
  1. B

    Guinea fowl nesting habits.

    Hey everyone! We have 11 Guinea fowl (6 hens and 5 cocks) and are expecting eggs soon. I have a few questions. A. When do guineas start laying their eggs? Are they laying now, or in March and April? B. We have two chickens and a rooster. Will the chicken hens raise the keets once they hatch...
  2. Functional Rustic

    Will a turkey sit on duck eggs?

    I have a Muscovy hen that has been sitting on a clutch of eggs for about a week. This morning the turkey was sitting on her eggs. I removed the turkey and it immediately returned to the nest. I pulled the turkey out of the nesting box again and the duck scurried back onto the nest. Is this...
  3. BluBelle23

    Won’t lay eggs in nesting boxes

    We built/introduced our chickens to their nesting boxes when they were aprox. 14 weeks old. We have a variety of 25 layers with 8 boxes, grassy hay and a fake egg in each box. Each day we put a couple of them in the nesting boxes to show them what they are. It’s in a quiet dark corner. They have...
  4. Mrhein

    Please stop pooping in the nesting boxes!

    There was a time when the eggs were very clean and collecting was a simple process. I have introduced four new pullets into the coop last year and they are still roosting in the nesting boxes and now they are filthy and NONE of the hens are laying eggs anymore. I have a light, a run, they are...
  5. Just Hatch duck

    ducks breeding...

    Hi, i have a drake and two ducks i recently separated them from my chooks because i found out they won't breed with chickens around... but its been a month or two and they started nesting but i think they aren't fertile because i candled them and can't find any veins or blood vessels but they...
  6. Just Hatch duck

    Ducks Eggs...

    Hi, I've just started breeding ducks and i have one male and two females, they started nesting about 3 weeks ago and one of my females leaves the nest all the time and I'm afraid they're getting cold, because her eggs have all gone black and she started with about 15 eggs and only has 3 left. I...
  7. hansoto

    Artificial Turf as an alternative nesting pad?

    I have some artificial turf that I was thinking about using in my new coop. I have 3 bays in my nesting box and was thinking about cutting six pieces of artificial turf (only 3 at a time would be used). When it's time for cleaning, I'll take the 3 out and put the other 3 in immediately...
  8. cwaldensr

    When do Geese start To lay Eggs

    We have been finding larger than normal eggs in the chicken coup. I just figured we have one healthy mudder of a chicken. Our chicken coup is currently shared at night with two of our young geese. Well much to our surprise we find our baby goose JoLee sitting a nest. She's been laying eggs for a...
  9. 3riverschick

    Excelsior pads/mats

    Hi, I was just noticing that these Nest pads these Excelsior pads are selling on the retail market for about $2 a piece . if anybody is looking for a better buy go to the online directory of Excelsior Manufacturers in the United States. it's a very long directory and you can buy your pad...
  10. MrsMcnugget

    Hen laying eggs in burn barrel!! What's up with that?!

    My adopted stray hen, Mrs. Mcnugget, has been a faithful layer since she began laying for me at the end of August. She started laying in the nest we put in the cat carrier she slept in, and when her coop came she laid in the nest box first time, she's very clever. We got another chicken for her...
  11. E


    Ok, I am all for vets, but I cannot go to a vet due to a financial setback. My bun, Stormi, had 4 kits yesterday morning. She is bleeding again from her private and is acting the same way she did before she delivered her last kits. I know does have two horns that can produce two seperate...
  12. venymae

    Do you think my nesting boxes need a landing bar?

    These are my boxes. They are about 18-24" about the floor. The girls dont like them :( I have heavy breeds (buff orpington) and they will be getting curtains this weekend. Should they have a landing bar like the one shown in the drawing below? Thanks!
  13. Samigirl

    Duckling Eggs

    So this is the longest time we've had a nest last, it started as 1 and now the girls have divided into 2, so any thought and tips would be greatly appreciated, I'll post pictures and videos of the candling, to see how far along yall think Thanks
  14. Sierra Hughes


    Seems like a crazy question! I have two silkie hens (at laying age) that I just purchased. Planning to add them to my flock after keeping them indoors for a couple weeks or so. They are in a huge dog crate (Great Dane size/ the biggest dog crate they make) I have a container in it with pine...
  15. CollegeGirl3

    Weird Duck Family

    Alrighty y'all, I've had ducks for quite some time now, but my ladies are acting quite weird this season... I've got two ladies (a mallard and a Cayuga) that are on their nests for a second time this year. The first time they laid, the mallard hatched a single duckling and the cayuga hatched a...
  16. mariwood

    muscovies sharing nest

    I have two female muscovies, both laying eggs in the same spot. Wondering if I should set up separate nests once they start setting. Does anybody else have experience with this?
  17. Moonpaperr

    Can I move a broody chicken and her nest?

    Hello! Today my silkie chicken went broody; however, she made the nest outside her coop! She did it in a small gardening gutter, that can easily flood if it rains geavily. Is it possible to move it without her abandoning the nest? I read that its better if I move her to a nesting box at night...
  18. Moonpaperr


    Hello! I am new to having chickens. A year ago I bought two silkie hens, and last month my neighbor gave me a rooster. It wasnt until last week when my chicken started laying eggs, and the weather was warm and sunny UNTIL TODAY. It's been pouring rain all day, and when I went to check on my hen...
  19. C

    My chicken is acting strange! PLEASE HELP!!!

    My 1year old production red "Tweety" Has been sitting in the nesting box for over a week now and rarely comes out to get food or water. I thought she may be egg bound so I soaked her in Epsom salt water, but that didn't work. I thought she might be broody but there are no roosters and no eggs...
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