"Is... that why you joined the Multitude?" Toby asked. He knew what it was like growing up with someone most people view as terrible. "Listen, Indigo, I know this is probably pretty personal. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I.. trust you." He said. He wanted to know more about her, but only if she felt comfortable telling him.
"Yeah, but I haven't told anyone. I mean, some Multitude members know, but I didn't tell them. Maybe I should tell someone," Indigo said. "You know how No-Name did all that stuff? I was living in Britain then. I had no idea all that was happening."
She remembered as a kid stepping daintily across the cold wood-planked floor and pressing her face into her stern guardian's leg. 'Where is my mother? Is she even alive?'
'Yes. I don't know why though. Or where she is or what she's doing. Hopefully she never comes back.'
"Yeah, but I haven't told anyone. I mean, some Multitude members know, but I didn't tell them. Maybe I should tell someone," Indigo said. "You know how No-Name did all that stuff? I was living in Britain then. I had no idea all that was happening."
She remembered as a kid stepping daintily across the cold wood-planked floor and pressing her face into her stern guardian's leg. 'Where is my mother? Is she even alive?'
'Yes. I don't know why though. Or where she is or what she's doing. Hopefully she never comes back.'

Toby didn't know what to say. This was more information than his tired brain could handle. "That must've been hard, not seeing her." He finally said, after running through a list in his head of things that might be acceptable to say. She looked sad, and he had a strange desire to hug her, and to make her happy again.
Toby didn't know what to say. This was more information than his tired brain could handle. "That must've been hard, not seeing her." He finally said, after running through a list in his head of things that might be acceptable to say. She looked sad, and he had a strange desire to hug her, and to make her happy again.
"No. I wish I had never met her..." Indigo said, realizing too late that her tsunami of information she was dropping was probably exhausting Toby.
"No. I wish I had never met her..." Indigo said, realizing too late that her tsunami of information she was dropping was probably exhausting Toby.

"I know what that's like. Wishing you never met someone. Only for different reasons, I guess. Everything happens for a reason," Toby replied quietly. He shook his head. "Never mind, I'm talking nonsense."
"I feel your pain." Wolfram hissed, unsteadily trying to pull himself up Jessi's wing. The dragon's (wyvern's) scales were fairly smooth, giving him little to hold onto. Finally, with a low whimper of pain, he hauled himself onto the top of the dragon (wyvern). He found that there was little to hold onto, sending waves of panic through him. Without warning, ragged coughs racked his body, leaving him gasping for air. A thin whimper escaped his throat, and he clamped his jaws shut. No matter how much pain he was in, he would not let it faze him. "You alright, River?"
Once they were on, Jessi flew them out. She nudged them off of her, and flew back down, hopefully for the last time.
She watched in utter trepidation as the flames fell, leaving only scorched ground between the innocent Inhuman's and Mapleshade's malignant wrath.
There was a rush of black around her as she stood, her feet practically welded to the pavement. The children...no...this is war! Children shouldn't fight in war!
She reached up suddenly, and ripped the mask from her face, her thick, long chestnut hair falling over her armor. For a moment, she hesitated, wondering what the consequences would be for her actions, surely a fatal wound or even death. But she flung herself into the heat of battle, no longer bound to Mapleshade by her own fear, and struck down one of her own comrades' without a moment's hesitation.
She would not let Mapleshade destroy the lives of the Inhuman's any longer, even if it were the last thing she did.


Wolfram took a trembling step backwards. There was no way this was happening. No way. He wouldn't survive a second battle, none of them would. But he scrambled for a stray gun nonetheless, within seconds the echoes of gunshots filling the clearing once more.
River had hardly taken a step off a Jessi before the aching sound of guns firing in the clearing sprung into existence once more. She groaned, immediately she dove at a body, seeing some others stealing vests and did the same, slipping it over her head. Why didn't I think of this before?
She crouched down, taking pistol ammo from the body for her own gun, having ran out in the first battle. Lurching back from the body, she loaded her gun and began firing off at nearby Pure, making sure to hit them square in their foreheads so that they dropped in one shot, that way they weren't protected by their vests and took up more bullets, and so that they didn't suffer.
She jumped a little when a man made of shadows materialized nearby with a shadow long-sword, taking out Pure and jumping in the way of bullets so that they didn't hit the Heroes. Must be one of Toby's. She deduced, pausing as he took a bullet for her. And I'll have to thank him for that later. She continued shooting, and wasn't surprised when the shadow-man dispersed, since Toby's shadows usually seemed to exhaust him and something of that level must have worsened the draining of his stability.
She bent down one more, grabbing more ammo and reloading her gun, before shooting a Pure man who had been headed straight for Wolfram. She growled under her breath, and sided up to the younger shifter, continuing to fire. "I don't see Mapleshade, I don't like not having eyes on her. She could be anywhere."

