
  1. thecreekhouse

    Total beginner question: how do you bring birds to shows?

    Hi. I am a total chicken exhibition newbie (haven’t been to first show yet) and I’m trying to help and support my 11 yrold 4-H daughter begin participating in showing and showmanship. But we know absolutely NOTHING at this point. We have everything to learn. So I have lots of questions. My...
  2. 3clucks

    Is this silkie show quality?

    Hi there, I was at a poultry show this past weekend and noticed this silkie was for sale, I talked to the person who owned it and breeds silkies and they said they would be willing to sell it to me for $20, because they need to downsize their flock. Can anybody tell me if this would be a good...
  3. 3clucks

    What would be the best color?

    Hi there! I am looking into getting a silkie or two as an exhibition bird and was wondering what would be the best color to start out with for a beginner.
  4. 3clucks

    Amerucana exhibition colors.

    Hi there, I have a lavender Amerucana hen that I am interested in entering at some shows. I have looked online to make sure that color is recognized by the APA but can’t seem to find a definitive answer.... does anyone know whether it is? Or what the recognized amerucana colors are by the APA?
  5. 3clucks

    Silkie exhibition colors

    I recently got into chickens and have decided to show silkies and am trying to learn as much as possible. With that being said I’m wondering what the recognized silkie colors are by the APA before I start building my show flock. I have searched online and can’t seem to find a definitive answer...
  6. ~cochinlover~

    Showing Help!!

    So, I am wanting to show my Mottled Cochin's in a show. Thing is I have some questions... *Do you take the bird out to show? *What do you do with the bird when showing? *Dose the bird stay in the cage? *Dose the judge just look at it in the cage to judge it? Thanks!
  7. Upper Brook House Farm

    Do you like these geese?

    Hi, and what do you think of these exhibition Embden geese? Any comments would be welcomed. Thanks James
  8. Christina.Rich

    Where do you keep your show Roosters?

    Hi All, I am new to chickens, but I do know that I have a love for Bantam and Standard Cochins! I am really curious to find out from those of you who show your poultry, where and how you house your birds. I'm referring mostly to the roosters, as well as the show hens. I have one big coop right...
  9. VolailleAmant

    Best For Show

    What would be better to do to obtain good show birds....Buying from a local breeder, or ordering from hatchery? I like doing both, but night sure would be best. I hear....and for me it is true....That raising chicks, you "bond" better than older birds. What is your opinion, thoughts, or advice...
  10. Jack Czerwonka

    Keeping Show Birds

    Hey I am getting show birds and I am wondering what is the best way for keeping them. Thanks Jack
  11. showmanshiptop

    Show people connect

    Just thought it might be nice to have BYC show people connect. Please say what breeds you show and if you are looking for a breeder of a specific breed. I show Danvers, Leghorns, and Partraige Rock Bantams. I'm looking for someone who breeds Partraige Rock Bantams.
  12. Gwynevere

    Chicken Exhibitions and Showing: How to get into a great sport and not feel lost when you start

    Chicken Exhibitions and Showing: How to get into a great sport and not feel ridiculous when you start (from someone who has already been there) Chicken showing is just like any other type of show. The object is to choose the best representative of the breed or species while also...
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