the head/neck and I thought she was dead for sure...
  18. zayn


    HI all< so just yesterday i was given a game bird cockerel (aseel type breed) who is about 6 months old that was attacked by a fox and went missing for severeal days. when he was found-badly injured-he was given to me. i have cleaned all his wounds and applied pet safe antiseptic(near cloaca...
  19. OG Anomaly

    Attacked by Racoon, Severe Injuries, Emergency, Plz Help

    Hi, I'm not familiar with posting in threads like this, am typing w one hand & holding the injured bird w the other- please bear w me & thank you in advance for any help/suggestions/info A few months back, my son came home from work w 12 chicks (pullets?) from our local Tractor Supply. He's...
  20. IslaBean

    Cowarding Chicken Behavior - HELP!

    I need help!! I raised 10 chickens from when they were only two weeks old. We didn't know whether they were roosters or hens yet, but we knew we'd eventually have to get rid of the roosters due to city laws. The chickens are currently about 15 weeks old. I let my chickens free range during the...
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