Finlay slipped through the battle, having gone completely invisible. Why couldn't I have some kind of useful power? Like, fire or something? He grumbled in his mind, before his eyes suddenly fell on his brother, in wolf form, snarling and and nipping at a Pure terrorist. Idiot. It was only knee-jerk reaction that he grabbed a branch, swinging it with all his strength and whacking it on the man's head, rendering him unconscious. "That's how it's done."
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Wolfram dropped the gun as the kick almost paralyzed him with pain, and it felt with a clatter. Hissing, his hand came down to grasp his throbbing ribs, willing for the pain to stop. He lunged for the gun as the clearing was flooded even further with black dressed figures.
A girl, her mask seemingly having been ripped from her face, with chestnut hair and blazing blue eyes came face to face with him. But she didn't attack, only stared for a moment, and blinked.
He realized then that she was probably his age, or younger. "You shouldn't be fighting in this. You're to young."
"So are you." She shrugged, and whirled around, her foot coming up and slamming into a Pure's chest, her hand grasping a knife from her belt, and slamming into the Pure's throat without hesitation. She glanced at Wolfram, shaking her hair from her face, before turning on heel and vanishing into the battle.
I don't really know what just happened. But I don't really care, she's on our side, it seems.
Wolfram ducked and slipped through the battlefield, keeping low and skirting around the edges until he reached Bleddyn and Ash, dispatching a invading Pure member with a wince. He glanced at the mother and daughter, a pang hitting him. They both had just lost someone so utterly dear to them, and now were being forced to fight again.
He dropped beside the dead Pure, pulling the gun from the limp hand.
He didn't look up at Bleddyn and Ash as he spoke, pulling a knife from the Pure's belt and launching it at a approaching dark figure. "There's no time for strategy," he panted. "It's either kill, or be killed." He shrugged, looking at them now. "Take these." He picked up his gun and the dead Pure's gun, holding them up to Ash and Bleddyn. "And please, be careful."

River had hardly taken a step off a Jessi before the aching sound of guns firing in the clearing sprung into existence once more. She groaned, immediately she dove at a body, seeing some others stealing vests and did the same, slipping it over her head. Why didn't I think of this before?
She crouched down, taking pistol ammo from the body for her own gun, having ran out in the first battle. Lurching back from the body, she loaded her gun and began firing off at nearby Pure, making sure to hit them square in their foreheads so that they dropped in one shot, that way they weren't protected by their vests and took up more bullets, and so that they didn't suffer.
She jumped a little when a man made of shadows materialized nearby with a shadow long-sword, taking out Pure and jumping in the way of bullets so that they didn't hit the Heroes. Must be one of Toby's. She deduced, pausing as he took a bullet for her. And I'll have to thank him for that later. She continued shooting, and wasn't surprised when the shadow-man dispersed, since Toby's shadows usually seemed to exhaust him and something of that level must have worsened the draining of his stability.
She bent down one more, grabbing more ammo and reloading her gun, before shooting a Pure man who had been headed straight for Wolfram. She growled under her breath, and sided up to the younger shifter, continuing to fire. "I don't see Mapleshade, I don't like not having eyes on her. She could be anywhere."

Finlay slipped through the battle, having gone completely invisible. Why couldn't I have some kind of useful power? Like, fire or something? He grumbled in his mind, before his eyes suddenly fell on his brother, in wolf form, snarling and and nipping at a Pure terrorist. Idiot. It was only knee-jerk reaction that he grabbed a branch, swinging it with all his strength and whacking it on the man's head, rendering him unconscious. "That's how it's done."
"Yeah, really." Bleddyn, temporarily alleviated of her grief, was far more stable than her afflicted mother. Even though her only burden was the lightweight handgun she'd been given, Ash stood on legs that quivered like saplings in a windstorm. Concerned, Bleddyn watched as Ash managed to wrap one finger around the trigger of her gun, but couldn't settle her quaking hands enough to train the muzzle on anything. Her eyes were heavily lidded, but Bleddyn could see enough to be disturbed by the unevenly-sized pupils. Concussions do that, right?
"We've got to down her. Get rid of the leader and the whole army falls into shambles, right?" Bleddyn tore her eyes away from her infirm mom to give Wolfram a long, weighted look. "And it's not really like we can keep this up forever."
"Yeah, really." Bleddyn, temporarily alleviated of her grief, was far more stable than her afflicted mother. Even though her only burden was the lightweight handgun she'd been given, Ash stood on legs that quivered like saplings in a windstorm. Concerned, Bleddyn watched as Ash managed to wrap one finger around the trigger of her gun, but couldn't settle her quaking hands enough to train the muzzle on anything. Her eyes were heavily lidded, but Bleddyn could see enough to be disturbed by the unevenly-sized pupils. Concussions do that, right?
"We've got to down her. Get rid of the leader and the whole army falls into shambles, right?" Bleddyn tore her eyes away from her infirm mom to give Wolfram a long, weighted look. "And it's not really like we can keep this up forever."
Wolfram's concern for the group of Legends grew when he saw Ash's state. Quickly, he ripped the knife from the Pure's belt, and stood. Frowning, he rolled the blade in his hands, considering Bleddyn's words. "Hopefully that's the case." Hopefully.
"Hopefully." He dragged his gaze to Bleddyn's, letting it dwell on her until he realized they were in the middle of a war, and he probably should get moving. He snapped his head away from her, alerted by the glowing shape of Taylor approaching them.
"She's got reinforcements, somehow." Taylor hissed, throwing a flaming white ball over her shoulder and taking out one Pure.
Cursing under his breath, Wolfram nodded. "Tay, stay with Ash. Dyn, you can stay here, or help me track down Maple. Your choice."
"I know what that's like. Wishing you never met someone. Only for different reasons, I guess. Everything happens for a reason," Toby replied quietly. He shook his head. "Never mind, I'm talking nonsense."
"Yeah," Indigo said, closing her eyes, thinking about what to do next. "We have to kill Mapleshade."
Toby nodded. "If I could get David back, he could kill her," he said. He left out the part that doing so would probably kill him, but the look on his face made it pretty obvious.
"Who's David?" Indigo asked. She looked at Toby sideways, her brow creased with concern. "Is that your..." creepy shadow puppet muse? "shadow guy?"
She shook her head and looked at Toby in the eye. "Maybe you need something to keep your head from spinning," she said. Toby looked dizzy and unstable.

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