
  1. BlueHorse17

    Incubating disaster…

    So we started off with 52 eggs. Candled them around day 7. After the candling it narrowed down to 40 that were developing. From day 1-17 we had temp at 99/100 and humidity at 50-55%. The incubator that is being used has a fan and is self-turning (turns eggs every two hours). The incubator has...
  2. ducklingsareadorable


    hello! i have 4 eggs and one hatched this morning, ones in hatching and one is a bit younger so still developing. its another one wich im very concerned about, he had 2 VERY big air sacs from day 13 already, and it didnt shrink or something till day 30 (today) and our neighbor used to be a vet...
  3. O

    Question about incubator

    Hello :) Right now I am hatching Bantam Chicken eggs and I am using this circulating air incubator for the first time. The eggs are sitting on these manual turning tubes that work as a turning tray and the air is coming from under them. Where the air is coming out from there is a temperature...
  4. Barbedwirecat

    12+ Naked Neck Turken Chicken Hatching Eggs Mixed colors LF Aloha and more

    12+ Dozen Eggs for $30 plus shipping (Updated for sale thread from this one: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/12-naked-neck-turken-chicken-hatching-eggs-mixed-colors-lf.1001674/ ) Please Message me if you would like smaller or larger numbers of eggs! I do a minimum of 6+ and a Max of 2...
  5. Featherss

    How many species can be hatched at once?

    My Animal Science teacher is planning to hatch quail٫ ducks٫ Muscovy ducks٫ and chickens all in the same incubator. Will anything be able to hatch with all of the temperature٫ humidity٫ and incubation period differences? I told her I had fertile duck and bantam eggs٫ but would rather hatch them...
  6. J

    Everything that went wrong with my first hatch

    Hi there, I'd like to share my experience with my first hatch ever. We got chickens two times before, but those were hybrid chickens and they died after 3-4 years. After that, we decided to not keep chickens anymore, but when we found an Omlet Chicken coop, we finally were ready for chickens...
  7. lavendermarie

    A Couple Questions on Incubating

    Hello! I want to hatch some duck eggs this year but I have a few questions first! I want to make sure I do everything right to ensure an easy, effective, and safe hatch. (I apologize in advance if these seem obvious to some! It’s only my third time using an incubator and would be my first time...
  8. H

    Newly broody Turkey and almost to lockdown eggs.

    So I have a 2 year old black Spanish hen that has just gone broody within the last couple of days. We do not have a tom anymore for fertile Turkey eggs to hatch and I have an incubator full of eggs due to hatch this Saturday (5 days away). If she just went broody, is it too soon to put chicken...
  9. A


    I have been hatching my mallards duck eggs. My hens are sitting on them but this is happening and I’m not sure at this point if it is alive or dead. I’m not sure if it’s hatching or not either. Maybe the hen cracked it? What do I do? Should I bring it inside under a heat lamp?
  10. M

    Are my duck eggs growing properly?

    Hi, I recently purchased duck eggs and I have been incubating them for roughly 1.5 weeks and one of the eggs seems to be more advanced than the others. I have attached photos from 2 different eggs that I started incubating at the same time. If someone could please let me know if the photos...
  11. J

    PLEASE HELP - leaking egg

    Hi there, One of my chickens got broody and has hatched 3 chickens out of a nest of 8. She left the other 5 eggs two days ago after the third baby chick hatched. I'm trying to save the eggs with a heat lamp and we heard chirping yesterday from one egg but now I have a leaking egg and I don't...
  12. D

    New here - I have quail

    Hi there! New member here hailing from the central coast of Oregon. We have a covey of about 40 Conturnix quail (jumbo sparkly, Italians, Tibetans, Tuxedos, and some dilutions) We raise them for meat, eggs and fun pets. We also have a few “rescue pigeons” and I’m considering adding some...
  13. AMont17

    Silkie Surrogate

    After several episodes of my Silkie going broody, I gave her (6) mixed eggs (few different breeds from a neighbor) and she has been dedicated so far and it appears that all (6) are developing from what I can tell by candling. This is my first experience with this and I’m wondering if I need to...
  14. A

    My duck hatched with yolk??

    I am trying to hatch my first couple ducks. Friday afternoon both my eggs pipped and yesterday my first duck hatched perfectly fine and is doing great. Today my second duck hatched and it appears to still have it's yolk. It's legs don't look right either, it can't walk. I'll attach pictures...
  15. ShellBell73

    Sad Day

    So we knocked the clutches down from 55 to 30. The 30 are definitely developing chicks; at many stages!!! This morning I went out to check again and picked in the fresh eggs. No baby chicks in the broody mama boxes so came back in and was going to have a little breakfast. I cracked open one of...
  16. pax12

    Baby ducklings ARE HERE!!!

    It has been a long time but I am back at raising ducklings after almost 3 years!! Puppy meeting ducklings for the first time Puppy and her ducklings Golden hour ducklings Puppy loves her little ducklings Daily dose of duckling
  17. hannahsocal

    Does a hen know which eggs are hers? (Which eggs she laid herself)

    Can a hen tell which eggs SHE herself laid, or do hens only recognize an egg as an egg? If there’s a communal nest box for example, does a hen know which eggs she laid in a pile of other eggs?
  18. Goosey Girl

    Should I pull the egg???

    One Sebastopol gosling egg is VERY narrow. Its pointy end is pointy. Considering that the female is barely a year old, should I remove that egg??? I've never had to cull a chick and am concerned that the gosling that grows in the narrow shell might not develop properly. Does anyone have any...
  19. F

    Making a profit

    Hey there, I’m new to this group and hoping to get some advice. I’ve been a chicken owner for a few years now, but this year my husband and I want to take it seriously and start a business. We want to sell hatching eggs, chicks, laying hens, meat birds (after they’re butchered), and same for...
  20. Ace 1225

    MDF cabinet incubator ?

    Question for you chicken peeps, have you ever used MDF board for an incubator cabinet? How well does it hold up? Did you paint it on the outside? Did you line it with paneling? I'm so curious of how well this will hold up. Thanks for your knowledge.
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