
  1. P

    Can You Bomb-Proof Quail?

    Hi all, I work at an urban small animal farm and we are looking to introduce some new bird species, particularly game birds like pheasants and quail. We have a large diversity of animals already, and our work mostly coincides with educating the public, specifically children and those with...
  2. TheAlrightyGina

    Chick Sexing Project: To Be Continued?

    Hey everrbody! I'm sure those of you that frequent this forum ("What Breed Or Gender is This?") have noticed that stickied thread, Chick Sexing Project, started by @Direchicken, who seems to be inactive. I finally made my way through it and found that it has kinda...fallen apart. What was meant...
  3. chicken mother

    What chicken breed is this?

    She lays green eggs a few times a week. Black and brown with grey feet. I’ve had her for a few years now but never knew what breed she is!
  4. S

    Sudden muscovy and chicken deaths

    I have about 30 birds total, and throughout the winter I lost 4 to "sudden deaths". The side effects usually included wry neck, and paralysis then trouble breathing, then death. I decided that it could have been botulism toxin. I didn't lose any for about 3 months. Then suddenly today I lost a...
  5. ChickenGirl300

    Introducing a new chicken after a hawk attack

    I had five chickens until yesterday. We originally had 3, but then we got two more because we thought one was a rooster. (She wasn't) The two new girls were Plymouth Rocks, and always hung around together. They had names in the start, but once they feathered out we couldn't tell them apart very...
  6. Shancat_

    Mystery chick

    Hey everyone! Got my shipment of chicks in. I did have 2 pass away before they got to the store but I also got a mystery chick inside. I’m assuming it’s an Easter Egger chick. What do you’ll think. (Excuse the nails) Thanks!!!
  7. RosyChickens

    Guess that Chick Breed

    I hatched a few chicks and picked up a few from Tractor supply store But I have some questions about breed and gender if anyone can help. 1. From the Bantam mystery bin we have this cutie (guessing male from the waddles and comb?) but what breed? he is a very light cream (not really buff or...
  8. Y

    Introduction! and Question!

    Hello all! I am an 18-year-old male and I currently am taking care of a chicken that we randomly found roaming our neighborhood. I check this site often and took some great tips from here! Thanks! My question, however, is that recently, the chicken that we found and took care of (as a pet)...
  9. LordEvan5

    Nada Huevos no Bueno

    My hens have stopped laying eggs. I know it’s winter and the days are short. But my buddy who I have sort of a chicken raising partnership with is getting record egg production. They were doing good but then we had a hen get a cold and when I reintroduced her egg laying sort of just petered out...
  10. Wild-Turkey

    Most Underrated Poultry Breed, Variety, or Species In Your Opinion?

    Hello, this can include waterfowl, galliformes, or if you really want, parrots, parakeets, softbills, or other birds of your choice, for absolutely any reason. Hey, go ahead and stick a mammal or plant in there if you’d like! This is completely for fun so go wild! If anybody’s curious, I think...
  11. 0ddaudd

    Do Guard Geese really work?

    Hey! I’ve had this question for awhile. Does a “guard goose” actually work by scaring off prey? If so, does breed matter? What about gender? And will they try to attack humans? I’ve also heard that getting a black chicken can deter predators as well but that might just be an old wives tale. I...
  12. P

    Black growth on duck's foot?

    I just became aware that my duck has bumblefoot on his left foot that has progressed farther than I'm embarrassed to admit, but it's being treated properly (I bring it up in case it's related to my question). While making this discovery, I took a look at his right foot as well and it had a...
  13. bufforpington42

    Electrical Question! Help!

    Goal: Bring electricity to my barn via extension chords as safely as possible (which I know is not the safest, but it's what we must do for now) Information you may need to know before I start asking my questions: Last winter we ran 2-3 extension chords from our garage to our barn. Distance...
  14. splitidol

    How much space should I give my chicks?

    Hi! I’m trying to design a coop for my chicks but i’ve never built one before and don’t know how much space I should give them, I have 7 total ( 2 Plymouth Rocks, Cuckoo Maran, Golden Sex Link, New Hampshire Red, Buff Orpington, and a Silkie), Im scared i’m going to not give them enough room and...
  15. D


  16. K Mole

    Rhode Island Red and Ameraucana chicks gender question

    Hello, When I was a kid my family raised a lot of chickens as pets, (like flocks of 40-60 at a time). I just bought my first home with my husband and son and thought it would be great to get a few back yard chickens. My husband and I went out and got these two chicks. We were told they were...
  17. K

    Need help with possible gendering of bantam silkie chicks

    We have two bantam silkie chicks that we bought from a tractor supply August 22nd. The white one is a little spunky but still affectionate.The white one (Yang) seems a lot more developed than the black one (Yin). I don’t know if the pictures show it but Yang’s feet are a bigger than Yin’s. Yin...
  18. Melody102

    I have a broody Quail! (And question)

    My quail Rosie is being super broody! It’s so cute! I don’t have any males so the eggs aren’t fertile but I think she’d be an excellent mum. Question, if I take her eggs will she stop being broody or is this something she will on and off again do? Are there like fake eggs I can give her to make...
  19. L

    Help with Predator ID (Graphic)

    Over the last month, I’ve found 3 dead hens on my backyard. (Not my chickens, but I do have chickens in secure coops.) In each case, the entire bird seems to have been eaten except for some of the wings (and a foot in one case). In all three cases, the gizzard was untouched; other than that...
  20. Maddog_photog

    True Grit

    Hey folks! I was noticing my two Swedish Blues walking away from me, and one had a noticeable larger front section (?) than the other. I’m wondering what it could be from..? I think I read on here that it could be from lack of grit..? I haven’t given them any chick grit as they are older than...
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