silkie chick

  1. MrsChicky55

    High Humidity Please Help

    I purchased some silkie/satin eggs that were shipped to me. They've been in the incubator for 6 days now. This is my first time hatching chicks so I went ahead and added some water for humidity but the humidity in the incubator has been 60-70%. I wiped the moisture from the windows of the...
  2. NW Chickadee

    Silkie Chick with leg problem!

    I'm having an issue with my favorite little Silkie chick (why does it always have to be the faves!). I've had him for a week, drove 3 hrs to get them from a reputable breeder that I've used before and while with its mama, he walked fine. Once we got home and I put them in their new home/brooder...
  3. NW Chickadee

    Silkie Chick waking oddly

    I'm having an issue with my favorite little Silkie chick (why does it always have to be the faves!). I've had him for a week, drove 2hrs to get them from a reputable breeder that I've used before and all of her birds look amazing! He walked just fine when with his mama but when I put him into...
  4. goosebutton

    Is "Mickey Chicken" a room or hen?

    Hi, I have a couple silkes chicks, about 16-18 weeks old, I'm not positive. The little black one my 2 yr old names "Mickey Chicken" (because it isn't a "Mouse"). This guy, Mickey is larger than our grey one (hatched at the same time) and its comb and waddle are more developed. I want to say he's...
  5. Smuvers Farm

    Silkies for Meat or What?

    A local breeder of silkies is holding off hatching a batch of fertilized eggs, and has offered some to me to put under my emo Asia Black, Xena. As we aren't set up to keep silkies as pets (DH thinks they are *butt ugly*), we have 2-3 possibilities: 1. Sell the chicks once they hatch to others...
  6. BrahmaMom1797

    Help me sec my Silkie!

    I need help to determine what gender my bird is, I feel like it's a she, makes hen like noises and not the finicky noises like my old roo made, but the birds gender was never verified. Please help.
  7. Beeks83

    Possible Roos?

    Our two chicks (3 week old silkies) have started play fighting quite regularly, where they jump up at eat other with their feet and flap their wings. Does this mean we have 2 roosters?! I can only keep them if they are hens and I've grown so attached already ☹️ Do hens play like this too?
  8. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Looking for 2 silkie hens in maine

    Looking to see if anyone fairly local has 2 blue silkies. Our son lost his 6 month old cockerel Chewbacca today to a visiting neighbors dog. He says he would like white as well. We were going to just get one more however he has a huge heart and his thought is he would like to save 2 chickens...
  9. KrysMarie

    Silky and satin hens or roo?

    They are about 10-12 weeks of age. Breeder told me hens but I'm unsure if she's correct. The white is a paint silkie. The blue is a satin silky. I was told the blue was older but not sure how much older. Thanks in advance!
  10. SRC87

    Beak Concern

    This is my cute little silkie named Clementine. S/he will be 11 weeks at the end of this week. Since the day I brought this fluff home to the coop I noticed the insanely large beak. As Clementine grows the beak becomes more and more hooked and is now cracked at the tip. My husband wants to just...
  11. carlib

    Silkie chicks help

    Hello :) We just hatched 3 silkies. Both parents are all black but the chicks are not. Is that common? Also one has pale feet but I though they all had black feet.
  12. rachelmewald

    Silkie Show Prep Recommendations

    Hello all! I've raised market birds before, but this will be my first year showing exhibition birds. I would love to hear some tips, tricks, etc regarding the preparation of my birds for show. I'll be showing one silkie cockerel and one pullet. The show will be August 3, so there's a little...
  13. K

    Silkie Genders

    I have 5 silkie chickens 3 1/2 weeks old. 3 from My Pet Chicken who are "female" which are the smallest 3 (black,white,buff). I also have 2 that are straight runs from a Silkie breeder, the 2 biggest ones (blue grey,splash) were born 2 days before the other 3 chickens from my pet chicken. My...
  14. L

    Emergency: Silkie chick with twisted neck, jerking around

    Hello. A month ago, I purchased a batch of unsexed silkie chicks, and three died, two of unknown causes (not eating not drinking), one from a different issue. About a week and a half ago, the weather in our area increased in temperature dramatically and suddenly. Out of our 12 remaining chicks...
  15. CaitlinB

    Will 7 Silkie fit in a coop meant for 4-6 larger chickens?

    I am currently trying to find the right coop. We don't have our chicks yet but I want to be prepared for everything. I have read in multiple places that Silkies are much smaller and will huddle together at night. I plan on them being free range and in a large dog kennel that is 9'high and 9'wide...
  16. K

    Silkie Experts Needed!!! Help!

    Hello, my name is Kristen and I have 5 bearded silkies that I am trying to sex. I know they are very hard to sex for awhile as youngsters, but want some insight. As I am new to owning chickens, I need advice and your expertise. I have a split order with someone else so these chickens will be...
  17. Hannah Jeans Farm

    New Coop & Design , YouTube Chanel

    hey!!!! I just uploaded a new video about our chicken coop construction interior design and exterior design everyone please go check it out and let me know what you think !!!
  18. B

    Rooster or hen

    This is my 6 week old splash silkie. Any insight into male or female. He/she has a tiny thin comb and is smaller than her hatchmate whom I'm more inclined to say is a rooster.
  19. drdance

    Please help identify the sex of my Silkies

    Ok, I've read all the good stuff about how hard it is to sex a silkie. I know I have to wait until they crow or lay an egg. That said, some have written that the head feathers can help, the shape, etc. Here are pictures of the silkies, hard to get them to stop running around and poss for a...
  20. bsautner

    Young Silky fight problem

    We're in a little bit of a pickle. Our flock of 6 silkies consists three adults - one large rooster, and two hens. We recently let some broody hens hatch their eggs and now we have three new 2.5 month old chicks. We're almost certain one of the chicks is a roo based on behaviors we've learned...
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