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    Candle duck egg
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    Duck egg incubator day # 10
  3. rookbeak

    What are you looking for when you candle coturnix quail eggs?

    Day 4 of incubation. I have 5 quail eggs I'm trying to incubate for my first hatch. Out of the 5 I think 2 are infertile because they lit up pretty thoroughly when I tried candling them (but this is my first hatch so I'm leaving them in the incubator in case I'm wrong). The other 3 are...
  4. C

    Broody mama leaving egg out-but it’s still viable!

    I have a Wyandotte mama who’s sitting on a clutch of 6 eggs. She’s been great so far. I’ve noticed though that she keeps leaving an egg (or a couple) out from underneath her. So far I’ve just been scooting them back underneath her but tonight when I found one I decided to candle it and see if...
  5. Riggan9316

    Help please. Goose egg question.

    My three geese are all sitting on a nest of about 14. They have been sitting a long time. I didn’t write down the exact date they started sitting, but it feels like too long. So today, I went and took one egg to candle it. It’s hard to see very much detail bc the shell is so thick, but it looked...
  6. K

    What does this mean ?

    I candled one of my chicken eggs and it looks different than the rest. Today is day 5 for the eggs, could someone tell me what this means ? Does it look fertile or not ? Have you seen eggs like this before ?
  7. S

    Day 21 and only one chick piping out of 7

    Hi all, I am using the Brinsea mini advanced and it has been amazing I really recommend it!! Anyway it is day 21 today and only one chick it piping. I candled all of the eggs 3 days ago before I put them into lockdown and all of them but one was not fertile. I am very worried because it’s my...
  8. BirdsBeesTrees

    Helping Candle Dark Eggs

    Here is my latest batch of my Maran eggs.
  9. Sire12

    Need help identifying these candled eggs as good or bad please

    It's day 9, the eggs are from mixed breed hens crossed with a brahma rooster, there's 24 eggs and they all look the same except for 3 which were completely clear and I threw out, the rest look like this where there is a bit of a dark mass but I can't see any red spider veins or anything
  10. Sire12

    Is it necessary to candle eggs on day 7 or can you just wait until day 14?

    I'm new to incubation and have been reading up on what to look for when candling and some articles are saying even if you're unsure if they're good or bad eggs on day 7 then leave them in until day 14 just to be sure, it's day 6 for me now and I'm wondering if I should disturb them tomorrow or...
  11. V


    What does this look like to you dont be fooled
  12. K

    Is my duck dead inside the egg?

    I’m on about day 21 now for my duck eggs, and one of them seemed to have stopped moving. It was basically jiggling around in the egg, floated up, the veins weren’t moving and the fetus was not either. Now, about 24 hours later, it seems the egg is somewhat back to normal but everything seems...
  13. DUCK Incubation & Raising Ducklings ~ Sally Sunshines NOTES

    DUCK Incubation & Raising Ducklings ~ Sally Sunshines NOTES

    I wont rewrite what is already perfectly written online for the sake of an article, but I will offer you the links/conversations to the wonderful info I gathered to have many successful Duck incubations & Raising ! YOU TOO can be successful at it! DUCK INCUBATION: I suggest you read The...
  14. WyandotteH

    Red circle appears day 7 ???

    Hi all Some help/advice would be appreciated. Day 7 of incubation maintained temp and humidity within normal parameters. Upon candling eggs I have several that have a distinct red circumferential markings. Can anyone please explain a cause or if this is normal ?? Day seven was the first time...
  15. WeTheWeys

    Detached Air Cells....What should my humidity be?

    Hi all! I JUST got my first duck eggs ever. They were shipped over 2 days and i received them about an hour ago. I have them propped upright pointy end down in an egg carton and am letting them rest for at least 24 hours before moving them into the incubator, where I plan to use the upright...
  16. ohgoodnessguineas

    guinea eggs close...unsure of day, leave em in the turner or take em out?

    one of our guinea hens was scared off her nest by a wild animal or dog. she had put herself in a pretty nice hiding spot, so we decided to let her stay there instead of taking her eggs from her, but we also aren't entirely certain of the exact day she started full incubation. she's alive, but...
  17. Spiderduck

    Can I candle eggs on day 24

    So i have 12 eggs under a lamp in a box with a damp towel underneath. Also using some foil to keep the heat in. But left some room for the air to escape. Cant be too hot. Temp is around 37. I dd hear a peep on day 22 at 6pm. Then i heard a peep again on day 23 at 10am. No movement since...
  18. LaLaLaLauria

    Quaility Control- To float or chance a bomb on day 14?

    Hi guys, noob first time quail (anything actually) incubator. Today is day 14 and we will be going into lockdown. I do not have faith in my ability to candle these little spotted eggs effectively so my question is: Do I not candle, not float, just put the eggs in lockdown and pray for no...
  19. ShrekDawg

    Natural soaps and candles

    Anybody know of anyone that sells natural candles or soaps? Natural being like soy, goat's milk, etc. etc., anything other than the chemical laden store ones. I don't have issues using store soaps but get headaches from scented candles, etc. and I'd just like to try to be more natural or healthy...
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