~«Survival By War»~ (Warrior cat rp)

Nightflower purred and padded up to it.She grabbed a large mouse.


Sunstar started picking apart his prey to eat it "So Nightflower, I hope you don't mind that I made you Whitepaw's mentor, Goldentail sure had some choice words for the situation" Sunstar says as he watched the clan continue on celebrating

(Oh yeah we were planning on making a prophecy for Raven, Wing, and Canopy! I figured they have to stop the sudden burst of evil in Cloudclan, I figured the Dark Forest was involved)
Sunstar started picking apart his prey to eat it "So Nightflower, I hope you don't mind that I made you Whitepaw's mentor, Goldentail sure had some choice words for the situation" Sunstar says as he watched the clan continue on celebrating

(Oh yeah we were planning on making a prophecy for Raven, Wing, and Canopy! I figured they have to stop the sudden burst of evil in Cloudclan, I figured the Dark Forest was involved)
(Yeah!Oh, whoops I forgot about Wing!So this will totally work, if you like it.So *random cat, Maybe Night or Sun or maybe Canopy*finds a odd bush, like a canopy(Hence Canopypaw)And looks underneath it and see a dead raven(Hence Ravenpaw)With a odd gray wing(Hence Wngpaw)and we can make up some sort a prophecy later on.
Just a idea :p)
Nightflower took a bite of mouse,"Arenyou kidding?!I loved mentoring Sootstorm!Im glad I got another apprentice,"She meowed."Yeh, Goldentail is NOT happy..."
(Yeah!Oh, whoops I forgot about Wing!So this will totally work, if you like it.So *random cat, Maybe Night or Sun or maybe Canopy*finds a odd bush, like a canopy(Hence Canopypaw)And looks underneath it and see a dead raven(Hence Ravenpaw)With a odd gray wing(Hence Wngpaw)and we can make up some sort a prophecy later on.
Just a idea :p)
Nightflower took a bite of mouse,"Arenyou kidding?!I loved mentoring Sootstorm!Im glad I got another apprentice,"She meowed."Yeh, Goldentail is NOT happy..."

(That sounds like a great idea! I would guess Canopy would find it, being a med apprenice and all)

Sunstar took a few bites of his bird "I'm glad you're fine with my choice. I wasn't sure because you did just mentor Sootstorm. I just wish Goldentail wasn't so angry about it"
(That sounds like a great idea! I would guess Canopy would find it, being a med apprenice and all)

Sunstar took a few bites of his bird "I'm glad you're fine with my choice. I wasn't sure because you did just mentor Sootstorm. I just wish Goldentail wasn't so angry about it"
Nightflower took another bite,"I think after Fernshade died, Goldentail is mad about everything,"She meowed.
Sunstar gives a small shrug "I suppose that's true but would Fernshade really wanted Goldentail to be like she is now"
Nightflower looked at her mouse,"Good point.But the real question is, If Fernshade had died or not, Would it have changed everything?"She quickly answered herself,"Yes.Because Ravenpaw wouldn't always talk to me, gabber ing on about nonsense, and if she Didnt die, it would have turned out diffrent,"
Nightflower smiled and touched her nose to Whitepaw's.She heard a low growling, and turned, Only not to her SUPRISE to see Goldentail and Cloudfur.


Firepaw squealed with joy and touched her nose to Ingerblaze's.She stretched on her tipt Toes to reach her.


Wingpaw jumped in a circle, almost falling off the branch.Without even thinking of touching his mentors nose, he darted down the tree and ran up to Canopypaw,"I'm so glad we can share a den now!The nursery has been so quiet without Ravenpaw's snoring!"


Goldentail growled, When she heard Whiteoaw was being trained by Nightflower,"WHITEPAW!WHITEPAW!FIREPAW!FIREPAW!WINGPAW!WINGPAW!"she yowled.


"WINGPAW!Wingpaw!Wingpaw!Firepaw!Firepaw!Firepaw!Whitepaw!Whitepaw!Whitwpaw!"Ravenpaw lifted her head to the sky and yowled with all her might.She couldn't help but bristle when she could hear her foster mother and the good-turned-bad Medicinemcat muttering and growling at Nightflower.She pinned herself to the ground, and resisted the urge to leap up and snap at them.She turned when she heard Wingpaw,"HEY!I don't snore HTHAT loud!"

Gingerblaze's heart leapt with joy. She quickly composed herself and reached down to tough noses with Firepaw.
Nightflower looked at her mouse,"Good point.But the real question is, If Fernshade had died or not, Would it have changed everything?"She quickly answered herself,"Yes.Because Ravenpaw wouldn't always talk to me, gabber ing on about nonsense, and if she Didnt die, it would have turned out diffrent,"

Sunstar finishes up eating his bird "It makes sense that so many things are different, death brings change I guess" he agrees carefully
Nettlepaw licked her mentor's cheek and ran out of the den.She passed by Sagepaw and Blackwind and wrinkled her nose.Ignoring them, she searched the camp for Hawkclaw.She spotted him, and ran up to him,"Hawkclaw?Ashstripe wants, erm, speak to you,"She meowed.


Sagepaw giggled softly,"But, Blackwind.If I wasn't almost killed, would I have ended likening you like I do know?"she said softly,"Maybe if that fire hadent of happened, if that tree hadent fallen, I wouldn't have liked you."She went on,"things happen, even if you regret doing it, It turns out right in the end,"

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